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Presentation on theme: "9:30-10:00REGISTRATION AND COFFEE 10:00-10:15SIMS SPRING 2014 UPGRADE 10:15-10:40SCHOOL CENSUS SUMMER 2014 10:40- 11:00PUPIL PREMIUM UPDATE 11:00-11:15SHORT."— Presentation transcript:

1 9:30-10:00REGISTRATION AND COFFEE 10:00-10:15SIMS SPRING 2014 UPGRADE 10:15-10:40SCHOOL CENSUS SUMMER 2014 10:40- 11:00PUPIL PREMIUM UPDATE 11:00-11:15SHORT BREAK 11:15-11:40END OF KEY STAGE 2014 11:40-11:45WHO DOES WHAT NOW 11:45-12:00YOUR WORKSHOP Seminar Spring 2014 SIMS

2 SIMS Spring 2014 Upgrade What’s New  Personnel - Salary Ranges  Exams Organiser – Performance Indicator  End of Key Stage Wizards  School Census Summer 2014

3 SIMS Upgrade – Sophos Issues Some schools have reported that the SIMS server is crashing and rebooting at the point in the upgrade when you confirm you would like to download and apply the upgrade. We have tracked this down to an issue with Sophos on- access scanning. If you experience this issue there are instructions on how to proceed here

4 SIMS Spring 2014 Upgrade Personnel Salary Ranges  Functionality to set up a new Service Term with a Salary Range  Applied via a licence patch on request  FMS schools should note that if the patch is applied FMS 6 Budget Planning and Salary Calculator functionality in FMS will not work. Capita are anticipating that they functionality will be replaced in Autumn 2014 upgrade.  It is envisaged that this will initially apply to setting up Management Grade Service Terms  Further investigation by the team is underway to advise schools where they wish to convert a Service Term from spinal point to salary range.

5 SIMS Spring 2014 Upgrade Personnel – Salary Ranges Tools|Staff|Pay Related Add a new Service Term New field

6 SIMS Spring 2014 Upgrade Personnel – Salary Ranges Give the new Service Term a code and description and check other fields are correct Create new Pay Award by Salary Range

7 SIMS Spring 2014 Upgrade Personnel – Salary Ranges Finally, add the salary range

8 SIMS Spring 2014 Upgrade Exams Organiser Exams – Performance Indicator Menu routes moved from Exams Organiser Tools|Examinations|Edit PI Data Tools|Examinations|PI Reports Tools|Examinations|PI Setup Tools|Examinations|Import Qualification Data: Import QANS and Performance Measures Files

9 SIMS Spring 2014 Upgrade Assessment Additional Attendance Data Tags for Individual Reports Number of Session Late And Total Session Minutes Late New tags only available from Menu Command area not Custom Toolbars

10 SIMS Spring 2014 Upgrade Assessment Additional Student Details Tag for Individual Reports LEGAL Surname added to list

11 SIMS Spring 2014 Upgrade Assessment Individual Reports can now be produced in PDF format

12 SIMS Spring 2014 Upgrade Pupil Premium Adopted from Care Premium has been added to the choice of Premium Type Tools | Pupil Premium | Maintain

13 SIMS Seminar Spring 2014 School Census Summer 2014

14 School Census Summer 2014 Reminders School Census Summer 2014 Software included in SIMS 2014 Spring upgrade Key Dates: Census Day: 15 th May 2014 Age: based on age as at 31 st August 2013 Attendance: data collected for terms 3 and 4 for pupils aged 4 to 15 Exclusions: 1 st September 2013 to 31 st December 2013 FSM: collected from 17 th January 2014 to 15 th May 2014

15 School Census Summer 2014 Fileset Fileset: Upgrade will install Fileset 160. Fileset 162 is expected to be released by Capita today. This will be on First Class website along with instructions on how to import.

16 School Census Summer 2014 Reminders The Summer Census is basically a pupil headcount but you must make sure that your pupil/student data is up to date and complete. As always we recommend that when you have cleared any errors and checked any queries you run the various reports and Summary to ensure that the data contained in the file is correct.

17 School Census Summer 2014 Reminders Check:  New pupils – are they all on roll  Leavers – have they been taken off roll  UPNs – do all pupils have one  Exclusions – up to date  SEN  FSM  Attendance – no Missing Marks / Unexplained Absences  Hours at a Setting and Funded Hours (Nursery pupils only)  Class Type (not Secondary or Middle Schools)  Top-Up Funding  Adopted from Care

18 School Census Summer 2014 Attendance Attendance Collected for Terms 3 and 4 Check for missing marks and unexplained absences – Focus, Attendance, Deal with Unexplained Absences and Deal with Missing Marks. Missing marks and Unexplained absences will be counted as unauthorised absences in Census.

19 School Census Summer 2014 Attendance Strike Day If your school was closed or partially closed check that you have created an Exceptional Circumstance

20 School Census Summer 2014 Class Type Not Upper, Secondary or Middle Schools Tools, Statutory Return Tools, Update Class Type Data should have pulled through from Spring Census but check all pupils have a class type, N if in Nursery Class, O for everyone else

21 School Census Summer 2014 Hours for Early Years Nursery Pupils only Tools, Statutory Return Tools, Update Hours for Early Years Data should have pulled through from Spring Census but check all pupils have both Hours at a Setting and Funded Hours completed

22 School Census Summer 2014 Top Up Funding Tools, Statutory Return Tools, Update Top-Up Funding Review pupils who are in receipt of Top-Up funding Pupils can be added or removed

23 SIMS Seminar May 2014 Pupil Premium 2014 (PPG)

24 Pupil Premium 2014 First a little reminder of the definitions taken from the DfE Document called: Pupil Premium 2014 to 2015 Conditions of Grant February 2014 (available from here)here

25 PPG – the definitions Ever 6 FSM The Pupil Premium for 2014-2015 will include pupils on the January 2014 School Census known to have been eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) in any of the previous six years, as well as those first known to be eligible at January 2014. For the purposes of these grants conditions, “Ever 6 FSM” means those pupils recorded on the January 2014 School Census who were recorded as known to be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) on any of the termly censuses since Summer 2008, including the January 2014 School Census.

26 PPG – the definitions Children adopted from care The Pupil Premium for 2014-2015 will include those pupils recorded on the January 2014 School Census who were looked after immediately before being adopted on or after 30 December 2005, or were placed on a Special Guardianship or Residence Order immediately after being looked after (known as post-LAC for the remainder of this document). A child should be recorded as such where the parent or guardian of the child has informed the school that the child has been adopted from care or has left care under a Special Guardianship or Residence Order.

27 PPG – the definitions Ever 4 Service Child For the purposes of these grant conditions, “Ever 4 Service Child” means a pupil recorded on the January 2014 census who was eligible for the Service Child premium in 2011-2012, 2012-2013 or 2013-2014, as well as those recorded as a Service Child for the first time on the January 2014 Census.

28 PPG – the definitions LAC (Looked After Children) The Department will allocate a provisional allocation of £1,900 per child for the number of children looked after for at least one day as recorded in the March 2013 Children Looked After Data Return (SSDA903) and aged 4 to 15 at 31 August 2012. This allocation will be updated and finalised in October 2014 based on the number of children looked after for at least one day as recorded in the March 2014 Children Looked After Data Return (SSDA903) and aged 4 to 15 at 31 August 2013.

29 Pupil Premium 2014 You will be able to download a file from Key to Success in May\June and October which will import into SIMS and update the Pupil Premium indicators as previously shown to you. In order to assist you with your Pupil Premium Grant calculations Capita have also provided a spreadsheet utility for use with the data from the file provided by Key to Success We have run this past Sarah Ward, who kindly spoke to us at this point last year, and she has been able to ratify the information in the following Capita slides……

30 JIM HAYWOOD (PRODUCT MANAGER FOR STATUTORY RETURNS) Pupil Premium 2014-15 Calculation Presentation



33 We will open the Excel spreadsheet provided by Capita SIMS to help schools check and understand the Pupil Premium CSV files that the DfE is making available to schools for Financial Year 2014-15

34 The first worksheet in the spreadsheet describes the content of the other worksheets and outlines how they can be used for checking and understanding the content of the DfE CSV files.

35 We open the CSV file as indicated

36 The Excel browse will default to showing files with standard Excel extensions, but this is easily changed to view CSV files


38 We don’t yet know exactly what filenames the DfE will use to differentiate the May/June file from the October file, but it is likely to be similar to what we see here. At this point we are going to use an example of the May/June file.

39 The content of the CSV file isn’t very easy to understand, but it includes some very helpful data that we can make use of by cutting and pasting to the SIMS Calculation spreadsheet

40 This is likely to be a long spreadsheet, so we will need to use the browse bar to complete the selection

41 Shift Click

42 We can use Ctrl-C to copy the selection

43 Now that we have a copy of the DfE data we can go back to the SIMS spreadsheet


45 We open the CSV_Data sheet as this is where the DfE data should be copied

46 We must make sure that we have indicated cell A1 and then used Ctrl-V to paste the data

47 The DfE data has already become a little easier to view, but the SIMS spreadsheet provides more than this. We can start by examining the Rates worksheet

48 As for the previous year, the Deprivation Premium is higher for Primary pupils than Secondary pupils Adopted Premium is new for Financial Year 2014-15 and the rate is higher than for other premiums. This higher rate is known as Pupil Premium Plus We can move on to examine the Calculation worksheet, which is likely to be the most useful worksheet

49 The formula for the UPN column may look a little complex, but most of it is just coding for formatting. The important part of the formula has been highlighted in purple to indicate that we are displaying a straight copy of the same cell in the CSV_Data worksheet. The same method has been used for the next 5 columns






55 The Deprivation Premium is the first column not to be a straight copy of the corresponding CSV_Data worksheet column. The Deprivation Premium column in the CSV_Data worksheet contains 1 or 0. 1 indicating that the pupils are eligible for this Premium and 0 that they are not. So to convert this to an amount of money all we have to do is multiply the 0 or 1 by the rate of Deprivation Premium indicated in the Rates worksheet. What makes this calculation a little more difficult is that we have to take into account the NC Year, as Primary years pupils are eligible for a different rate to Secondary years pupils

56 The calculation for Service Premium and Adopted Premium is more straight forward, as the rates are the same for Primary and Secondary


58 The amount of Looked After Child Premium is not calculated as the money is not paid by the DfE to the school and the information is not complete, i.e. LAC Premium will only be identified where a pupil is also eligible for a “school” Pupil Premium. The indication of payment to the LA of LAC Premium is highlighted in red as it is likely to mean that the school receives less or no Pupil Premium cash for that pupil.

59 This is another straight copy from the CSV_Data worksheet. In most cases it will be set to 1 to indicate that all the cash is being received by one school, but it can also be a fraction to indicate that the cash is split between a number of schools, e.g. if 2 schools have claimed the pupil they will each receive half the cash

60 This is another straight copy from the CSV_Data worksheet. It is one of the most important columns as it indicates how much Pupil Premium cash the school will receive for the pupil

61 This is the first of three columns that don’t have a counterpart in the CSV_Data worksheet. The calculation for this column ignores FTE, but it has to take account of the DfE policy of reducing payment of multiple types of Pupil Premium Where LAC Premium is being paid to the LA, it is likely that the only Premium paid to the school is Service Premium. If the school is receiving Adopted Premium for the pupil they will not receive Deprivation Premium

62 This column uses the calculation made for the previous column and takes account of FTE by multiplying by Pupil Premium FTE.

63 This column compares the cash amount indicated by the DfE with the amount calculated from the other information provided by the DfE In most cases we expect this to be 0, but amounts beyond what is calculated will be highlighted in green and amounts less will be highlighted in red. The October CSV files are more likely to provide non zero amounts as the DfE will disregard the LAC Premium where the pupil has left care

64 We can now look at a summary of the DfE data and the calculations

65 The summary total for number of pupils with LAC Premium is shown in red as this is likely to have resulted in a loss of funding for the school.

66 The last row is always likely to be zero for the May/June CSV file, but it could be above zero for the October CSV file, where some instances of LAC Premium could be ignored


68 SIMS Seminar Spring 2014 End of Key Stage 2014

69 EYFS – Early Years Foundation Stage Key Stage 1 Phonics Screening Year 1 Key Stage 1 Phonics Screening Year 2 Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 End of Year 4 (First Schools Only) End of Year 8 (Middle School Only)

70 End of EYFS Profile 2014 Headlines EYFS Following recommendations from the Tickell review the revised EYFS Profile requires assessment of a child across a set of 17 early learning goals (ELG). An EYFS profile must be completed for all pupils in the final year of EYFS who will be five years old on or before 31 August 2014 42

71 End of Key Stage 1 2014 Headlines Key Stage 1 Phonics Screening Year 1 The current threshold mark to achieve a Phonics grade of WA is 32. However it is understood that the threshold mark for 2014 is to be announced by DfES on 30 th June 2014 Key Stage 1 Phonics Screening Year 2 Pupils who did not achieve a grade of Wa last year must be re-assessed in Year 2. There is a separate marksheet which indicates who these pupils are and allows for the entry of their Year 2 result Key Stage 1 Levels for reading, writing and speaking and listening are required for English. An overall level is required for Maths. Levels for individual attainments are required for Science, calculating the marksheet will assign and overall Science level. _web_amendedApril.pdf

72 End of Key Stage 2 2014 Headlines Key Stage 2 Teacher Assessment: levels for all attainments Test Results: can be imported or manually entered. Do not print report until Reading and GPS final level marks have been entered.

73 End of Years 4 and 8 2014 End of Year 4 An email from RBWM Policy and Performance Team will be sent and will include instruction document on how to record and submit End of Year 4 data. End of Year 8 (Middle Schools) An email from RBWM Policy and Performance Team will be sent and will include instruction document on how to record and submit End of Year 8 data.

74 End of Key Stage 2014 How to complete each Key Stage Documentation on how to complete each Key Stage can be found on First Class from Friday 16 May 2014. RBWM SIMS Support SIMS Hot Stuff

75 And Finally – who does what now Who’s responsible for what – make yourselves a document and fill in the Responsibility column as an aide memoire Fill out the Responsibility column

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