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QUESTIONS FROM THE 8 TH GRADERS Answers from the high school.

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1 QUESTIONS FROM THE 8 TH GRADERS Answers from the high school

2 DO THEY GIVE OUT HOMEWORK ON THE FIRST DAY? Maybe, but probably not. The very first day of school is for freshmen only. It gives you a chance to find your way around and you get some orientation programs. The next day, everyone is there. (And you will probably get homework.)

3 IF PEOPLE PICK THE SAME ELECTIVE CLASS, WILL THEY BE IN THE SAME PERIOD OF THE CLASS? Yes, if it is a class with just one section. Most electives have multiple sections, so the chance is not as great.

4 IF YOU’RE LATE TO CLASS THE FIRST WEEK, DO YOU STILL GET IN TROUBLE? Teachers and administrators are understanding and give you a few days to find your way around.

5 SHOULD I BE SCARED OF OLDER KIDS? No, but you should be respectful of them. If there is a problem with older (or any) students picking on you, notify an adult.

6 DO WE HAVE TO SHOWER FOR PE? No. (But we wish you would…….)

7 WHO DO WE GO TO FOR FEMININE NEEDS DURING THE DAY? The ladies in the Deans’ Office – Room 2117.

8 DOES EVERYONE HAVE THE SAME LUNCH PERIOD? No. There are 4 lunch periods for freshmen and sophomores. 4A, 4B, 5A, and 5B. All juniors and seniors have 6 th hour lunch.

9 IS THERE A DAY WHERE FRESHMEN HAVE TO WEAR A CERTAIN COLOR AND THE OLDER KIDS GET TO PRANK US? No. But we do have “class color” day during homecoming week.

10 DO WE GET TO LEAVE SCHOOL FOR LUNCH? Not as a freshman. Or as a sophomore. Only juniors and seniors have off- campus lunch privilege.

11 WHAT ARE THE AFTER- SCHOOL ACTIVITIES? Whew! Lots of them. If you are interested, listen to the announcements, watch for signs in the hallways, and ask people about what you are interested in.

12 WE DON’T HAVE SOCIAL STUDIES AS FRESHMEN. IS IT REQUIRED FOR SOPHOMORE YEAR? Yes. Sophomores are required to take a one-year World Studies Social Studies course.

13 DOES THE MARCHING BAND TRAVEL? HOW OFTEN AND HOW FAR? In the past, marching band has traveled to contests in the central Illinois area.

14 WILL WE HAVE CLASSES WITH STUDENTS FROM OTHER GRADES? Yes. Some classes will be almost all freshmen (Comp 9, Algebra I, Biology, PE 9 and Health). Others will have students from other grades (American Gov’t, Art, Foods, World History, etc).

15 WHEN DO WE GET OUR ACTUAL SCHEDULE FOR HIGH SCHOOL? THE ONE THAT HAS OUR TEACHERS AND THE CLASSROOMS. In August. You get your schedule (listing classes, locations, teachers, and locker) at central registration at UMS. That is also when you have your ID photo taken.

16 CAN WE CARRY OUR BOOKBAGS AROUND? CAN WE BRING WATER BOTTLES TO OUR CLASSES? Bookbags = Yes, you may carry them with you to classes. Water bottles in classes = No

17 ARE OUR CLASSES ON DIFFERENT FLOORS AND ALL OVER THE BUILDING? Yes. The high school has 3 floors. When you get your schedule in early August, take an hour to go to the high school and locate your locker and classrooms.

18 IS HIGH SCHOOL SPLIT INTO TEAMS LIKE THE MIDDLE SCHOOL IS? No. The high school does have teams, but the students on each team do not travel from class to class together. They will have some teachers in common, though.

19 DOES LUNCH IN THE HIGH SCHOOL CHANGE FROM LUNCH IN THE MIDDLE SCHOOL? Nope! Same food. Most of the UHS food is actually prepared by the fine folks in the the UMS kitchen.

20 HOW MUCH TIME BETWEEN CLASSES? 5 minutes. That is enough time to get from one class to another, but it may not allow time for you to chat with friends, use the restroom, or go to your locker. You’ll have to learn how to use the time between classes.

21 DOES THE HIGH SCHOOL HAVE EARLY OUT ON WEDNESDAY? Yes. On Wednesday, 8 th hour dismissal is at 2:26.

22 WHAT ARE THE CELL PHONE POLICIES? CAN WE HAVE iPODS? All electronics must be off and out of sight during the school day. You can have them in the building and you can use them before or after school, but not during your school day.

23 CAN YOU CHANGE YOUR CLASSES AFTER SCHOOL STARTS? Yes. You have 5 days for schedule changes. However, it is best to have all your classes set before school is out in June. Many classes will be full in August and changing will not be possible.

24 WHAT HAPPENS IF I FAIL A CLASS? Credit is not given for failing grades. If you fail a required class, it must be repeated until passed. PE classes are made up after school through recapture. Electives do not need to be repeated, but that credit is lost. Failing classes will impact your advancement to the next grade and on-time graduation.

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