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Høgskolen i Oslo Interdisciplinarity and Climate Change Karl Georg Høyer Oslo University College Key-Note Lecture NORD-STAR Launch Norrköping. 25.05.2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Høgskolen i Oslo Interdisciplinarity and Climate Change Karl Georg Høyer Oslo University College Key-Note Lecture NORD-STAR Launch Norrköping. 25.05.2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Høgskolen i Oslo Interdisciplinarity and Climate Change Karl Georg Høyer Oslo University College Key-Note Lecture NORD-STAR Launch Norrköping. 25.05.2011



4 IPCC l A Claim: l IPCC is the most comprehensive, counter- reductionist, and interdisciplinary scientific endeavour ever achieved; highly emphasised by its encompassing international structure and cooperation

5 Key Concepts l To substantially differentiate between: l Multidisciplinarity l Interdisciplinarity

6 Key Concepts l Mono-disciplinary l Cross-disciplinary l Multi-disciplinary l Inter-disciplinary l Trans-disciplinary l Post-disciplinary

7 Key Features l Interdisciplinarity; l The singular disciplines are still there – both before and after l After: The researchers return to their respective disciplines l However, also after: These disciplines shall be challenged, enriched; dominating paradigmes, theories, models should be challenged

8 l Interdisciplinarity implies: l To take the large steps between scientific disciplines, not only between the disciplines within one area of science l That is: to take the steps between social sciences, economics, natural sciences, technological sciences, humanities and art Key Features

9 To establish a multidisciplinary research team connected to a common research task or issue l To develop a common understanding of the task/issue (ontological homogeneity) l To uphold the disciplinary enrichment based on knowledge contributions from the various disciplines (epistemological and methodological heterogeneity)

10 Key Features l The Holy Three Unity of Interdisciplinarity: A. Metatheoretical Unity B. Methodological Specificity C. Theoretical Pluralism and Tolerance

11 Key Features l Ontological Features; l Open Systems Research l Multiplicity and Interconnectivity of levels and causes l Counter-Reductionism l Epistemological Features; l Cross-disciplinary understanding and communication l Effective epistemic integration

12 Interdisciplinary Climate Change l The DPSIR scheme; 1. Driving Forces (D) 2. Pressures (P) 3. States (S) 4. Impacts (I) 5. Responses (R) - A multitude of causal mechanisms, feedbacks, and levels, within and between the various DPSIR analytical steps (= Open Systems)

13 Interdisciplinary Learning l Theoretical pluralism l Methodological pluralism l Both respect and humility (it might even be that the others from far-away disciplines might have something to contribute with) l Deconstructing stereotypes of «the others» l Deconstructing simplified understandings and interpretations of «the others» knowledge fields

14 The End? l Interdisciplinary research is: No Herb Tea Party

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