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The University of Montana Institutional Trends – FY00 – FY09.

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Presentation on theme: "The University of Montana Institutional Trends – FY00 – FY09."— Presentation transcript:

1 The University of Montana Institutional Trends – FY00 – FY09

2 How much has the General Funds budget grown over the last 10 years? Answer: 69%, or $55 million

3 How have the primary sources of revenue changed since FY00? State appropriation45% Tuition and Fees87%

4 How has the Cost of Attendance for Resident students changed since FY00?

5 How much has enrollment grown over the same period? Enrollment Growth1,494 FTE13%

6 Has much has cost-per-student grown? Increased Cost per Student: Average 5.4% Per year Cumulative FY00-FY09 49%

7 How does this compare to inflation? Cost/Student CPI HEPI Cumulative 49%27.5% 38.7% Average 5.4% 3.1% 4.3%

8 How does our cost-per-student compare to national benchmarks? According to the Lumina Foundation’s 2006 Delta Cost Project, UM was the most the most cost-efficient public research institution in the nation. In 2007, the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems found that Montana universities ranked 45 th (6 th lowest) in the nation for dollars spent per FTE student at $9,124. UM’s cost-per student in 2007 was $9,762. By comparison, Alaska (1 st ) spent $18,352 while Florida universities (50 th ) spent an average of $7,873.

9 Has the growth been equal across programs and expense categories? Answer: No

10 Expenses by Program FY00 vs FY09 Note: FY00 figures are adjusted to reflect the reclassification of IT costs in FY04.

11 Which programs have grown the fastest? By Program Scholarships/Fee Waivers Operation & Maintenance of Plant Research Cumulative Growth Rate 208% 94%

12 Why has Fee Waiver cost gone up so dramatically? Utilization (number of students)$3.0 million Tuition Rate Increases 3.8 million Total$6.8 million

13 What makes up the O&M cost increase?

14 Health Care Benefits per person

15 How have staffing levels changed?

16 Employee FTE Growth by Category

17 Employee FTE Growth by Program Note: FY00 Institutional Support figures are adjusted to reflect the reclassification of IT costs in FY04.

18 Cumulative Salary Changes FY00-FY09

19 What do these data tell us? Discussion

20 What additional questions are raised?

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