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TM meeting,IMAU, 10 June 2003 Michiel van Weele TM3 updates & TM3 + new preprocessing (chemical forecast) & Diffusion module (TM3/TM5) & Photolysis module.

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Presentation on theme: "TM meeting,IMAU, 10 June 2003 Michiel van Weele TM3 updates & TM3 + new preprocessing (chemical forecast) & Diffusion module (TM3/TM5) & Photolysis module."— Presentation transcript:

1 TM meeting,IMAU, 10 June 2003 Michiel van Weele TM3 updates & TM3 + new preprocessing (chemical forecast) & Diffusion module (TM3/TM5) & Photolysis module (TM3/TM5)

2 TM3 with new preprocessing (1) - HDF meteo fields TM5 pre-processing - OD/ERA40 data on 2 deg X 3 deg X 60 layers - Free to select (reduce) #levels within the code - Possibility to reduce horizontal resolution globally, e.g., to 4 deg X 6 deg - Fluxes summed, other fields mass-averaged - Vertical diffusion coefficients calculated online - Surface fields flexible on 1X1 or 2X3 resolution - New Edgar emissions - Application: assimilation(,forecast, toy-model)

3 TM3 with new preprocessing (2) First experiences: - Online diffusion works fine (and is bit different) - cloud levels from entrain-/detrainments - Regular courant violations with 30 min timestep both in u and w directions => divide by 2 or 3 - 3 day forecast 31 layers takes ~3h (SUN) - severe problems with vertical transport

4 Old pre-processing New pre-procesing Resolution: VG31

5 Module Diffusion (1) subroutine bldiff subroutine calc_Kv subroutine pblhght subroutine difcoef Input:p, T, z, qv H, LE, ustar (not use surface stress) uwind, vwind (can use mass fluxes?) Output: kvh, pblh Kvh = Vertical diffusion coefficient for heat Pblh = Planetary boundary layer height

6 Module Diffusion (2) subroutine calc_Kv (Holtslag and Boville, 1993) only shear production, mixing length stability functions in flux-Ri number full domain subroutine pblhght (Vogelezang and Holtslag, 1996) from bulk Ri number (surface heatflux, shear) subroutine difcoef (Beljaars and Viterbo, 1998) simila surface layer = 0.1 * pblh Kvh=Kvm/Pr (Pr = Prandt number)

7 Kvh (on-line) vs Kzz (pre- processing) At the surface, 25 May 2003

8 Kvh (on-line) vs Kzz (pre- processing) 25 May 2003

9 Module Photolysis (work in progress) For tropospheric and stratospheric chemistry in TM3 and TM5 Use: psurf, temp., clouds, ozone, surface albedo, (later: also aerosols, other trace gases) Absorption and scattering are separated - Absorption spectrally resolved (= exp. decay) - Scattering in limited #bands (with Landgraf scheme improved for low Sun) - Radiative transfer codes: LIDORT (van Oss) with 2,4 or 6 streams Parameterization Krol and van Weele (fast)

10 Still to do with TM3 Correct preprocessing for forecasts Testing/improving diffusion module (Dirk?) Writing of photolysis module Change TM3 standard from VG/FG to 2X3/4X6 Use new surface fields, new EDGAR emissions Flexible chemistry module TM3/TM5

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