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Presenter Mr. Yoram Cohen The Israel Mental Health Association.

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Presentation on theme: "Presenter Mr. Yoram Cohen The Israel Mental Health Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenter Mr. Yoram Cohen The Israel Mental Health Association

2 The origin of the name Enosh is from the Bible and the meaning of the word itself is human being. The word Enosh means everything.

3 Our work is based on humanity for human being, for those who are rejected by society, hiding behind closed doors and choose to be anonymous when trying to cope with their difficulties, night and day.

4 The name Enosh has accompanied us since the founding of the organization 28 years ago. Our agency had been founded in 1978 by families, volunteers & professionals. Today we have 52 branches all over the country provides services to almost 6,000 consumers in all sectors, including the Arab sector.

5 Enosh has 680 workers from many disciplines: social workers, psychologists, rehab workers, students, etc. Together they provide a package of rehabilitation services to consumers in the community.

6 Mission Statement Our agency has its Mission Statement:   Promoting the subject of mental health.   Improving the quality of life for consumers and their families.   Rehabilitating and rain streaming of consumers in the community in accordance with their abilities and needs.   Creating services in the community.   Fighting stigma on an ongoing basis through the media and cultural events.

7 SERVICES IN THE REHABILITATION PACKAGE Our services are based on the psycho-social model, a process aimed at improving the level of functioning and ability to cope with mental health disabilities, focusing on assets, strengths, self-definition and recovery. We provide services in housing, vocational and social rehabilitation.

8 We have additional projects such as:   Counseling Centers for Families   Mentoring   Vacations   Conferences   Publicity campaigns   Etc … Families are a significant factor in the rehab process, Enosh provides support for the families who are coping with a range of difficulties, for them we are running Family Counseling Center.

9 FAMILY COUNSELING CENTER The Goal: To help family members organize around the mental illness and cope with it better, To provide tools and skills for dealing with the person suffering from mental illness and with the emotional distress that increases the difficulties in the relationships.

10 Research has shown that it is possible to reduce the percent of relapses, increase the level of knowledge and decrease the burden of family members through participation in structured counseling groups which include:   3-4 sessions based on the psycho educational approach.   10-15 sessions of group meetings.

11 Several monthly meetings as a continuation with lectures and workshops focusing on:   Knowledge   Trust in communication   Problem solving

12 The program includes:   Short-term counseling provided by highly skilled professionals.   Support groups for family members.   Lectures and workshops on a variety of topics: Legislations and legal issues, intimacy and sexuality among people with mental health disabilities, healthy children in the family, problem solving and the cognitive approach as a coping skill.

13   An annual enrichment holiday in a hotel including lectures, workshops, and social events. The purpose is to integrate providing updated knowledge with an opportunity for emotional relaxation and pleasure.

14 Family members are partners in planning the lectures and workshops and particularly dominant in planning the annual holiday based on the belief that they are the most familiar with the needs of the families.

15 This year we have opened four new centers for family counseling in Haifa, Netanya, Jerusalem and Ashdod. In these centers, the program is more comprehensive, including home visits following the release from the first hospitalization when there is a great need for initial organization, information and support.

16 In addition, at these centers we will hold groups for different need groups:   Parents   Siblings   Spouses The groups will be facilitated in various languages as needed on the local level. In each center there is a planning committee composed of professionals and family members.

17 The counseling, home visits and group facilitation are conducted by well- trained and experienced professionals, both psychologists and social workers. Family members actively participate in choosing the content of the sessions.

18 Program evaluation is conducted through an evaluation questionnaire which is filled out by the participants (see attached questionnaire). Results of the program evaluation indicate a high level of satisfaction on the part of the participants as can be seen from the results of the attached survey.

19 We deeply believe in the importance of providing this important service to family members. On the one hand, these family members are a vital link in the rehabilitation process. And on the other hand, it is equally important to help them find significance in their own lives while considering the needs of the entire family.

20 Sixty participants answered the evaluation questionnaires. The numbers in the following tables represent the percent of people who expressed that degree of satisfaction

21 Family Groups Evaluation Questionnaire We request your help in evaluating the quality of service in order to promote our common goal. 1. 1. How many sessions did you attend? 2. 2. Have you participated in a group in the past? yes 10 no 50 If so where: ____, For how long: ______

22 3. 3. How much time elapsed between the onset of the mental illness until you reached the decision to join family group? __________________________. 4. 4. Are you interested in continuing in the same format? yes 45 no 15 If not, please mention a format you would prefer: _______________

23 Very high HighTo some extent LowVery low Degree of Satisfaction 80%10%5% 5. The sessions provided knowledge about Mental Illness 75%10%8%7% 6. The sessions provided ways to improve coping skills 90%5% 7. The sessions improved my personal feeling 60%20%10% 8. The sessions improved the relationship with The Family Member suffering from mental illness

24 Very high HighTo some extent LowVery low Degree of Satisfaction 65%10% 5%10% 9. The sessions enabled me to contribute from my knowledge and Experience 90%5%3%2% 10. Feeling of comfort in expressing my opinions in the group 40%20%10%30% 11. Extent of connection With members of the group outside of planned Meetings 80%5%10%5% 12. Did you think about the group between group meetings?

25 Counseling for Individuals and Families Evaluation Questionnaire We request your help in evaluating the quality of service in order to promote our common goal. 1. 1. How many sessions did you attend? 2. 2. Have you been in counseling or therapy in the past? yes 25 no 35

26 3. 3. How long was the family member suffering from mental illness before you decided to turn to counseling? 4. 4. Are you interested in continuing in counseling? yes 50 no 10

27 Very high HighTo some extent LowVery low Degree of Satisfaction 90%10% 5. The sessions provided knowledge about Mental Illness 80%10%8%2% 6. The sessions provided ways to improve coping skills 60%10% 5%15% 7. The sessions improved my personal feeling 50%15%10% 15% 8. The sessions improved the relationship with The Family Member suffering from mental illness

28 In Enosh, we are continuing to move forward. The issue of family counseling is very important in our opinion. We emphasize the importance of family representatives on our local directories as well as in the national board of directors.

29 For many years we also provided family counseling in several of the local branches. Now we are beginning a new family project consisting of four regional centers for family counseling in a new and improved format.

30 It will be a pleasure for me to give more information about families counseling to everyone of you. Thank you!

31 Yoram cohen, Chairman Web site: E-mail:

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