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GRADUATE LICENSURE AT MSU LD and EBD. Some Essentials  Admission verified with letter from Graduate School. Letter includes: Name of program to which.

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2 Some Essentials  Admission verified with letter from Graduate School. Letter includes: Name of program to which admitted (licensure or master’s program) Additional requirements for initial teacher licensure students (Accelerated Teacher Licensure) Name of advisor  Recommendations: Meet with advisor early to plan your Program of Study Only master’s degree students required to submit Program of Study to Graduate School; however, good idea for everyone to complete Come prepared (questions, transcripts)

3 Essentials  Advising: Advisor has the authority to approve/not approve prior coursework Advisees assigned randomly Students have the right to change advisors (complete “Change of Advisor Form” through Graduate School Office) Communicate with your advisor regularly


5 Essentials  All prerequisite and core classes offered fall and spring semesters on a rotating campus basis. For example, if 548 is offered in Edina (7700 France) fall semester, it will be offered in Mankato spring semester.  Two campuses allows us to serve 2 distinct student populations  Typical summer offerings include:  Some prerequisites (605)  2 ATL offerings (509 & 514 for summer 2011)  Autism Certificate (680, 681, 682, 683)  Additional core classes (661, 645 for summer 2011)

6 Accelerated Teacher Licensure  Called “Expanded Edition” in the past  Courses also identified as “SEP’s” or Standards of Effective Practice  4 additional courses for students with a bachelor’s degree but no teaching license  Students must be admitted to Professional Education in the first semester of the program.  PLEASE Go to: to begin the process. Admission includes:  Application to Professional Education Unofficial copies of College Transcripts Minnesota Teacher Licensure Exam (MTLE) Basic Skills Test Scores for Reading, Writing, and Math Writing Assessment Lab or WAL  Key College of Education Contact for Admittance to Professional Education: Dr. Scott Page ( (507-389-1777)

7 ATL Rotation  Summer 2011- 509, 514  Fall 2011- 511, 514  Spring 2012- 509  Summer 2012- 511, 513  Key Department Contact: Dr. Andrew Johnson (

8 Student Teaching  Student teaching and seminar classes taken AFTER all prerequisite and core classes completed.  Application deadlines: html  * Fall semester student teaching - Application due by the 4 th Friday in October the preceding year  * Spring semester student teaching - Application due by the 4 th Friday in April the preceding year  Key Department Contact: Dr. Steven Robinson (

9 Student Teaching  Students can student teach while hired if:  Position is full-time  Position is SPED teacher (not paraprofessional)  Position includes working with LD and/or EBD students  Note: ALL students will be assigned a licensed cooperating teacher  Seminar classes taken with student teaching  SPED 648: Seminar Current Issues & Trends LD  SPED 649: Graduate Student Teaching LD  SPED 658: Seminar: Current Issues and Trends EBD  SPED 667: Graduate Student Teaching EBD

10 Licensure requirements  Initial teacher licensure candidates (ATL students who do not hold a teaching license) complete: 1) SPED Core Content of Minnesota Teacher Licensure Exam (MTLE) (2 subtests) 2) Pedagogy Test of MTLE ( 2 subtests-can choose elementary or secondary  Add-on licensure candidates who hold an elementary or secondary teaching license but no SPED license complete: 1) SPED Core Content of Minnesota Teacher Licensure Exam (MTLE) (2 subtests)  Add-on licensure candidates who currently hold a SPED license do not complete either of these tests (passed previously)  These tests would typically be taken at the end of your program but before applying for licensure  Key College of Education Contact for MTLE Questions: Jill Ryan ( 507-389-1217)

11 Licensure Requirements  Apply for licensure after coursework is completed and MTLE exams have been passed (most students prepare application during LD or EBD seminar classes).  Submit application for licensure to Gail Orcutt in the College of Education. She will:  Pull MSU transcripts  Forward application to SPED dept. chair for approval  Send application to state for approval Key College of Education Contact for Processing Licensure Applications: Gail Orcutt (; 507-389- 1216)

12 Master’s Degree  34 graduate level credits required for the master’s degree  Can’t include prerequisite classes 605 and 548  Seminar, student teaching and ATL graduate courses count towards the 34 required grad credits  If earning EBD license need 3 additional classes (600, 610, 694)  If earning LD license need 4 additional classes (600, 610, 694) plus one more 4 credit, graduate level class

13 Graduate sequence  Must be taken sequentially and NOT simultaneously)  SPED 600 Intro to Educational Research (3 credits)  Focuses on basics of summarizing and writing about educational research  Hybrid format (1/3 face-to-face, 2/3 independent/online) or fully online (Check MSU class schedule)  SPED 610 Using Educational Research (3 credits)  Primary focus is academic writing  1 st of 3 capstone papers prepared with guidance/feedback.  Delivery format is fully online  SPED 694 Preparing Capstone Project (1 credit)  2 Double-spaced 12-pg. minimum papers written on current SPED topics  Randomly assigned a SPED department reader  Delivery format is independent study (no face-to-face sessions)  Key Department Contact: Dr. Steven Robinson (

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