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Building on Your Strengths as an Academic Advisor Proposed Ideas for a Training Workshop Sandy and Lee.

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Presentation on theme: "Building on Your Strengths as an Academic Advisor Proposed Ideas for a Training Workshop Sandy and Lee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building on Your Strengths as an Academic Advisor Proposed Ideas for a Training Workshop Sandy and Lee

2 Audience and Time Frame Suggested time:½ day Target group:New and experienced AAs

3 Objectives of Workshop 1. To compare of effective teaching with effective academic advising. 2. To help advisors recognize and build upon their own strengths which can be transferred to the academic advising arena. 3. To discuss the importance of strong communication skills in academic advising such as, good listening and questioning skills which are essential to effectively dialogue with students 4. To discuss how advisors can help students recognize their strengths. 5. To demonstrate how advisors need to be as enthusiastic with advising as they are with teaching. 6. To demonstrate that advisors, like teachers, have to have a solid grasp of their subject matter. 7. To help teachers establish a road map for their future development as academic advisors.

4 A Review of the Role of an Academic Advisor 1. Ability to motivate students to excellence Tap into students’ intellectual interests and curiosities. Help students identify and build on academic personal strengths. 2. Interpersonal skills Listening and questioning skills Referral skills 3. Ability to understand and meet the needs of special populations. 4. Knowledge of the college Rules, policies and procedures Referral resources

5 1. In what ways is effective advising similar to effective teaching? Group discussion How Are Teaching and Academic Advising Similar?

6 What are your Strengths as an Educator and an Advisor? 1. Which of your strengths as an educator are most useful in advising? Participants to complete Advising Self-Assessment Questionnaire p. 208

7 Academic Advising- Aspects that you like most 1. What aspects of your academic advising work do you like the most and look forward to? To be discussed in two groups and then ideas presented

8 Academic Advising- Aspects that you like least 1. What aspects of academic advising do you like the least ? 2. What could you do to change that? To be discussed in two groups and then ideas presented

9 Assessing Your Communication Skills Effective communications are critical to effective academic advising. Self Assessment – Communication p.115

10 Create a Roadmap to Their Success as an Academic Advisor What further training do they need to take? What resources at the college do they need to access? Open discussion

11 Obstacles – Ongoing “Parking Lot” as Issues Arise On flip chart attendees to list obstacles to being an effective advisor

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