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How to Find a Fraction on a Number line

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Presentation on theme: "How to Find a Fraction on a Number line"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Find a Fraction on a Number line
By: Megan Black

2 A number line and a ruler are very much alike.
1 2

3 On a ruler, each inch is considered one whole inch
Nine whole inches One Inch Two Inches Three Inches

4 The marks in between the whole inches are fractions of an inch

5 Number lines are read the same way.
The Numbers are read as whole numbers. The marks in between are read as fractions. 1 2

6 There are three steps to reading fractions on a number line
Step One-Count the spaces in between the zero and the one on the number line. That is your denominator. 2 1 4

7 Step Two- Count the sticks, starting at the first stick after zero
Step Two- Count the sticks, starting at the first stick after zero. Stop at the point you are naming. This is the Numerator. 1 3 4

8 There is only a step three if the fraction is past a whole number.
If the fraction is past a whole number, steps one and two are the same except that you count the spaces and marks in between the whole numbers closest to the fraction. 1 2

9 Mixed number fractions
Step One-Count the spaces in between the whole numbers where the fraction is placed. That is your denominator. 1 2 4

10 Mixed number fractions
Step Two- Count the sticks, starting at the first stick after the whole number. Stop at the point you are naming. This is the Numerator. 2 1 2 4

11 Mixed number fractions
Step Three- Write the whole number as a whole number beside the fraction. 2 1 1 2 4

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