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Facebook The Wicked Witch Im ready to take that little dog Toto WallPhotosFlairBoxes The Wicked Witch of the West Logout View photos of The Witch (7) Send.

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Presentation on theme: "Facebook The Wicked Witch Im ready to take that little dog Toto WallPhotosFlairBoxes The Wicked Witch of the West Logout View photos of The Witch (7) Send."— Presentation transcript:

1 facebook The Wicked Witch Im ready to take that little dog Toto WallPhotosFlairBoxes The Wicked Witch of the West Logout View photos of The Witch (7) Send The Witch a message Poke Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Wizard of Oz Birthday: December 9, 1902 Movie date: 1939 Reason of Death: Melted Enemy: Dorothy 6 Friends The Wicked Witch The last to go will see the first three go before her. And her little dog too. June 20, 1939 Cowardly Lion to The Wicked Witch I *do* believe in spooks, I *do* believe in spooks. I do, I do, I do, I *do* believe in spooks, I *do* believe in spooks, I do, I do, I do, I *do*! June 29, 1939 Toto to The Wicked Witch Im going to get away sooner or later! July 1, 1939 Glinda the Good Witch to The Wicked Witch Are you a good witch, or a bad witch? July 17, 1939 The Wicked Witch to Dorothy What a nice little dog. And you, my dear, what an unexpected pleasure. It's so kind of you to want to visit me in my loneliness. August 1,1939 Dorothy to The Wicked Witch There is no place like home! August 12, 1939 Dorothy Gale Toto Scarecrow Tin man Cowardly Lion Glinda the good witch

2 Personal Information facebook The Wicked Witch Im ready to take that little dog Toto WallPhotosFlairBoxes The Wicked Witch of the West Logout View photos of The Witch (7) Send The Witch a message Poke Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Wizard of Oz Birthday: December 9, 1902 Movie date: 1939 Reason of Death: Melted Enemy: Dorothy Photos Networks: The Wizard of Oz Sex: Female Birthday: : December 9, 1902 Personality: Wicked Living: Castle in Kansas Color: Green Reason of Death: Melted Activities: Being wicked, Being a villian and taking a dog Interests Causing Chaos Favorite way to travel Broom Favorite Outfit: Black long-sleeved dress Favorite Dog: Toto Favorite famous quote: Ill find you my pretty! Enemy Updated last Week 2 Albums The Dog Updated two days ago Contact Information City Lived In: Not in Kansas anymore Address: 1 Munchkinland lane

3 facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxes The Wicked Witch of the West Logout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of The Wicked which of the West 7 Photos The Wicked Witch of the Wests Albums 2 Photo Albums Enemy 5 photos The Dog 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo The Wicked Witch Im ready to take that little dog Toto

4 Works Cited PICTURES: /www/MyWebFilms/Drama/WizardWest2.asp&docid=gJSS_Oe6wJ40TM&imgurl= &ei=bECUT6HWEcjH6AH7- eW5BA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=578&vpy=354&dur=374&hovh=173&hovw=211&tx=145&ty=108&sig=109450168611510406229&page=1&tbnh=150&tbnw=182&start=0& ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:0,i:152 SlUM&imgurl= px=1010&vpy=204&dur=604&hovh=191&hovw=261&tx=113&ty=116&sig=109450168611510406229&page=3&tbnh=158&tbnw=236&start=47&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:4,s :47,i:250 INFORMATION:

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