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Presentation on theme: " Oil Spill Response 25 Years After the Exxon Valdez and in the Wake of the Deepwater Horizon: What Have We Learned and What Are We Missing?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oil Spill Response 25 Years After the Exxon Valdez and in the Wake of the Deepwater Horizon: What Have We Learned and What Are We Missing?

2 Oil Spill Response Forum Setting the Stage 2002: Oil spill response focus in U.S. was moribund Exxon Valdez 13 years earlier Little R&D funding Double hull tankers Lulled into complacency Oil spill community knew it could happen again NOAA decision to fund center to focus on oil spill response and restoration issues and needed R&D to “revive” focus

3 Oil Spill Response Forum Setting the Stage

4 Oil Spill Response Forum Setting the Stage

5 Oil Spill Response Forum Center Focus Before Deepwater Horizon: 5 Year Oil Spill Response R&D Plans Dispersants and Dispersed Oil Human Dimensions Submerged Oil Environmental Response Management Oil Spill Toxicity Spill Modeling Arctic Spill Response

6 Oil Spill Response Forum Center Focus Since Deepwater Horizon: R&D Planning including Interagency Coordinating Committee on Oil Pollution Research (ICCOPR) Federal R&D Plan Dispersants and Dispersed Oil Human Dimensions Submerged Oil Environmental Disaster Data Management Spill Response for Oil Sands Products Arctic Natural Resource Damage Assessment Use of Dispersants During Arctic Spill Response

7 Oil Spill Response Forum Genesis of Today’s Forum Historic Milestones: 25 Year Exxon Valdez and 5 Year Deepwater Horizon What can we learn from these spills? What issues that were paramount during these spills and still remain? University of New Hampshire is the institution to do this!

8 Oil Spill Response Forum Focus of Forum What have we learned from the Exxon Valdez and Deepwater Horizon spills? How can they inform future spill response? What should we do differently to address the spills of the future?

9 Oil Spill Response Forum Focus of Forum Focus on spill response: Role of academic science in spill response Communication via media Human dimensions: social and public health Policy and politics

10 Oil Spill Response Forum Focus of Forum Role of academic science in spill response Communication via media Human dimensions: social and public health Policy and politics Solutions to issues: Not legislative Not regulatory Transform Recommendations into Practice

11 Oil Spill Response Forum Outcome of Forum Usual videotapes and report Cross-section of experts are gathered; generate consensus recommendations Path forward to address the key issues highlighted during this forum

12 Oil Spill Response Forum Types of Sessions Examine Specific Spills Exxon Valdez Deepwater Horizon Future Spills: Arctic Inland (Rail and Pipeline) Two keynote speakers (Response and Science) Discussion by key participants: Government Industry NGO

13 Oil Spill Response Forum Types of Sessions Panels: Role of academic science in spill response Communication via media Human dimensions: social and public health Policy and politics Panelists represent key participants and perspectives

14 Oil Spill Response Forum Agenda Tuesday Overview of Oil Spills in the U.S. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Response Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Response Panel 1: Role of Science in Spill Response Networking Panel II: Role of Media in Spill Response

15 Oil Spill Response Forum Agenda Wednesday Future Spill Scenarios Panel III: Human Dimensions, Social and Public Health Panel IV: Policy and Politics Panel V: Path Forward

16 Oil Spill Response Forum Questions Audience questions encouraged! Online: Click on submit a question Written on cards available from forum staff

17 Oil Spill Response Forum Agenda Tuesday Overview of Oil Spills in U.S. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Response Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Response Panel 1: Role of Science in Spill Response Networking Panel II: Role of Media in Spill Response

18 Oil Spill Response Forum

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