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Mobilize the Immigrant Vote! Proposition 3 Children’s Hospital Bond 어린이 병원 공채 Bonos para Hospitales de Niños.

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1 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote! Proposition 3 Children’s Hospital Bond 어린이 병원 공채 Bonos para Hospitales de Niños

2 Agenda: Proposition 3 1.Presentation 발표 Presentación 2.Questions & Answers 질의응답 Preguntas 3.Group Discussion 토론 Discusión 4.Vote 입장 표결 Votar Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote!

3 Agenda: Proposition 3 1.Presentation 발표 Presentación 2.Questions & Answers 질의응답 Preguntas 3.Group Discussion 토론 Discusión 4.Vote 입장 표결 Votar Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote!

4 Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote! A.What is a Bond? 공채란 무엇일까요 ? ¿Qué es un bono? B.Proposition 3 & Arguments in Favor 발의안 찬성논리 SÍ a la Proposición C.Arguments Against Prop. 3 발의안 반대논리 NO a la Proposición D.Questions and Answers 질의응답 Preguntas Presentation: Proposition 3

5 What does Prop 3 do? Proposition 3 will have the state of California sell $980 million in bonds and to fund children’s hospitals. 3 번 발의안은 정부가 9 억 달러 상당의 공채를 팔아 어린이 병원에 재정을 지원하도록 합니다. La proposición 3 permite que el estado venda 980 millones de dólares en bonos para financiar hospitales de niños. Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote! BOND CHILDREN´S HOSPITALS GOVERMENT

6 What is a bond? A bond is money that the government borrows from the private sector. 공채는 정부가 민간 부문에서 자금을 빌릴 때 사용하는 방법입니다. Un bono es dinero que el gobierno pide por prestado del sector privado. Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote! GOVERMENT INVESTORS BANKS

7 What is a bond? The government sells “bonds” which can be traded like a stock option. 정부는 자금을 빌려주는 이들에게 채권을 발급해줍니다. El gobierno les vende “bonos”, que pueden ser usados como stocks. Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote! GOVERMENT INVESTORS BANKS BOND

8 What is a bond? This way, the government quickly gains a large amount of cash. 이렇게 하면 정부는 빠르게 자금을 확보 할 수 있습니다. De esta manera, el gobierno puede asegurar una gran cantidad de dinero en corto plazo. Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote! GOVERMENT INVESTORS BANKS BOND

9 What is a bond? However, after a certain period of time, investors can sell back their bonds to the government. 그러나 일정한 시간이 지난 후 투자자들은 정부에게 채권을 되팔 수 있습니다. Pero después de un par de años, los inversionistas pueden re-vender los bonos al gobierno. Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote! GOVERMENT INVESTORS BANKS BOND

10 What is a bond? The government must pay back the bonds with a high interest rate. 정부는 채권을 되사면서 높은 이자율을 지불하게 됩니다. El gobierno debe pagar una alta tasa de interés al re-comprar los bonos. Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote! GOVERMENT INVESTORS BANKS BOND

11 What is a bond? The government gets the funds to pay the extra interest from taxpayers. 이 이자는 정부가 납세자에게서 걷은 세금으로 후에 충당하게 됩니다. El gobierno usa dinero de los impuestos para cubrir el interés. Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote! GOVERMENT INVESTORS BANKS

12 What is a bond? The government gets the funds to pay the extra interest from taxpayers. 이 이자는 정부가 납세자에게서 걷은 세금으로 후에 충당하게 됩니다. El gobierno usa dinero de los impuestos para cubrir el interés. Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote! GOVERMENT INVESTORS BANKS

13 What is a bond? The government gets the funds to pay the extra interest from taxpayers. 이 이자는 정부가 납세자에게서 걷은 세금으로 후에 충당하게 됩니다. El gobierno usa dinero de los impuestos para cubrir el interés. Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote! GOVERMENT INVESTORS BANKS

14 What is a bond? Often with bonds, we need to carefully consider if it is absolutely necessary to recur to the bond, or if it could be covered by taxing corporations and the rich. 꼭 공채를 사용해야 하는지, 아니면 부유세를 걷어서 해결할 수 있는지 고려해 볼 필요가 있습니다. Consideremos si es absolutamente necesario que recurramos a los bonos, o si hay otras alternativas como el impuesto a los ricos. Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote! GOVERMENT INVESTORS BANKS TAX

15 Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote! A.What is a Bond? 공채란 무엇일까요 ? ¿Qué es un bono? B.Proposition 3 & Arguments in Favor 발의안 찬성논리 SÍ a la Proposición C.Arguments Against Prop. 3 발의안 반대논리 NO a la Proposición D.Questions and Answers 질의응답 Preguntas Presentation: Proposition 3

16 What does Prop 3 do? $980,000,000 in bonds – 80% to children’s hospitals 어린이 병원. Hospitales de niños – 20% to UC general acute care hospitals 급성 환자 치료 UC 대학병원 Hospitales de cuidado intensivo de las UCs Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote! Proposition 3 & Arguments in Favor

17 treatment for children 어린이 치료 Atención médica de niños – eligible for governmental health insurance (Medi-Cal, Healthy Families) 정부 의료혜택 대상자 elegibles a beneficios gubernamentales – indigent, underserved, and uninsured 무보험자 sin seguro médico pediatric teaching or research programs 소아과 교육 및 연구 aprendizaje e investigación Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote! Proposition 3 & Arguments in Favor

18 Who supports Prop 3? 지지자 ¿quiénes apoyan la proposición? Mostly hospitals: 주로 병원 hospitales en su mayoría including Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Lucile Salter Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford, Children’s Hospital Central California, Children’s Hospital & Research Center at Oakland, Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital, Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego, Miller Children’s Hospital, Children’s Hospital of Orange County, California Children’s Hospital Association Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote! Proposition 3 & Arguments in Favor

19 Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote! A.What is a Bond? 공채란 무엇일까요 ? ¿Qué es un bono? B.Proposition 3 & Arguments in Favor 발의안 찬성논리 SÍ a la Proposición C.Arguments Against Prop. 3 발의안 반대논리 NO a la Proposición D.Questions and Answers 질의응답 Preguntas Presentation: Proposition 3

20 Most of the money will be used for equipment and “furnishing”, rather than improving and expanding hospitals; 재정은 대부분 병원 서비스 확장이 아니라 시설, 장비 구입에 사용 될 것임. La mayoría del dinero será usado para comprar equipos en vez de mejorar los hospitales Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote! Proposition 3 & Arguments Against

21 No mechanism to bring federal matching funds to hospitals which assist Medi-Cal recipients. 연방정부에서 동반기금을 받을 수 있음에도 이를 구하기 위한 적절한 장치가 없음 no ofrece un mecanismo para levantar fondos paralelos por parte del gobierno federal Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote! Proposition 3 & Arguments Against

22 many of these of hospitals are well-funded, while other non-profit hospitals in under- served areas get no grants and no help with capital costs. 재정지원을 받는 대부분의 병원들은 이미 충분한 재정을 가지고 있으며 더 가난한 병원에 관심을 기울여야 합니다. la mayoría de estos hospitales ya tienen suficientes fondos, mientras que otros hospitales están más necesitados. Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote! Proposition 3 & Arguments Against

23 Agenda: Proposition 3 1.Presentation 발표 Presentación 2.Questions & Answers 질의응답 Preguntas 3.Group Discussion 토론 Discusión 4.Vote 입장 표결 Votar Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote!

24 Agenda: Proposition 3 1.Presentation 발표 Presentación 2.Questions & Answers 질의응답 Preguntas 3.Group Discussion 토론 Discusión 4.Vote 입장 표결 Votar Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote!

25 Agenda: Proposition 3 1.Presentation 발표 Presentación 2.Questions & Answers 질의응답 Preguntas 3.Group Discussion 토론 Discusión 4.Vote 입장 표결 Votar Prop. 3 Mobilize the Immigrant Vote!

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