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How the Cost of Training Model links with the Police ABC Model Helen Smith ABC Technical Group & Bedfordshire Police ABC Lead.

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Presentation on theme: "How the Cost of Training Model links with the Police ABC Model Helen Smith ABC Technical Group & Bedfordshire Police ABC Lead."— Presentation transcript:

1 How the Cost of Training Model links with the Police ABC Model Helen Smith ABC Technical Group & Bedfordshire Police ABC Lead

2 Ownership of the CoTM Shared ownership NCTMIT ABC Board

3 3 Sets of Figures Force Statutory Accounts Force ABC Cost of Training Model (CoTM)

4 Force Statutory Accounts Police Pay Civilian Pay Pensions Transport Supplies and Services

5 Force ABC Reducing Crime Investigating Crime Robbery VAP Promoting Public Safety Visible Patrol Providing Assistance Call Handling Missing Persons

6 Cost of Training Model Cost per course Cost per student Preparation / Delivery / Closure Support Training Sustaining Overhead 2 Versions Budget Actual Cost

7 How they relate Force Statutory Accounts Force ABC Cost of Training Model

8 Statutory Accounts - Cost of Training Cost of Training £1.4M 1% of Force Expenditure Comprises: HQ Training Training Materials Training Expenses External Courses

9 CoTM - Cost of Training (In) Cost of Training £2.3M Comprises: HQ Training & Materials Dogs Training Firearms Training Driver Training Other Excludes: Operational time & External Courses

10 CoTM - Cost of Training (Out) Cost of Courses £2.1M Training Sustaining Overhead £0.2M

11 How they relate Force Statutory Accounts Force ABC Cost of Training Model Total Expenditure £2.3M Less £2.3M

12 Police ABC Model - Cost of Courses Cost per course per student Treated as an Operational Support Cost (OSC) Allocated at the Unit level Example: Traffic Unit (1 officer) Direct Staff Cost (DSC)£60K Advanced Driver Course£4K

13 Police ABC Model - Cost of Courses

14 Police ABC - Cost of Training ABC Cost of Training comprises: Internal Courses from CoT£2.1 M Training Sustaining Overhead £0.2M External Training £0.3M Training Abstractions£3.0M On the job Training (AA)£0.8M Total Cost of Training£6.4M 6% of Force ABC

15 Cost of Training? Force Statutory Accounts £1.4M Force ABC £6.4M Cost of Training Model £2.3M

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