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HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION Lab. Of Distributed Multimedia Information Systems and Applications | TUC/MUSIC Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION Lab. Of Distributed Multimedia Information Systems and Applications | TUC/MUSIC Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION Lab. Of Distributed Multimedia Information Systems and Applications | TUC/MUSIC Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Technical University of Crete Rontidis Pavlos Souris Anastasios

2 mDS

3 Description: Node-based binary tree with the properties: A left sub-tree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than … A left sub-tree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than … Description: AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree, and it was the first such data structure to be invented. Description: A red-black tree is a type of self-balancing binary search tree, a data structure used in computing science, typically used to implement associative arrays. s

4 menu mDS

5 The purpose of this test is to test basic knowledge on BSTs. Time Limit: 3 min Completed in: 2min Date finished: 2/22/2011 The purpose of this test is to test two operation on BSTs, Insertion and deletion. Time Limit: 6 min Not taken The purpose of this test is to test BST traversals. Insertion and deletion. Time Limit: 10 min Not taken

6 Tap start to start the timer. Tap start to complete or exit the Quiz. Start Finish Tap start to start the timer. Tap start to complete or exit the Quiz.

7 Multiple choice Description… Answer 1…. Answer 2… Answer 3… Start Finish 00:01

8 The purpose of this test is to test basic knowledge on BSTs. Time Limit: 3 min Completed in: 2min Date finished: 2/22/2011 The purpose of this test is to test two operation on BSTs, Insertion and deletion. Time Limit: 6 min Failed: 10min Not Completed The purpose of this test is to test BST traversals. Insertion and deletion. Time Limit: 10 min Not taken



11 mDS Prototype: Animations List 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 Search for key = 6 Search for key = 9 Node creation & insertion In-order Traversal iPhone demo iPad demo change options

12 Change options 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 return practice animation help options

13 Option screen mDS

14 Option screen mDS

15 mDS Prototype: Animations List 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 Search for key = 6 Search for key = 9 Node creation & insertion In-order Traversal iPhone demo iPad demo change options

16 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 Searc h 6 return practice animation help options

17 Enter node’s key: You tapped inside an empty node.

18 Enter node’s key: 6

19 < 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 6 < 10 is True cancel

20 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 > 6 > 3 is True cancel

21 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 > 6 < 8 is True cancel

22 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 6 = 6 is True cancel

23 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 Node found ! cancel

24 mDS Prototype: Animations List 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 Search for key = 6 Search for key = 9 Node creation & insertion In-order Traversal iPhone demo iPad demo change options

25 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 Search 9 return practice animation help options

26 You tapped inside an empty node. Enter node’s key:

27 You tapped inside an empty node. Enter node’s key: 9

28 < 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 9 < 10 is True cancel

29 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 > 9 > 3 is True cancel

30 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 9 > 8 is True cancel

31 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 Leaf reached. Node not found. NULL cancel

32 mDS Prototype: Animations List 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 Search for key = 6 Search for key = 9 Node creation & insertion In-order Traversal iPhone demo iPad demo change options

33 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 Insert 9

34 Node created ! 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16

35 Enter node’s key: You tapped inside an empty node.

36 Enter node’s key: 9 You tapped inside an empty node.

37 < 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 current.key  root.key 9 < current.key Next step: current  current.left cancel

38 > 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 current.key  3 9 > current.key Next step: current  current.right cancel

39 found position for key = 9 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 NULL Pointer to NULL: Allocate space for new node. current.key  8 9 > current.key cancel

40 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 Algorithm finished. Result: Insertion completed. 9 Node inserted. cancel

41 mDS Prototype: Animations List 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 Search for key = 6 Search for key = 9 Node creation & insertion In-order Traversal iPhone demo iPad demo change options

42 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 In- order traver sal

43 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 Gesture initiated an in-order traversal. cancel

44 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 Printed: 2 Recursion to left sub-tree. cancel

45 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 Printed: 2, 3 cancel

46 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 Printed: 2, 3, 6 cancel

47 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 Printed: 2, 3, 6, 8 cancel

48 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 Printed: 2, 3, 6, 8, 10 Visited root. cancel

49 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 Printed: 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 15 Recursion to right sub-tree. cancel

50 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 Printed: 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 15, 16 cancel

51 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 Printed: 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 15, 16, 17 cancel

52 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 NULL cancel In-order traversal completed. Keys printed in ascending order. Printed: 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 15, 16, 17

53 mDS Prototype: Animations List 10 3 17 8 15 6 2 16 Search for key = 6 Search for key = 9 Node creation & insertion In-order Traversal iPhone demo iPad demo change options

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