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10 Ways to Ruin Your Mini-Max microcontroller (and lose $69)

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Presentation on theme: "10 Ways to Ruin Your Mini-Max microcontroller (and lose $69)"— Presentation transcript:

1 10 Ways to Ruin Your Mini-Max microcontroller (and lose $69)

2 Schematic Examples of some common mistakes

3 Problem: No current limiting resistor for LED I/O pins are logic level control signals only

4 Problem: I/O pins must be limited to 5 volts Always test voltage levels

5 Problem: Output pin is driven high by program but low by switch Set up inputs & outputs before connecting them

6 Problem: Battery is connected backwards! Be very careful with this

7 Problem: Two outputs connected together Watch your pin direction control registers (TRIS)

8 Problem: Input voltage exceeded Power supply must be between +6 and +15 volts

9 Problem: Vdd is +5 volts from internal voltage regulator Do not apply any other voltage to this pin

10 Problem: Vdd pin cannot power other circuits (except low power loads like sensors, etc.)

11 Problem: Too much current from one I/O port Use lower current or other ports

12 Problem: Pins are sensitive to static electricity Avoid touching pins

13 “Logical” Nomenclature What do you call the pin state? OFF FALSE ZERO LOW NO 0 VOLTS Vss GROUND ON TRUE NOT ZERO HIGH YES +5 VOLTS Vdd POSITIVE

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