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Hierarchies of Matter matter crystal atom atomic nucleus nucleon quarks 10 -9 m 10 -10 m 10 -14 m 10 -15 m < 10 -18 m (macroscopic) confinement hadron.

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Presentation on theme: "Hierarchies of Matter matter crystal atom atomic nucleus nucleon quarks 10 -9 m 10 -10 m 10 -14 m 10 -15 m < 10 -18 m (macroscopic) confinement hadron."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hierarchies of Matter matter crystal atom atomic nucleus nucleon quarks 10 -9 m 10 -10 m 10 -14 m 10 -15 m < 10 -18 m (macroscopic) confinement hadron masses general features: constituents observed as free particles nucleon: constituents (quarks) not observed as free particles

2 Hadron Physics How are hadrons (baryons and mesons) built from quarks and gluons ? Can we quantitatively account for the confinement of quarks and gluons inside hadrons ? e.g., nucleon mass ?

3 J/  spectroscopy  confinement glueballs (ggg) and hybrids (ccg) hidden and open charm mesons in nuclei hypernuclei Physics program at the HESR Further possibilities: Inverted Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering CP-violation (D/  -sector) fundamental symmetries; p in traps

4 The GSI p - Facility p production with 29 GeV p-beam p production rate: 10 7 /s p-stored in the HESR: (High Energy Storage Ring) p-momentum: 1.5 - 15 GeV/c N stored : 5 10 10 p High luminosity mode L  2 10 32 cm -2 s -1  p/p  10 -4 (stochastic cooling) High resolution mode L  10 31 cm -2 s -1  p/p  10 -5 (e – - cooling)

5 Quantumelectrodynamics (QED) Quantumchromodynamics (QCD) confinement potential Masse / MeV 2900 3100 3300 3500 3700 3900 4100 1D21D2 3D23D2 3 P 0 (~3800) 3 P 1 (~3880) 3 P 2 (~3940) terra incognita Charmonium 1fm Charmonium ( c c )Positronium (e + e – ) ionisation energy binding energy meV 0 -1000 -3000 -5000 -7000 Positronium 0.1nm 1S01S0 1S01S0 1S01S0 3S13S1 3S13S1 1P11P1 3P13P1 3P03P0 3P23P2

6 comparison e + e¯ versus pp e + e - interactions: only 1 -- states formed other states populated in secondary decays (moderate mass resolution) pp reactions: all states directly formed (very good mass resolution) production of  1,2 formation of  1,2 Crystall Ball E 760 (Fermilab)  m (beam) = 0.5 MeV

7 Glueballs characteristic feature of QCD self-interaction among gluons predicted masses: 1.5 - 5.0 GeV/c 2 candidate: f 0 (1500): 0 ++ ;  =110MeV no flavour blind decay mixing with neighbouring scalar meson states  search for higher lying glueball states mixing with (qq) and (QQ) excluded for exotic states mixing with (QQ) small  width  100 MeV

8 charmed hybrids (ccg) predicted masses: 3.9 - 4.5 GeV/c 2 lowest state: J PC = 1 –+ (exotic) width: could be narrow (LGT:  10 MeV) forbidden decays: e.g. O +–  DD, D * D *, D S D S (CP-violation) (QQg)  (Qq) L=0 + (Qq) L=0 (dynamic selection rule) below 4.3 GeV/c 2 no decay into DD preferred decays: (ccg)  (cc) + X e.g. 1 +–  J/  + , , 

9 in-medium modification of mesons study of chiral symmetry restoration in the charm sector

10 Open Charm in Nuclei Consequence of dropping D- meson mass in the medium: strong enhancement of D-meson cross section in near/sub-threshold region probing D-meson properties at ground state nuclear matter density and T  0 (complementary to heavy ion collisions)

11 J/  - nucleon interaction J/  - suppression regarded as signature for the generation of the quark-gluon plasma in ultra-relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions suppression due to purely hadronic interactions?  measure N-J/  cross section in nuclear matter

12 Strangesess Neutron Number three-dimensional nuclear chart with strangeness degree of freedom

13 Double Hypernucleus Spectroscopy double hypernuclens production detector scheme  ¯(dss) p(uud)   (uds)  (uds)rates: applying K-trigger: 3 10 5 stopped  ¯ / d detected  -transitions:  100 / d keV-resolution !!

14 layout of proposed new GSI facility p-beam

15 synergy effect: parallel operation of physics programs

16 Conclusion The interaction of cooled antiproton beams with nucleons and nuclei opens up a broad and challenging research program ranging from non-perturbative QCD – phenomena (glueballs, hybrids, confinement, chiral symmetry breaking) to CP-violation and tests of fundamental symmetries. High luminosity and monochromaticity at HESR will provide high precision data and sensitivity to rare processes. Electron-cooling in the HESR is a technological challenge. With the realisation of the HESR as integral part of the future accelerator facility, GSI will play a pioneering role in the experimental exploration of long-distance (non-perturbative) QCD and the structure of hadronic matter.

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