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Year 10 GCSE Information Evening 9 th October 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 10 GCSE Information Evening 9 th October 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 10 GCSE Information Evening 9 th October 2014

2 Welcome Mr Whiles Headteacher

3 Introduction to GCSE Mr Hilton Director of Raising Achievement

4 GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education Assessed through: Controlled Assessment – work completed in school under supervision Exams Linear course structure – all assessment is submitted at the end of the two-year course and cannot be retaken

5 Grades Grades awarded: A* A B C D E F G Ungraded Target Grades Individual for every student Challenging but realistic Students should know these and aim to meet/exceed them every lesson

6 Controlled Assessments Key assessments which count towards the GCSE Does your child know... Deadlines for written CA? Dates of Practical Exams? Where/who to ask for help? The bigger picture…?

7 Year 10 Timeline - some key dates March – Reports & Y10 Progress Evening May – Core Science GCSE exams June – Mock Exams in all other subjects July – Work Experience Throughout the year – Controlled Assessment deadlines Please look at this document with your son/daughter and make a note of any key dates for their subjects, along with other commitments (trips, sport, drama etc)

8 Intervention & Support Mr Dwight Director of Raising Achievement

9 Y10 GCSE Intervention Intervention is designed to support students at risk of not achieving their GCSE target(s)

10 Aim To help students achieve their target grades Provide academic and pastoral support for students Set up appropriate methods and strategies to aid students in progressing their learning and meeting their target grades

11 How Half-termly subject progress checks Half-termly student tracker reports produced Analysis of data by subject teachers/Curriculum Leaders Intervention grids produced by class teachers – to provide targeted support. The Directors of Raising Achievement/ Curriculum Leaders and your child’s House leader will work with you to provide strategies that will progress your child’s learning.

12 Next Steps – Cycle 1 Students working below their target in 1/2 subjects: Appear on intervention grid of class teacher Letter sent home informing parents of intervention and in which subjects Students working below their target in 3+ subjects: Appear on intervention grid of class teacher House Leader will phone parent to discuss concerns/intervention/support.

13 Intervention Cycle 2 Increased Concern Decreased/Off Intervention Further Monitoring Progress is being made. Subject teacher/Curriculum leader to monitor Letter to parents to confirm successful completion of intervention Assertive Mentoring One to one mentor identified Weekly mentor meetings Regular contact with home Liaison with subject teachers Support on meeting deadlines/organising revision 1 2 3

14 Creating the climate for study Mrs Glenister Deputy Headteacher

15 When? Routines and habits Family timetables Schedule in R&R Publish

16 Where? The right environment: Quiet enough Well lit Cool enough Space enough Well equipped Packing away

17 What? Homework Planner Controlled Assessments Timeline Revision for tests End of units Y10 exams Further research Internet access Exam specs Useful websites

18 How? Students have their own learning styles/preferences Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic Find what works, experiment Tried and tested New technologies Collaboration

19 Your role at this time Create the environment Check resources are available Mediate between home and School if needed Provide calmness and security Be interested in the work, not the doing of it Be the lifestyle coach

20 Lifestyle choices Build healthy habits: Eating well Getting exercise Sleeping enough Pursuing interests and cultivating friendships Mental stimulation (conversation, reading etc) Watch for signs of stress

21 Work Experience 13 th – 17 th July 2015 Mr Alderson House Leader - Fry

22 Why do it? Gives students ‘adult’ experience Develops confidence Encourages independence Doesn’t have to be part of their future career plans Fun

23 Self Generated Placements Only for students who really want to do it Placements tend to be much more successful Advice and support will be available in school Students who do not wish to take part will have a full programme of learning

24 Next Steps… Students will be issued with: Letter Self Generated Placement Request Form Parent/Carer Consent Form Parent/Carer Guide

25 Deadline Friday 16th January 2015

26 Thank you for attending

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