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CNATRA Embarked Carrier Qualification Brief

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1 CNATRA Embarked Carrier Qualification Brief
Good morning. I’d like to update you on where the Training Command is today and where we are headed.

2 Admin Items ORM Line Up / Qual Numbers Times Weather Waypoint Plan
Medical readiness Crew rest (10 hours embarked) Flight time limits 2 flights/3 man-up’s, 3.5 hours/flight, 5.0 hours total (2 flights) Line Up / Qual Numbers Times Walk Man-up GTS start (Clearance from plane captain) Takeoff Weather Ship / Enroute / Divert & Bingo Fields Waypoint Plan CQ Brief

3 Communications Radio 1 Radio 2 Tower Departure Warning Area Approach
Lead safe Common Atis CNATRA Base Radio 1 Tower Departure Warning Area Approach Ground CQ Brief

4 Aircraft Man-up Sign ADB in maintenance prior to walking
Cold start/Flight deck Location of A/C ( from flight deck control; escort required) Beware of intakes, exhausts, and propellers! Avoid landing area if flight operations are in progress CQ Brief

5 Preflight Normal Preflight Special attention to: Cockpit Tire Pressure
Launch bar Holdback assembly Landing gear (servicing, security) Tailhook (security, GREASED) Tailhook snubber pressure (950 psi ± 50) Don’t preflight hook if tail over water Cockpit Instruments secure No loose gear, minimum pubs Cat grip Rear Cockpit soloized CQ Brief

6 Deck Procedures Alignment procedures
Call tower: side number, “up and ready”, gross weight No hook check if tail over water Must have hook checked prior to crossing JBD CQ Brief

7 Deck Procedures Taxi to JBD Route and placement of director
Notify tower/deck personnel if fuel is at or below hold down Takeoff checklist prior to JBD (full flaps, 3.5o nose up trim, RADALT set to 40’) Baro Altimeter should indicate approx. 60’ Weight board / signals (500# increments) STOP IF YOU LOSE SIGHT DO NOT lower launch bar prior to rogering a correct weight board CQ Brief

8 Deck Procedures Catapult procedures Watch the director
Taxi slowly. Extend launch bar when directed. Use high gain NWS only when directed (±20 degrees; low gain not available) Taxi slowly into hold back fitting (Update BRC on CDI) Tension signal Remain at idle HEELS ON DECK - OFF BRAKES!! Run-up signal MRT - Use cat grip Retract launch bar (when at MIL) Wipeout controls/Rudder pedals (check gauges/instruments) Head against seat Salute the Catapult Officer- HEELS ON DECK CQ Brief

9 Deck Procedures Catapult procedures (cont.) Catapult techniques
Hold stick lightly - allow it to come back aft during the stroke, then set deg attitude as A/C flies away Scan ADI, AOA, Airspeed. Proceed upwind minimum 1.0 NM before turning downwind if only a/c in pattern Suspend Prior to salute - Shake head “no”, broadcast “Suspend, Suspend“) After salute - same but be ready to go Remain at MRT until Cat Officer moves in front of A/C with “throttle back” signal CQ Brief

10 CV Pattern Pilot controlled pattern Interval – 7 o’clock
Fly instruments scan alt, heading Tacan Gouge Bearing 30o DME: 2.0 Bearing 45o DME: ABEAM DME: Downwind Landing Checklist Harness Check: Anti-skid – Off Hook - Up for 2 touch-and-go’s (unless directed otherwise) RADALT: set to 450’ AOA/airspeed/fuel state cross check Abeam call “Qual #, Abeam” CQ Brief

11 CV Pattern Approach Turn Abeam position: 0.9 to 1.1 NM
Turn at LSO platform (Just see the white of the round down) 90 degree position: 450’ AGL 45 degree position: ’ AGL Don’t look for the ball early Ball acquisition - check VSI and adjust ( FPM) No lower than 300’ AGL without a ball FLY THE NUMBERS – Avoid looking outside the cockpit early in the approach turn….You will appear high and too close abeam CQ Brief

12 CV Pattern CQ Brief

13 CV Pattern Glideslope Work to a good start
Call the ball: (Side #, “Goshawk ball”, fuel state, qual #) Meatball, Lineup, Angle of Attack Fly the ball to touchdown. Landing should be a surprise. MRT and S/B in upon touchdown ALL THE WAY TO A STOP Lineup corrections all the way down Meatball is inaccurate unless you are on centerline DO NOT SPOT THE DECK Always keep your scan moving NEVER ACCEPT A LOW BALL, OR LEAD A LOW DO NOT RECENTER A HIGH BALL IN CLOSE DO NOT TAKE YOUR OWN WAVEOFF CQ Brief

14 CQ Brief

15 Response to LSO LSO Calls Line-up calls in close
Advisory (ie. “winds 25 knots port”) Informative (ie. ”you’re lined up left”, “you’re slow”) Imperative (ie. “power”, “right for line-up”) Line-up calls in close Scan shifts to meatball / AOA CQ Brief

16 CV Pattern Waveoffs T&G or Bolter Downwind Mandatory
Straight ahead (up the angle) unless otherwise directed Do not over-rotate - Hold 17 units AOA landing attitude T&G or Bolter MRT, S/B in, rotate and climb to 600’ Turn to PARALLEL BRC AT THE BOW First aircraft to bow has priority in the pattern Downwind Turn with interval at 7 o’clock or when directed by tower Ask for interval if necessary (no one on the ball) CQ Brief

17 CV Pattern Delta Pattern “EASY” – Gear & Flaps down, S/B in, 150kts
“CLEAN” – Max Endurance (Maintain Interval) First A/C abeam after “CHARLIE” call commences the approach turn CQ Brief

18 Deck Procedures Arrestment Leaving landing area
Fly the ball all the way to touchdown MRT, S/Bs in all the way to full stop!!! (no cut passes) Yellow shirt director at 1-2 o’clock - watch signals (off brakes, pull back, raise hook) Leaving landing area Use high-gain NWS Taxi director signals – above and below waist Follow taxi director If unsure, STOP and ask Tower Clear the foul line expeditiously but controlled Keep your head out of the cockpit CQ Brief

19 Refueling Refueling Procedures Locations Review push-back procedures
Signals for chocks and chains Canopy closed Purple shirt refueling signals Cut signal at 2800# Call tower: side number, “up and ready”, gross weight (as necessary) Mask: On, Takeoff Checks: Complete, prior to pulling chocks/chains CQ Brief

20 Aircraft Hot Switch Hot Switches Aircraft chocked and chained
Seat safed and parking brake set Throttle friction: On Leave electrical equipment on Unstrap, loosen lap straps, seat up and rudder pedals extended Upon signal from PC and intake screen in place, Canopy: Open. Debrief oncoming pilot after switching CQ Brief

21 Normal Departures Case I Perform clearing turn
Maintain 500’ 300kts until 7nm then climb on course (shortest direction) Contact departure for RTB instructions Stay outside 10 DME If directed to join on a lead safe tower will pass appropriate information 250kt rendezvous, join to the outside of the turn in echelon Switch up back radio Do not leave warning area until 2-way comm establised with Sealord CQ Brief

22 Normal Departures Case II Perform clearing turn
Climb to 500’ straight ahead at 300kts 7nm turn to intercept the 10DME arc Turn appropriate direction for the departure radial Remain VMC established outbound Rendezvous VFR on top Tacan Rdvs Mandatory reports “Airborne” “Arcing” “Outbound” VMC when on departure radial CQ Brief

23 RTB Enroute from ship Course Rules Feet dry checklist
Anti-skid switch: On (light will come on when gear down) Lights: On (taxi, anti-collision, strobe, position, form, pinky switch) Course Rules CQ Brief

24 Fuel Management Individual pilot responsibility
Note bingo distance, bearing, range, fuel required Hold down fuel= Gear Down / Flaps Up Bingo #’s CQ Brief

25 Bingo Procedures Be prepared to Bingo at all times
Update Bingo profile as provided by Tower Notify Tower when at bingo fuel THIS IS AN EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Turn to Bingo heading and clean up (including hook) Accelerate to 300 KTS - level (clear traffic/overhead pattern) Commence MRT climb to pre-determined altitude (PCL chart) Don’t wait for safety pilot to join: Leadsafe will run you down Switch departure and dial up Bingo field TACAN - Squawk 7700 IMC as necessary to preserve Bingo profile CQ Brief

26 Bingo Procedures Contact approach control for coordination: state emergency fuel situation Determine best pattern entry - downwind, base leg, VFR straight in, or emergency fuel GCA Heads up for other aircraft Feet dry checklist- Hook: Up, Anti-collision/strobe light: On, Anti-skid: On Land on speed Remember carrier pressurized tires…plan full runway rollout, wet runway Safety pilot techniques – Lead vs. Wingman, etc… CQ Brief

27 Emergencies Suspend NORDO - Fly aircraft first, then check switches and fittings Fly normal pattern, watch for cut lights; waveoff as directed. Subsequent cut lights: “Power” Remain in the pattern until you trap or you are joined on by a lead safe If bingo fuel - BINGO / Squawk 7700 If you require immediate landing, Landing light: On. LSO will use cut lights to “Roger ball” CQ Brief

28 Emergencies Loss of NAVAIDS Lost Plane Lost sight / Inadvertent IMC
Down Plane / SAR Bird strike Midair Landing gear malfunctions (probable steer / dirty bingo) Brake failure Airborne - probable steer and short field arrest On deck - drop hook and transmit to Tower CQ Brief

29 Emergencies Catapult emergencies (cold, soft, holdback failure, hangfire, suspend) Flameout (airborne/during catapult) Blown tire / Smoked tire Expect field arrestment with LSO talk down Hydraulic failure - dirty bingo Launch bar warning light/launch bar down airborne Accel light Brake Pressure caution light System failure Low altitude ejection (clean and dirty) CQ Brief

30 Miscellaneous NATOPS and other QOD
Yellow sheets -“A” for CV ops; log traps, cat shots, T&G’s, bolters and field landing Flight isn't over until you are out of the aircraft and the paperwork is done and you have reported to the SDO CQ Brief

31 You earn your reputation at the ship Be professional and alert
Be the ball. CQ Brief


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