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Le cycle cellulaire et la mitose Pour être traduits en français

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1 Le cycle cellulaire et la mitose Pour être traduits en français
PHA Biology 9 Moretti/ Dickson

2 Chromosome Review Chromosomes: DNA tightly coiled around little protein balls (histones) to make it very compact Chromosomes unraveling into DNA Nucleotide Base Pairs DNA Gene: Instructions for making a protein that determines a trait Another Gene: instructions for making a different protein that determines a different trait

3 Chromosome examen Chromosomes: ADN étroitement enroulé autour de balles peu de protéines (histones) pour le rendre très compact Chromosomes unraveling into DNA Nucleotide Base Pairs DNA Gene: Instructions for making a protein that determines a trait Another Gene: instructions for making a different protein that determines a different trait

4 Chromosome Review Contain DNA Number varies with organism: Humans: 46
Cats: 32 Dogs: 72 Note: Page 341 in Textbook has a good picture of karyotype Objectives for Class: Describe the structure of a chromosome. Describe the purpose and the 4 major steps of the cell cycle.

5 The Cell Cycle: Overview
One cell grows and divides into two new cells Purpose: Growth Replace dead cells Repair tissues after injury Asexual reproduction (in single-celled organisms) Amoeba reproducing

6 Major Steps of the Cell Cycle
Interphase: growth; copying of chromosomes & organelles G1 phase: Cell grows S phase: DNA replicates G2 phase: More growth; cell prepares to divide M-Phase: Mitosis Chromosomes separate to form two new nuclei Cytokinesis: Cell splits to form two new identical cells Objectives for Class: Describe the structure of a chromosome. Describe the purpose and the 4 major steps of the cell cycle.

7 Principales étapes du cycle cellulaire
Interphase: la croissance, la copie des chromosomes et les organites La phase G1: cellule croît Phase S: réplication de l'ADN Phase G2: Plus de croissance; cellule se prépare à se diviser M-Phase: Mitose chromosomes distincts pour former deux nouveaux noyaux Cytocinèse: cellule se divise pour former deux nouvelles cellules identiques Objectives for Class: Describe the structure of a chromosome. Describe the purpose and the 4 major steps of the cell cycle.

8 What do you notice about the chromosomes in G1 versus G2?
Objectives for Class: Describe the structure of a chromosome. Describe the purpose and the 4 major steps of the cell cycle.

9 Chromosome Replication During the Cell Cycle
G1 Phase: Chromosomes are un-replicated - each contains one copy of its DNA G2 Phase: Chromosomes are replicated - each contains two exact copies of its DNA Un-Replicated Chromosome Replicated Chromosome S Phase: DNA Replication creates replicated chromosomes Centromere – a small spot in the center of a chromosome Centromere Sister Chromatids – two halves of a replicated chromosome – exact copies of each other Objectives for Class: Describe the structure of a chromosome. Describe the purpose and the 4 major steps of the cell cycle.

10 More Images of Chromosome Replication
Objectives for Class: Describe the structure of a chromosome. Describe the purpose and the 4 major steps of the cell cycle.

11 Why do Chromosomes Replicate?
So they can split during mitosis and separate into two new cells Each cell gets an exact copy of each chromosome! Objectives for Class: Describe the structure of a chromosome. Describe the purpose and the 4 major steps of the cell cycle.

12 Short Activity: Plant Cells in Mitosis Can you identify the different stages?
Objectives for Class: Explain how mitosis separates the cell’s DNA into two different nuclei to create two new cells.

13 M-Phase: Mitotic Division
Mitosis: Chromosomes separate to form two new nuclei Cytokinesis: Cell splits to form two new identical cells Objectives for Class: Describe the purpose and steps of mitosis and cytokinesis. Draw diagrams showing how mitosis/cytokinesis separate chromosomes into two new cells. .

14 Stages of Mitosis Step 1: Prophase Step 3: Anaphase Step 2: Metaphase
Step 4: Telophase

15 Interphase Animal Cell Plant Cells
Objectives for Class: Explain how mitosis separates the cell’s DNA into two different nuclei to create two new cells.

16 Mitosis Stages: Prophase
Mitosis begins (cell begins to divide) Spindle fibers form between the ends (poles) of cell. Objectives for Class: Explain how mitosis separates the cell’s DNA into two different nuclei to create two new cells.

17 Mitosis Stages: Metaphase
Chromosomes line up at the center of the cell Spindle fibers attach to sister chromatids, as they prepare to pull them apart Objectives for Class: Explain how mitosis separates the cell’s DNA into two different nuclei to create two new cells.

18 Mitosis Stages: Anaphase
Chromatids (or pairs of chromosomes) separate and begin to move to opposite ends of the cell Objectives for Class: Explain how mitosis separates the cell’s DNA into two different nuclei to create two new cells.

19 Mitosis Stages: Telophase
Two new nuclei form Chromosomes appear as chromatin (threads rather than rods) Mitosis ENDS Objectives for Class: Explain how mitosis separates the cell’s DNA into two different nuclei to create two new cells.

20 Cytokinesis Cell membrane moves inward to create two daughter cells – each with its own nucleus with identical chromosomes Objectives for Class: Explain how mitosis separates the cell’s DNA into two different nuclei to create two new cells.

21 Stages of Mitosis Objectives for Class: Explain how mitosis separates the cell’s DNA into two different nuclei to create two new cells.

22 Quiz Review: DNA Structure & Replication and the Cell Cycle
Schéma et décrire la structure de l'ADN et ... Label les parties suivantes: le sucre désoxyribose Phosphate bases azotées des liaisons hydrogène. Afficher bon appariement entre les bases azotées. Définir chacun des termes suivants et expliquer comment ils se rapportent tous à l'autre: ADN Les gènes Chromosomes Nucléotides Décrire les étapes de la réplication de l'ADN. Schéma et décrire la structure d'un chromosome. Dessiner un chromosome et l'étiquette de la chromatides centromère et la sœur. Distinguer entre les chromosomes non répliqués et reproduites. Expliquer le résultat objectif et globale du cycle cellulaire. Décrire ce qui se passe à chaque étape du cycle cellulaire: Interphase Phase G1 Phase S Phase G2 Mitose Prophase Métaphase Anaphase Télophase Cytocinèse

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