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Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5-7. Introductory Thoughts It is probable that Matthew has gathered several teachings of Jesusspoken at different times into.

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Presentation on theme: "Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5-7. Introductory Thoughts It is probable that Matthew has gathered several teachings of Jesusspoken at different times into."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5-7

2 Introductory Thoughts It is probable that Matthew has gathered several teachings of Jesusspoken at different times into one sermon. It is probable that Matthew has gathered several teachings of Jesusspoken at different times into one sermon. Its focus: the righteous life of the Christian. Its focus: the righteous life of the Christian. Its purpose: To give a true interpretation of Gods law. Jesus is like Mosesthe lawgiver. Its purpose: To give a true interpretation of Gods law. Jesus is like Mosesthe lawgiver. Its setting: A mountain in Galilee. Its setting: A mountain in Galilee. Its audience: The disciples. Its audience: The disciples.

3 Overview of Content 1. The Beatitudes (5:3-12) 1. The Beatitudes (5:3-12) Character traits of a Christian. Character traits of a Christian. 2. The Disciples Responsibility (5:13-16) 2. The Disciples Responsibility (5:13-16) Affect the world by ones life (salt & light). Affect the world by ones life (salt & light). 3. Living a Life of Righteousness (5:17-7:12) 3. Living a Life of Righteousness (5:17-7:12) The main body of sermon. The main body of sermon. 4. Exhortations & Warnings (7:13-27) 4. Exhortations & Warnings (7:13-27) Jesus focuses on doing these things (7:24). Jesus focuses on doing these things (7:24).

4 The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12) Blessed describes the incomprehensible joy of those who are spiritually fulfilled by God. Blessed describes the incomprehensible joy of those who are spiritually fulfilled by God. The poor in spirit: the person who depends completely on God for spiritual life. The poor in spirit: the person who depends completely on God for spiritual life. Those who mourn: those who can feel pain at the worlds sin and cry out to God for justice. Those who mourn: those who can feel pain at the worlds sin and cry out to God for justice. The meek: the self-controlled person. The meek: the self-controlled person. Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness: those who seek the characteristics of God. Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness: those who seek the characteristics of God.

5 The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12) The merciful: one who is both compassionate and forgiving (the Good Samaritan). The merciful: one who is both compassionate and forgiving (the Good Samaritan). The pure in heart: describes the honest heart, full of integrity, and sincerity; no false motives. The pure in heart: describes the honest heart, full of integrity, and sincerity; no false motives. The peacemakers: those who bring peace to any situation, knowing God will handle judgment. The peacemakers: those who bring peace to any situation, knowing God will handle judgment. Those who are persecuted because of righteousness: living a holy life will bring hostility from the world. Those who are persecuted because of righteousness: living a holy life will bring hostility from the world.

6 The Disciples Responsibility (Matthew 5:13-16) To be salt & light of the earth. To be salt & light of the earth. These descriptions speak about how Christian behavior is to affect the immediate surrounding. These descriptions speak about how Christian behavior is to affect the immediate surrounding. Salt: to season, preserve the world. Salt: to season, preserve the world. Light: to guide others out of darkness by our example. Light: to guide others out of darkness by our example. Goal: to live life in such a way as to influence others for good (5:16). Goal: to live life in such a way as to influence others for good (5:16).

7 Living the Righteous Life (Matthew 5:17-7:12) Key concept: Throughout this section, Jesus will call attention to thoughts, motivations, and attitudes, behind actions not just to the actions themselves. Key concept: Throughout this section, Jesus will call attention to thoughts, motivations, and attitudes, behind actions not just to the actions themselves. You have heard it said... But I say... You have heard it said... But I say... This phrase signals Jesus correction of what Gods laws really meant. This phrase signals Jesus correction of what Gods laws really meant. Practical areas of life: anger, oaths, revenge, adultery, treatment of enemies, money, prayer, general treatment of others. Practical areas of life: anger, oaths, revenge, adultery, treatment of enemies, money, prayer, general treatment of others.

8 Exhortations & Warnings (Matthew 7:13-24) Focus: Do not simply listen to Gods word; do what it says (7:24; see James 1:22). Focus: Do not simply listen to Gods word; do what it says (7:24; see James 1:22). What pleases God is living a moral life (vv. 21- 23), not a bunch of good acts. (Micah 6:8) What pleases God is living a moral life (vv. 21- 23), not a bunch of good acts. (Micah 6:8) There are two types of builders (vv.24-27). There are two types of builders (vv.24-27). Builds on sand: will be destroyed by storms (lifes difficulties). Builds on sand: will be destroyed by storms (lifes difficulties). Builds on rock: will survive lifes storms. Builds on rock: will survive lifes storms. Rock = the teachings of Jesus. Rock = the teachings of Jesus.

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