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Will / won´t / may / might not Certainty / possibility

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Presentation on theme: "Will / won´t / may / might not Certainty / possibility"— Presentation transcript:

1 Will / won´t / may / might not Certainty / possibility
Future Will / won´t / may / might not Certainty / possibility

2 Will or won´t or may or might not?
1 Tomorrow we _______ meet the President. (perhaps) 2 In the future more and more species _______ be endangered . (100% certain) 3 In ten years´time _______ be a student. (100% certain) 4 I _______ come to the party. I’m feeling quite tired at the moment. (perhaps) 5 In the future more people _________ live in big cities. (100% certain)

3 Results 1 Tomorrow we may meet the President. (perhaps)
2 In the future more and more species will be endangered . (100% certain) 3 In ten years´time won´t be a student. (100% certain) 4 I might not come to the party. I’m feeling quite tired at the moment. (perhaps) 5 In the future more people will live in big cities. (100% certain)

4 Answer the questions Use will/won´t/may/might not
Do you think Jim will lend you his car? I´m not sure. He …… Do you think the weather tomorrow will be nice? I´m sure the weather…. Do you think there´ll be enough people at the concert? I´m not sure …. Do you think you will go to the mountains at the weekend? I´m not sure. I…..

5 Possible answers Do you think Jim will lend you his car?
I´m not sure. He may/might lend me his car. He might not lend me his car. Do you think the weather tomorrow will be nice? I´m sure the weather will be nice tomorrow. Do you think there´ll be enough people at the concert? I´m not sure. There may/might/might not be enough people at the concert. Do you think you will go to the mountains at the weekend? I´m not sure. I may/might go to the mountains.

6 Translate will/won´t/may/might not
Možná zítra nepůjdu do školy. Budu u tebe v pět. Možná dnes půjdu brzo spát. Jsem unavená. V budoucnosti, lidé možná budou víc jezdit vlakem. Zítra budu muset pomáhat na zahradě. V pátek možná nebude schůze. Za dva roky budu vdaná.

7 Results I might not go to school tomorrow.
I will be at your place at five. I may/might go to bed early tonight. I´m tired. In the future, people might travel by train more. I will have to help in the garden tomorrow. There might not be the/a meeting on Friday. I will be married in two years´time.

8 Zdroje Mluvnické okruhy Maturita Solutions Intermediate Archiv autora

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