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Phil Young *, Marlann Patterson *, Todd Zimmerman † * University of Wisconsin - Platteville † Madison Area Technical College Funded in part by NSF DUE.

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Presentation on theme: "Phil Young *, Marlann Patterson *, Todd Zimmerman † * University of Wisconsin - Platteville † Madison Area Technical College Funded in part by NSF DUE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phil Young *, Marlann Patterson *, Todd Zimmerman † * University of Wisconsin - Platteville † Madison Area Technical College Funded in part by NSF DUE Grant # 0633583

2  Platteville Engineering Physics department moving to new building  MATC holds lectures and labs in same room  Faculty-Flexible Lecture-Lab Instruction in Physics (FLIP)

3  Implement a department-wide shift towards more active learning  Provide better education for students  Ensure changes will stick  Faculty given freedom to choose how much active learning to include

4  Little evidence that PER based material used  Schools report difficulty maintaining PER based curriculum

5  Many schools try but can’t maintain active learning methods  Assumptions:  Need to convince instructors of need to change  Instructors only need knowledge of techniques to change  Many instructors have ideas more in line with PER but use more traditional techniques in the class * *C. Henderson and M. H. Dancy, Barriers to the use of research-based instructional strategies: The influence of both individual and situational characteristics, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 3, 020102 2007.

6  Expectation of content coverage  Department norms  Extra prep time  Student resistance  Class size  Room layout  Cost of materials

7  Department Norms  Cost of materials Patterson Young

8  Room Layout  Class Size Whiteboard Two Rows of 7 Stations Projector Screen 120°

9  Expectation of content coverage  Student resistance  Prep time  Use already existing PER-based Material(PERM)

10  Student attitude  Colorado Attitude Student Survey  Physic I  Force Concept Inventory  Physics II  Conceptual Survey on Electricity and Magnetism  Light and Optics Conceptual Evaluation  Lab skills  Measurement Uncertainty Quiz

11  Develop assessment of faculty beliefs and practices 1  Help choose PERM best suited to their teaching strengths and style 1 M. H. Dancy and C. Henderson, Framework for Articulating Instructional Practices and Conceptions, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 3, 010103 2007.

12  Test PERM at Platteville and MATC  Assess effectiveness of material  Other institutions can use assessments, make changes, using FLIP site

13 Website: Funded in part by NSF DUE Grant # 0633583

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