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Maura Barone Fermilab/GDE Toward an integrated suite of project tools : International Linear Collider (ILC) website redux 17 November 2009 – Interlab09.

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Presentation on theme: "Maura Barone Fermilab/GDE Toward an integrated suite of project tools : International Linear Collider (ILC) website redux 17 November 2009 – Interlab09."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maura Barone Fermilab/GDE Toward an integrated suite of project tools : International Linear Collider (ILC) website redux 17 November 2009 – Interlab09

2 Maura Barone (Fermilab/GDE) International Linear Collider Global Design Effort (GDE) Headed by Barry Barish, the team is setting the strategy and priorities for the work of hundreds of scientists and engineers at universities and laboratories around the world. Reference design completed and published in 2007 - provides a technical description of the project and includes an initial value estimate Goal: produce an ILC Technical Design Report by the end of 2012 which will be used to decide the future of the project No physical central location ! Planning, designing and funding the ambitious electron-positron collider project will require global participation and global organisation. International Linear Collider (ILC) Proposed electron-positron collider consisting of two linear accelerators that face each other ~31 kilometers in length The beam will collide 14,000 times/sec at the energy of 500 GeV, with an option to upgrade to 1TeV The ILC will be designed, funded, managed, and operated as a fully international scientific project. 17 November 2009 – Interlab09 2 Image: ILC/Form One Visual Communication

3 Maura Barone (Fermilab/GDE) temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result Tools for a Collaborative Project Management 17 November 2009 – Interlab09 3 Web as a platform for distributed services and infrastructure linking together multiple applications, beyond regional borders Project tools organizational platform recursive process where two or more people or organizations work together in an intersection of common goals […] by sharing knowledge, learning and building consensus entity used to interface between two or more domains that facilitates more effective action of one domain upon the other. Often, a tool may share key functional attributes with one or more other tools collaboration project tool Wikipedia Image: Fermilab

4 Maura Barone (Fermilab/GDE) Main tools to organize and facilitate technical work, communication, engineering and data archiving among globally distributed ILC collaborators: EDMS suite –ILC Agenda –ILC Doc –ILC EDMS ILC website ILC e-newsletter tele-conferencing examples of tools and data sources integration 17 November 2009 – Interlab09 4 Much more than a piece of hardware “One tool does it all…?” Image: Google

5 Maura Barone (Fermilab/GDE) agendas meeting minutes presentations lectures specifications techical reports drawings 3D CAD models ILC notes ILC reports publications illustrations preprints white papers Common access layer not completed yet 17 November 2009 – Interlab09 5 “Web based software solution integrating a collection of distinct software systems, supporting the core functions of storage, search, retrieval of documents.” EDMS suite engineering/electronic document management system

6 Maura Barone (Fermilab/GDE) In operation since March 2006 Powered by InDiCo (Integrated Digital Conference - CERN) –Open source GPL project –OAI-PMH compliant –Scalable –RSS –time zone Server hosted at CERN Support: Indico team and GDE  Schedule and organize conferences/meetings  Store talks/presentations  Search and retrieve talks/presentations/events  Schedule and organize conferences/meetings  Store talks/presentations  Search and retrieve talks/presentations/events 17 November 2009 – Interlab09 6 ILC Agenda Meetings, events, conferences tool

7 Maura Barone (Fermilab/GDE) Category tree Organic and continual growth Reflects the structure of the project, ex. ‘accelerator design’, ‘detector design’ and ‘management’ Managers of each category have full control on everything stored in their respective areas – winner approach, especially in large and global collaborations - empowerment managers can authorize speakers to upload their own slides Statistics ~ 750 meetings/year ~ 4,000 talks per year ~1,700 registered users ~180 categories 17 November 2009 – Interlab09 7 ILC Agenda categories and statistics ics export RSS (events listed in our website)

8 Maura Barone (Fermilab/GDE) ILC Doc In operation since February 2007 Powered by CDS Invenio (CERN) –Open source GPL project –OAI-PMH compliant (Open Archive Initiative metadata harvesting protocol) –Standard MARCXML and MARC 21 –Scalable –Powerful search engine –User personalization –Multilanguage support –RBAC+Firerole (access through roles) –RSS Server hosted at CERN Support: Invenio team and GDE  Submit and store documents/papers  Search and retrieve  Peer review  Submit and store documents/papers  Search and retrieve  Peer review 17 November 2009 – Interlab09 8 Web based digital library system

9 Maura Barone (Fermilab/GDE) ILC Doc detailed record view 17 November 2009 – Interlab09 9 Reference Design Report, ILC-REPORT-2007-001  usage statistics  ranking  comments  rating stars  multilanguage support  usage statistics  ranking  comments  rating stars  multilanguage support

10 Maura Barone (Fermilab/GDE) In operation since May 2007. Server and main support: DESY, Hamburg. Powered by TeamCenter Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) : information system framework to manage the entire lifecycle, from the initial design and manufacturing to operation and maintenance. (access restricted to ILC collaborators)  Documents  3D CAD data  Product structure  Configuration, version and change  Visualization, digital mock-up and mark-up central collaboration, documentation and configuration management platform for engineering design activities of the ILC ILC EDMS 17 November 2009 – Interlab09 10

11 Maura Barone (Fermilab/GDE) ILC EDMS teams and projects web-like central information repository integration of document & CAD data management workflow management direct information access from the web Image: DESY Team Projects ILC collaboration share comment view check-out check-inrelease revise ILC ILC_ART ILC_DR ILC_DR_S3 Image: DESY Organized in teams working environment - local and private areas projects global exchange information areas 17 November 2009 – Interlab09 11

12 Maura Barone (Fermilab/GDE) ILC website design and CMS: 17 November 2009 – Interlab09 12 Launched in August 2005 Redesigned in 2006 “A well-designed functional website will go a long way toward helping to bridge the great distances separating those of us that need to work closely together on a daily basis to develop the ILC design”

13 Maura Barone (Fermilab/GDE) Goals –Home page restyling –Site restructuring (navigation) –CMS upgrade Main identified problems –Cluttered left navigation menu –Page too narrow on standard resolution monitors –‘feature’ column too long –Home page too long (need to scroll) –Rarely used top tabs –No prominent area for ‘special features’ –URLs not intuitive Technical limitations –Editing authorization: all pages (risky) or none (inefficient) –No history –Heavy usage of HTML tables for layout purposes –No ‘in place’ editing 17 November 2009 – Interlab09 13 ILC website redux webbish… but not too webbish (usability tests, users’ feedback and internal evaluations)

14 Maura Barone (Fermilab/GDE) Homepage and navigation then and tomorrow Homepage –Wider layout Still fixed-width, center aligned, pages optimized for 1024 resolution –Recent achievements or news –Images –Latest headlines –Top tabs: no longer by audiences –Content broken down into high level topics Topics content organized by sections – layers of navigation Left navigation with fly-out menus -> save a click Secondary navigation –Complete dynamic sitemap –Quick links –“Bread crumbs” –(Internal) search box on each page –Special boxes - suggestions for further reading Copyright © 2009 ILC GDE. Stay tuned! 17 November 2009 – Interlab09 14 STAGING draft STAGING draft

15 Maura Barone (Fermilab/GDE) Content Management System upgrade Main improvements and new features easier editing and inline editing position, layout and formatting all done through CSS “building blocks” –ability to place one display component on any number of pages, but edit in one place users and groups –allow an authenticated user to edit a given page or a component of a page RSS –dynamic import of feeds (ex. latest meeting froms ILCAgenda or latest preprints) meaningful URLs –ex. rather than version –archiving of all page edits (with time stamp and username) and rollback of edits dynamic sitemap dynamic index of sections and sub-sections 17 November 2009 – Interlab09 15

16 Maura Barone (Fermilab/GDE) Online publication Across the Oceans… the challenging editorial and assembling process required adoption of ad hoc tools Edited by the ILC communicators Published by the GDE Over 2 000 subscribers from all over the word (including physicists, engineerings, students, educators, general public, …) Over 200 issues since 2005 17 November 2009 – Interlab09 16 weekly e-newsletter about recent news, milestones and developments ILC NewsLine

17 Maura Barone (Fermilab/GDE) GDE online meetings take place on WebEx all day long WebEx is delivered as a service (SaaS), over a proprietary network Designated hosts can create new meetings in advance and invite collaborators by email –no need to subscribe when invited to a meeting Real time desktop sharing Phone conferencing Online training and support Works on all main platforms (PC, Mac, Linux, Unix, and Solaris ) 17 November 2009 – Interlab09 17 Global Design Effort round-the-clock ILC webex

18 Maura Barone (Fermilab/GDE) Harvester and metadata repository Harvester and metadata repository Harvester daily OAI-PMH requests XML metadata Repository and data provider Repository and data provider Talks/Events/ Lectures Talks/Events/ Lectures ILCAgenda Repository and data provider Repository and data provider Preprints arXiv Repository and data provider Repository and data provider Publications/ Papers/… Publications/ Papers/… ILCDoc Service provider offering value-added services (ex. search engine) 17 November 2009 – Interlab09 18 ILC Agenda and ILC Doc as data and service providers OAI harvest + OAI expose Harvester: client application issuing OAI requests. A harvester collecting metadata from repositories becomes a service provider. 2007-2009 ~ 20,000 records from ILCAgenda ~ 1,200 records from arXiv Cornell University Library: ILC filter tools and data sources integration – example 1

19 Maura Barone (Fermilab/GDE) Request XML metadata Cost estimate module workbooks Cost estimate module workbooks Cost Management area Cost Management area ILC EDMS Relational database (local PC or external) Relational database (local PC or external) one-time load Upload and check-in ICET Stager (creates a machine configuration) Approval Report generator File storage Builder confidentiality estimators ILC management ILC cost admin WBS conf. file 17 November 2009 – Interlab09 19 ICET – ILC Cost estimating tool cost management process – simplified model “We will need to take costs into account for various value engineering considerations, site specific design considerations, plug compatibility designs, etc when we produce a new "value" costing estimate.” tools and data sources integration – example 2

20 Maura Barone (Fermilab/GDE) ICET uses ILC EDMS for cost estimate modules (CEM) workbook storage/retrieval and revision control ‘Generic parts’ in EDMS are used to model a directory structure for storing baseline estimates and their variants CEM workbooks are attached to EDMS items and related to its corresponding ‘Generic part’ The ICET ‘Stager’ will then pick up the EDMS metadata via a web service in order to create a machine configuration (a full set of CEM workbooks that make up an estimate) that can be downloaded via another web service to a local machine. 17 November 2009 – Interlab09 20 ICET – ILC cost estimating tool interface with ILC EDMS ICET ILC EDMS

21 Maura Barone (Fermilab/GDE) The International Linear Collider Global Design Effort (ILC-GDE) is in the process of building an integrated suite of project tools for communications, data archiving, engineering, costing, scheduling, and project management 17 November 2009 – Interlab09 21 The ILC-GDE adopted several tools for organizing and facilitating the day by day technical work and communication among globally distributed and widely dispersed ILC collaborators We gave an overview of the main tools, but the suite also comprises ILC wiki, ILC forum, ILC weblog, and many more The informative and functional ILC website has been recently redesigned and upgraded Image: DESY

22 Maura Barone (Fermilab/GDE) Stay tuned!

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