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Audio, Visual, and Digital Technologies in Teaching

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1 Audio, Visual, and Digital Technologies in Teaching
Lesson 7 Chapters 9 and 10 Audio, Visual, and Digital Technologies in Teaching

2 After this lesson, the learner will be able to . . .
Define listening, focused listening, hearing, visual, visual communication, multimedia Justify using audio, visual, and digital technologies in instruction Give examples of traditional audio media and digital audio media List the design elements in an effective visual Give examples of projected and non-projected visuals

3 Cont List different ways multimedia can be used in teaching and learning Give examples of traditional video technologies, digital video technologies, and Internet video and their educational application Describe the considerations for implementing video in instruction

4 Key Terms Exhibits Listening CD Focused listening Models Hearing
Visual Visual communication Multimedia Exhibits CD Models Real Objects Talking Book Transparency Working in groups, share with the class the textbook definition of the terms above.

5 Technologies in Education
Audio—addresses the needs of the auditory learner and adds dimension to instruction for all learners Visual—content is articulated, clarified, and enhanced visually Digital—continue to replace traditional audio/visual media

6 Why use audio, visual, and digital technologies in teaching?
Engage more of the learners senses Build multiple cognitive connection to the content Address the auditory or visual strengths of many students Give some examples of technologies you have seen used in college or school classrooms.

7 Listening vs Focused Listening
Listening—being able to hear and comprehend auditory stimuli Hearing—the physical process of correctly receiving clear, audible sounds Focused Listening—Giving one’s full attention to an auditory stimulus What are some things teachers can do to ensure students are focused listening?

8 Traditional Audio Media
Cassette tapes Reinforce instruction/practice Broadcast audio National Public Radio National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (weather service broadcasts) How would YOU use these technologies in your classroom?

9 How would YOU use these technologies in your classroom?
Digital Audio Media Optical Media CDs and DVDs Internet Audio Download/store what you need rather than buying CD Internet Radio Live and recorded programs from around world Can enhance language, social studies, science, etc. Can be broadcast for entire class, group, or individual How would YOU use these technologies in your classroom?

10 Visual Technologies Types of Visuals
Educators must select the most effective and appropriate visual technology for the content under study. Lever-Duffy, p. 294. Types of Visuals Non-projected Real objects, models, exhibits, printed materials, photos Projected Overhead projector/transparency, digital projector, document camera

11 Elements of Effective Visual Design
Relevance Coherence Consistency Proportion Contrast Unity and Direction The same guidelines for creating effective transparencies are applicable to posters, flyers, slideshows, and/or other visuals. Minimal text (7 lines by 7 words) Eliminate unnecessary detail Include simple graphics that add interest

12 Multimedia in Teaching and Learning
Multimedia includes text, graphics, audio, and/or video Photograph Simple clipart Video clip with sound

13 Traditional Video Technologies
Broadcast video Television (including instructional television) Cablecast video Cable channels that offer instructional programming Recorded video technologies VCRs and camcorders Capture video images of field trips, your teaching, etc. Record special events, reports, debates, documentaries Create a video historical or cultural archive of the school or community

14 Digital Video Technologies
Captures and displays high quality sounds and images DVDs Digital video camera Compressed video systems Bring live, fully interactive instruction from one location to the next Distant guest speakers visit classrooms without travel Image and sound are as clear as broadcast vides Both locations must have appropriate equipment Particularly useful for distance learning

15 Internet Video Internet Broadcasts Live Cams Internet Meetings
Live events and performances Musicals, interviews, scientific or historic events Live Cams A camera connected to a computer that is connected to the Internet Internet Meetings Face to face meetings with people around the world Classes can meet in a single virtual classroom to share ideas, experience instruction, and communicate

16 Implementing Video in Instruction
Preplan Preview and evaluate video before presentation Prepare the environment AND the students Make the video relevant to the students Pre-post test Study guides Questions/discussion after video Note-taking requirements Inform students that test will include questions from video Follow all copyright laws and fair use guidelines

17 REMEMBER . . . The power of the Internet can put the world body of knowledge quite literally at one’s fingertips. A computer in a classroom can be an endlessly patient and positive tutor. An audio recording of a children’s story can encourage the development of good listening skills and meet the needs of auditory learners, and a nature video can bring the most remote corner of the world into the classroom. Lever-Duffy, p. xxvii

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