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Fast Food Nation: Chapter 10 A Global Realization

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1 Fast Food Nation: Chapter 10 A Global Realization
By: Larrissa Loyd and Sarah Ulber

2 Summary Chapter 10 begins with the author discussing Paulen, Germany and its history. He tells of how everyone seems to be surprised when he tells them he wants to visit the town. He goes on to describe how it was the first town in East Germany to host a McDonald’s restaurant in He goes on to describe his experience in L.A. during the time he was researching the book.

3 Author’s intent To show how the epidemic of obesity is spreading throughout the world as fast food chains expand to other countries.

4 Major assertions or findings
After World War II consumption of meat rose significantly. A decade ago, McDonalds had 3,000 restaurants inside the united states; today it has about 17,000 in more than 120 foreign countries. “By eating like Americans, people all over the world are beginning to look like Americans.” Obesity has been linked to heart disease, colon cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, infertility, and strokes.

5 Author Bias Schlosser was not bias in this chapter. He provided his experiences in Germany as well as Los Angeles and provides a history on the town of Paulen Germany.

6 Relevance/ Connections
Obesity is a huge problem in America today. Many of the population struggles with their weight because of bad eating habits such as eating out frequently. Chain restaurants such as KFC and McDonalds are extremely popular in other countries, such as China.

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