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Hand Protection PPE For The Hands. Introduction We use our hands so constantly that we often take them for granted. Because hands and fingers are taken.

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Presentation on theme: "Hand Protection PPE For The Hands. Introduction We use our hands so constantly that we often take them for granted. Because hands and fingers are taken."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hand Protection PPE For The Hands

2 Introduction We use our hands so constantly that we often take them for granted. Because hands and fingers are taken for granted, they are the most injured parts of the body. Most of these injuries can be prevented by paying attention to your hands and keeping them out of harms way, as well as using the proper PPE.

3 Injury Types Most hand and finger injuries will either be traumatic or contact injuries. Lets take a closer look at each: Traumatic Injuries- These range from cuts to punctures to broken bones to the worst case, amputations. Although cuts or punctures can be minor, if they penetrate the skin they can sever nerves, tendons ect.

4 Injury Types Cont… Contact Injuries- Contact injuries are usually skin diseases or burns that result from direct contact with hot or cold objects, or with chemicals, detergents or metals. Gloves are one of the best ways to protect your hands against hazards. However, be certain to use the proper gloves for the hazard that you are exposed to.

5 Types of Hand Protection Insulated gloves- Insulated gloves are designed to protect you against heat and cold. If you work around open flames the fabric should be fire retardant and reflective of radiant heat. Leather is a good choice for working around hot surfaces. Insulated rubber gloves- Insulated rubber gloves are required around electricity.

6 Types of Hand Protection Cont… Metal Mesh- Metal mesh gloves should be worn when handling sharp objects. Leather gloves- The best choice for rough surfaces and some hot surfaces. Fabric gloves- The best choice when handling slippery objects.

7 Types of Hand Protection Cont… Neoprene or Nitrile- Best choice when working with corrosives. Precautions when working with chemicals: Be sure to inspect gloves for holes. Rinse thoroughly before removing gloves. Clean gloves before storing.

8 Remember: Store gloves in a cool, dark, dry place and be sure they are right side out. Prior to donning gloves bandage any cuts or scrapes. Wash hands frequently with soap and water. Dont use solvents or industrial detergents to clean hands.

9 Additional Hand Protection Hand pads- Hand pads protect against heat, roughness and splinters. Thumb or Finger guards- Can add extra protection on dangerous jobs. Long cuffs and wristlets- Helps keep chemicals or heat from getting into the glove and on the skin. Barrier creams- Helps protect skin from chemicals when applied regularly.

10 Instructors Guide Review any hand or finger injuries or accidents that have occurred at your job. Point out high hazard areas at your job-site. Discuss and demonstrate proper use of PPE employed at your operation. Review the quiz.

11 Quiz 1.The hands and fingers are the most frequently injured body parts. T or F 2.Gloves offer little or no protection to hands and fingers. T or F 3.Direct contact with hot or cold items can cause traumatic injuries. T or F 4.Cuts, punctures, broken bones or amputations are traumatic injuries. T or F

12 Quiz Cont… 5.Metal mesh gloves are best when handling sharp objects. T or F 6.Insulated rubber gloves are designed to protect against heat or cold. T or F 7.Best choice for rough surfaces is leather gloves. T or F 8.Neoprene is a good choice when handling corrosives. T or F

13 Answers 1.T 5. T 2.F 6. F 3.F 7. T 4.T 8. T

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