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Michaela FEIGL & Susi WINKLER

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Presentation on theme: "Michaela FEIGL & Susi WINKLER"— Presentation transcript:

1 Michaela FEIGL & Susi WINKLER
Self-presentation of conference interpreters in social media A comparative discourse analysis Michaela FEIGL & Susi WINKLER

2 Overview Previous research Methodology Results

3 Previous research Discourse about conference interpreting
Translation studies and social media

4 Previous research I Discourse analysis
Discourse about conference interpreting (Diriker 2004) Discourse analysis Meta discourse Real conference setting de-contextualised contextualised „objectivity and non-involvement“ „subjectivity and personal involvement“

5 Previous research II Content analysis
Translation studies and social media (McDonough Dolmaya 2011) Content analysis : translation blogs (N=50) 15 categories of blog content Sociological approaches to translation studies Status and role of translators Marketing in social networks New trends and topics Basis of our analysis

6 Methodology

7 Object of inquiry Discourse on Facebook 3 sub-types of discourse
A - Official social media webpages Interpreting the World (AIIC) B - Personal blogs The Interpreter Diaries (M. Hof) C - Entertainment webpages Interpretation Is Not Good For You (Anonymous) 20 posts for every sub-discourse Date of reference: 15 January 2014; 12 p.m. CET

8 A - Interpreting the World

9 B - The Interpreter Diaries

10 C - Interpretation Is Not Good For You

11 22 categories of content Posts that contain at least one hyperlink
Link(s) to author‘s own webpage Link(s) to webpages by other authors Personal anecdotes and experiences Photos, images and videos not related to interpreting Interpreting-related humour and funny remarks Photos, images and videos related to interpreting Mention further training and education as well as interpreting-related events Presentation of author‘s own opinion and reflections, esp. on interpreting-related issues Hashtags Share interpreting news Seek opinion or feedback from readers Offer advice on interpreting- related aspects Review articles, books or software

12 Results

13 Hyperlinks (88.3%)

14 Photos, images and videos (33.3% and 30.0%)

15 Discourse C: peculiarities

16 Conclusions Hyperlinks Visual elements Self-presentation
Translators’ networks Visual elements Self-presentation individual collective Discourse „Danica Seleskovitch, [...] was largely responsible for the publication of the first printed directory in 1960.“ „Beginning students [...] will want to read the sections on practice and feedback as early on in their training as possible.“ „When I realise I am doing the UN Security Council for the first time the following morning“

17 Thank you for your attention

18 References Diriker, Ebru De-/Re-Contextualizing Conference Interpreting: Interpreters in the Ivory Tower? Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Dirker, Ebru „Presenting simultaneous interpreting: discourse of the Turkish media, “. (11/18/2013) Lima de Paulo, Erica Luciene. 2012 . O que os blogs de tradução têm a dizer sobre o tradutor? Tradução e Comunicação 23, McDonough Dolmaya, Julie A window into the profession: what translation blogs have to offer Translation Studies. The Translator 17 (1), Zwischenberger, Cornelia Conference interpreters and their self-representation: a worldwide web-based survey. Translation and Interpreting Studies 4 (2),

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