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NUMBERS. Cardinal Numbers: 1 - 1000 1 2 3 4 5.

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2 Cardinal Numbers: 1 - 1000

3 1

4 2

5 3

6 4

7 5

8 6

9 7

10 8

11 9

12 10

13 11

14 12

15 13

16 14

17 15

18 16

19 17

20 18

21 19

22 20

23 21

24 30

25 31

26 40

27 50

28 60

29 70

30 80

31 90

32 100

33 1000


35 3

36 23

37 423

38 1,423

39 81,423

40 781,423


42 7

43 97

44 497

45 5,497

46 55,497

47 255,497

48 3,255,497

49 Ordinal Numbers 1stfirst 11theleventh 21sttwenty-first 31stthirty-first 2ndsecond 12thtwelfth 22ndtwenty-second 40thfortieth 3rdthird 13ththirteenth 23rdtwenty-third 50thfiftieth 4thfourth 14thfourteenth 24thtwenty-fourth 60thsixtieth 5thfifth 15thfifteenth 25thtwenty-fifth 70thseventieth 6thsixth 16thsixteenth 26thtwenty-sixth 80theightieth 7thseventh 17thseventeenth 27thtwenty-seventh 90thninetieth 8theighth 18theighteenth 28thtwenty-eighth 9thninth 19thnineteenth 29thtwenty-ninth 10thtenth 20thtwentieth 30ththirtieth 100th one hundredth 1,000thone thousandth 1,000,000thone millionth

50 AGE "You have an 8-year old child“ "My child is 8 years old"

51 DATES Dezembro de 1996 (December of nineteen ninety-six ) 31 de março de 1929 ( March thirty-first, nineteen twenty-nine ) A década de 40 ( the 40's - you say: "the forties" ) O início dos anos 70 ( early 70's - you say: "early seventies" ) No final de década de oitenta (late 80's - you say: "late eighties" ) O verão de 1942 ( summer of forty-two ) O primeiro trimestre de 1998 ( the first quarter of 1998 ) 2000 AC ( two thousand BC ) 55 AC ( fifty-five BC ) 65 DC ( AD sixty-five ) Meados de junho ( mid-June ) Àsquartas e sextas ( on Wednesdays and Fridays ) Uma semana sim, uma semana não ( every other week ) A cadaquinzedias ( every fifteen days / every fortnight / once every fortnight ) Dia sim, dia não ( every other day ) Na véspera de Natal ( on Christmas eve )

52 WEIGHT How much do you weigh? What´s your weigh? I weigh 191 pounds. My weigh is 191 pounds.

53 HEIGHT Q: What's your height? A: I'm 5 feet, 4 inches tall. A: I'm 5 feet, 11 inches tall. A: I'm 5' 11"

54 TELLING TIME 4:15 4:50 4:05 9:30 9:13 9:03 10:10 10:00 9:50

55 16h00 min ( four o'clock p.m. or sixteen hundred hours (in the military) ) 8h15 min ( eight fifteen (AmE) or a quarter past eight (BrE) ) 15h45 min ( three forty-five (AmE) or a quarter to four (BrE) ) 3h25 min da tarde ( three twenty-five pm] 4h00 min da manhã ( four o'clock a.m. / in the morning ) das 15h00minàs15h45min [from three to three forty-five ) na hora do almoço ( at lunchtime ) 18h30min ( six thirty (AmE) or half past six (BrE) ) meia-noite ( midnight / twenty-four hundred hours / twelve o'clock a.m. ) meio-dia [midday / noon / twelve o'clock p.m. ) 7h00min na costa leste ( 7 o'clock EST (Eastern Standard Time) )

56 10h00 min na costa oeste [10 o'clock PST (Pacific Standard Time)] 8h00 min (horário de Greenwich) [8 o'clock GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)] O avião caça deixou a base às16h00min. [The jet fighter took off from base at sixteen-hundred hours.] Amanhã começaremos às 7h45min, faremos um intervalo das 10h15min às 10h30min. O almoço será das 12h25min às 13h40min. [We will start at 7:45 am tomorrow and will have a coffee break from 10:15 am to 10:30 am. Luch will be from 12:25 pm to 1:40 pm.] Qual é a diferença de fuso horário entre Paris e Tóquio? [What is the time difference between Paris and Tokyo?] As tropasdesembarcaramàs07h00min. [The troops were deployed at oh seven hundred hours.] Datas 1995 [nineteen ninety-five] 2001 [two thousand (and) one (AmE) / two thousand and one (BrE)] De março a outubro [from March to October]

57 READING SIGNS @ At or At symbol # Octothorpe, Number, Pound, sharp, or Hash £ Pounds Sterling or Pound symbol € Euro $ Dollar sign ¢ Cent sign ¥ Japanese Yen $ Generic currency § Micro % Percent ° Degree ^ Caret or Circumflex

58 & Ampersand or And * Asterisk and sometimes referred to as "star". ( Open parenthesis ) Close parenthesis - Hyphen, Minus or Dash _ Underscore + Plus = Equals { Open Brace } Close Brace [ Open bracket ] Close bracket | Pipe, Or, or Vertical bar \ Backslash or Reverse Solidus

59 Math Equations 45 + 5 [plus / and] 126 - 65 [minus / take away] 18 ± 2 [plus or minus] 6 x 5 [(is) multiplied by / times or by (when giving dimensions)] 887 ÷ 7 [(is) divided by] x = 63 [is equal to / equals] a ` c (is not equal to / does not equal) x < 5 ( is less than ) r # 14 ( is less than or equal to ) x > 2 ( is more than ) 3:9::4:12 ( three is to nine, as four is to twelve] 32 Î c ( is an element of (a set) )

60 pr2 ( pi /pai/ r squared ) V ( the radical sign that indicates the square root ) 4 ( infinity ) % ( percent or per hundred ) logax ( logarithm of x to base a ) c = i or { } ( conjunto vazio = empty set ) a 1 b ( intersecção = intersection ) c c d ( união = union ) 65 d d ( contido = is a subset of ) x2 ( x squared ) x3 ( x cubed ) x4 ( x to the power four / to the fourth ) p < 0,05 ( p is less than point zero five ) a média é 135 ( the mean is 135 ) a mediana é 23 ( the median is 23 ) a médiafoi 13,59 ( the mean was 13.59 ) desvio padrão ( standard deviation )

61 10 mm ( millimeters ) 120 m2 ( square meters ) 900 g ( grams ) 3 m3 ( cubic meters ) 1,75 l ( liters ) 1,201 galões ( gallons ) 28,35 g ( grams ) 2 cm ( centimeters ) 0,393 polegadas ( in or inches ) 18 onças ( ounces ) 45,4 kg ( kilograms ) 1,094 jardas ( yd or yards ) 3,000 m ( meters ) 45,89 km ( kilometers ) 18 léguas marítimas ( sea leagues ) 15 toneladas ( tons ) 0,621 milhas ( miles ) 18 pés ( feet ) 2,471 acres ( acres /ei' kers/ ) 0,405 hectares ( hectares /hék'térs/ ) 0,383 milhas quadradas ( square miles )

62 6,45 polegadas quadradas ( square inches ) O Monte Everest tem 29.028 pés de altura. ( Mount Everest is 29,028 feet high. ) O aviãoestávoando a 20.000 pés. ( The airplane is flying at a height / an altitude of twenty thousand feet. (20,000 ft) ) A profundidade média do mar é 12.000 pés ou 2 milhas e meia. ( The sea's average depth is twelve thousand feet or two and a half miles. (12,000 ft) ) A sala tem 16 pés de largurapor 25 pés de comprimento. ( This room is sixteen foot/feet (wide) by twenty-five (foot/feet) (long). (16ft x 25ft or 16' x 25') ) Precisamos de um escritório de 600 m2. ( We need six hundred square meters of office space. (600 sq m) ) São necessários 30 pés cúbicos de areia para misturar com o cimento. ( You'll need thirty (cubic) feet/foot of sand to mix with the cement. (30cu ft) ) A temperatura era de 95° F à sombra hoje pela manhã. ( It was 95 (degrees) in the shade this morning. (95° F) ) Meu peso é 81 quilos. ( I weigh eighty-one kilos. (81 kg) ) Minhaesposa tem 1,68m de altura. ( My wife is one meter sixty-eight (centimeters) (tall). (1.68m) )

63 Frações 1/2 [half / one half] 2/3 [two thirds] 3/4 [three quarters] 5/8 [five eighths] 3/16 [three sixteenths] 4/5 [four fifths]

64 Porcentagens 34% [thirty-four percent] 0.9% [point nine percent] 1.1% [one point one percent] 110% [one hundred ten percent] 0.02% point oh two percent 80 kilometers per hour 55 miles per hour 15 knots

65 4 X 400. four by four hundred relay. (4 X 400m) 2,05m. two point oh five meters. (2.05m) Agassi won the first set six four/by six games to four. (6-4) Agassi went on to win the match by three sets to two. 3-2 The half-time score was one all. (1-1) DECIMAL 0.55% [point fifty-five percent].

66 Reading Numbers "AND" AND NUMBERS Somente no inglês britânico, a conjunção "AND" é usada antes dos dois últimos algarismos, ou seja, a dezena e a

67 Cardinal Numbers There are over 7 billion people in the world today. Survivor’s grand winner gets a 1-million-dollar prize. A thousand is ten times one hundred. The Hundred Years’ War actually consisted of a number of wars that occured between 1137 and 1453.

68 Cardinal Numbers Decimals 4.6 (four point six) Percentages E.g. Roughly 50% (fifty percent) of the population is male. Fractions 7/8 → seven-eighths E.g. Seven-eights of the 2012 All-Stars wore Nike.

69 Cardinal Numbers Expressions 90 mph (miles per hour) E.g. She was doing 90 mph on the freeway. Weight 75 kg (kilograms); 20 lbs (pounds) E.g. I weighed 75 kilograms before I did yoga. E.g. I have already lost 20 pounds.

70 Cardinal Numbers Telephone number To make a reservation at the Hotel Planalto, call 0044-203-027-7155. Date On 05/06/2012, Venus would transit between the Earth and the sun. Temperature The outside temperature is a blistering 34˚C (thirty- four degrees Celsius or Centigrade)

71 Cardinal Numbers The temperature is expected to drop to 50 ˚F (fifty degrees Fahrenheit) in the evening. Height He stands 1 m 82 cm tall. Price That pair of shoes costs $120. Score It’s now 2-1 (two-to-one) in favor of Brazil.

72 Ordinal Numbers OrdinalWord form 1 st First 2 nd Second 3 rd Third 4 th Fourth 5 th Fifth 6 th Sixth 7 th Seventh

73 Ordinal Numbers OrdinalWord form 10 th Tenth 20 th Twentieth 21 st Twenty-first 30 th Thirtieth 100 th One hundredth 1,000 th One thousandth 1,000,000 th One millionth

74 Reading Practice 1 81 281 7,281 37,281 237,781 10,237,781

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