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International Center for Leadership in Education Dr. Willard R. Daggett Preparing Students for the 21 st Century.

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Presentation on theme: "International Center for Leadership in Education Dr. Willard R. Daggett Preparing Students for the 21 st Century."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Center for Leadership in Education Dr. Willard R. Daggett Preparing Students for the 21 st Century

2 Components of School Excellence 1. Create a Culture to Support RR & R For ALL Students

3 Today’s Youth Technologically literate

4 Timeliner

5 Behaviors ItemTrophy GenerationAdults Information Multiple sources; Process quickly Individual sources; Process methodically MultitaskParallel processSequential DocumentsGraphics firstText first WorkPeer groupsIndividual DelaysNone Happy when technology works Flexibility Adaptable, comfortable with uncertainty Resists change; learns to cope with change

6 Today’s Youth Technologically literate Trophy generation

7 Positive Reinforcement

8 Today’s Youth Technologically literate Trophy generation Claim independence but return home Increasingly bored with school

9 Percentage of 12 th -graders who express various opinions about their school experience. Source: National Center for Education Statistics MeaningfulInteresting Important in Later Life

10 Student Survey Percentages Survey Statement TotalMaleFemale I enjoy being at school 50.247.453.2 Teachers make school an exciting place to learn 33.032.932.6 School is boring 45.549.941.5 Teachers have fun at school 38.539.837.6 Learning can be fun 63.559.069.3

11 Student Survey Percentages Survey Statement TotalMaleFemale At school I am encouraged to be creative 58.856.461.3 My classes help me understand what is happening in my everyday life 39.839.340.9 I learn new things that are interesting to me at school 66.363.869.9

12 “Do you Know Me?” Student Survey & Faculty Survey Successful Practices Network

13 “Do you Know Me?” Perceptions of learners about your school and the value placed on student engagement and student aspirations Do they align with yours?

14 Obedient vs. Motivated

15 Cities with 1 Million People United States9

16 Cities with 1 Million People United States Europe 9 36

17 Cities with 1 Million People United States Europe China (2006) 9 36 100 +

18 Cities with 1 Million People United States Europe China (2006) China (2020) 9 36 100 + 160 +

19 Computer Sales Dell Sony Compaq HP IBM Think Pad Apple NEC Gateway Toshiba Quanta Wispron Asustek Compal Inventec 90 %

20 Oil The United States consumes one-quarter of the world’s oil. Source: Sydney Morning Herald

21 Price of Oil 2004:$33 per barrel 2008:$135 per barrel and could rise as high as $200 per barrel Source:

22 Oil Production 2004:83 Million barrels per day (M b/d) 2008:85 M b/d (and has barely moved since 2005) 2030:100 M b/d maximum. Source: Transport & Logistics News

23 Current Production 20042030200820122020 125 100 75 50 25 Million Barrels/Day (Mb/d) 85 Mb/d

24 Maximum Future Production 20042030200820122020 125 100 75 50 25 Million Barrels/Day (Mb/d) 100 Mb/d

25 2004 U.S. Demand 20042030200820122020 125 100 75 50 25 Million Barrels/Day (Mb/d)

26 2008 U.S. Demand 20042030200820122020 125 100 75 50 25 Million Barrels/Day (Mb/d)

27 Projected U.S. Demand 20042030200820122020 125 100 75 50 25 Million Barrels/Day (Mb/d)

28 2004 U.S. / China Demand 20042030200820122020 125 100 75 50 25 Million Barrels/Day (Mb/d)

29 2008 U.S. / China Demand 20042030200820122020 125 100 75 50 25 Million Barrels/Day (Mb/d)

30 Projected U.S. / China Demand 20042030200820122020 125 100 75 50 25 Million Barrels/Day (Mb/d)

31 2004 World Demand 20042030200820122020 125 100 75 50 25 Million Barrels/Day (Mb/d) Rest of World

32 2008 World Demand 20042030200820122020 125 100 75 50 25 Million Barrels/Day (Mb/d)

33 Projected World Demand 20042030200820122020 125 100 75 50 25 Million Barrels/Day (Mb/d)

34 Gas – Price Per Gallon June 1, 2008 U.S.$ 3.96 Japan$ 5.77 Great Britain$ 8.31 France$ 9.66 Germany$ 11.49 Source: Energy Information Administration; Oil Information Center; AP Reporting

35 Savings Rate 1. India -- 25% 2. Japan -- 28% 3. Korea -- 30% 4. China -- 50% 5. United States -- (-4%)

36 Federal Budget 2008 Deficit --- $2.5 Trillion2008 Deficit --- $2.5 Trillion Total Deficit --- $57.3 TrillionTotal Deficit --- $57.3 Trillion Deficit per Household --- $500,000Deficit per Household --- $500,000 Source: Atlantic Monthly

37 Federal, State & Local Budget Total Deficit --- $61.7 TrillionTotal Deficit --- $61.7 Trillion Deficit per Household --- $531,472Deficit per Household --- $531,472 Family Debt --- $125,000Family Debt --- $125,000

38 1946 WW  1964 Japan 1983 Nation-At-Risk Japan 1968 Vietnam 1972 China 1992 China 2008 China 2020 Vietnam Panama Brazil Argentina Indonesia

39 U.S. – 2 nd Half of 20 th Century Only Superpower Highest per Capita Income 1 st in Economic Growth 5% of Population > 24% of Consumption Source: National Academy of Science 2007

40 Challenges Globalization Technology

41 Information Technology Processing Processing Communications Communications

42 SPOT MicrosoftMicrosoft –Citizen –Fossil –Suunco

43 SPOT Integrated ProjectionIntegrated Projection Projection KeyboardProjection Keyboard

44 Projection Keyboard

45 Projection Keyboard and Projector

46 Language Translation

47 Emotiv 16 embedded sensors Detect facial expressions and emotions Push, pull, lift, and drop

48 Semantic Web Web 1.0 = Information based Web 2.0 = Communication based (tagging, social networks, etc.) Web 3.0 = Organize data and draw conclusions Source: A Smarter Web

49 Evolution of the Web Web 1.0 (1990-2000) Web used as an information source Web used as an information source


51 Web 1.0 Challenges Different language Different cultures Different business sectors

52 Web 1.0 XML –Road system –Different Sign –Different management system

53 Evolution of Web Web 2.0 (2000 - 2010) Web used as a communication sourceWeb used as a communication source


55 Web 2.0 All data tagged by Ontologies –Zip code –Postal code Dewey Decimal System

56 Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0 Web 1.0Web 2.0 ReadingWriting CompaniesCommunities Home PagesBlogs WiresWireless NetscapeGoogle DialupBroadband Hardware CostsBandwidth Costs Directories (taxonomy)Tagging (folksonomy) Client-serverPeer-to-peer

57 Web 3.0 Web will transform from a network of separate applications to a seamless whole.



60 Web 3.0 GPS read road sign and drive car

61 Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0 vs. 3.0 Web 1.0Web 2.0Web 3.0 ReadingWritingTables/charts CompaniesCommunitiesAll information Home PagesBlogs WiresWireless NetscapeGoogle DialupBroadband Hardware CostsBandwidth Costs Directories (taxonomy) Tagging (folksonomy) Client-serverPeer-to-peer

62 SPN Database - Demographics Grade LevelsCommunity TypeSchool Type  9-12  Urban – Large City  Comprehensive  10-12  Urban – Small City  Magnet, Choice  7-12  Suburban  Charter  K-12  Rural  Private  Other Student Population2007-08 Total Students White Students African-American Students Hispanic Students Asian American Students Native American Students 1650 22 24

63 SPN Database – Student Achievement Data Meeting AYP - ELA 2006-20072007-08 YesNoExemptYesNoExempt All Students Students w/ Disabilities English Language Learners Students in Poverty African-American Students Hispanic Students Asian-American Students Male Students Female Students Other

64 Consequences What is literacy ? Know, do, be like

65 Hunting vs. Grazing for Information

66 Bio Technology Biological Science Biological Science Practical Application Practical Application

67 Nano Technology Atom Up Atom Up

68 Memory Nanotechnology

69 Credit: J. J. Yang, HP Labs

70 Nanotechnology Memory Clothes that clean themselves Self-cleaning, oil-repellant materials Self-cleaning, fog-free windshields

71 Nano Tech Suits Morph into Camouflage Fabric Stiffens for use as a Splint Reproduce light to make the soldier nearly invisible Source:

72 Info Tech Nano Tech Bio Tech 2000

73 Info Tech Nano Tech Bio Tech 2008

74 2012 Info Tech Bio Tech Nano Tech

75 Elementary Schools 6 Years Integrated Science Biology / ChemistryGrade 7 Biology / PhysicsGrade 8 Physics / ChemistryGrade 9 Integrated ScienceGrades 10 - 12 Source: Ed Week 6/6/07 Chinese Science

76 Challenges Technology Globalization Demographics

77 1910 3.0 / 100 Demographics / Economic 1946 4.6 / 100 20001.4 – 1.8 / 100

78 Demographics In 2016, 25% of the U.S. workforce will be over the age of 55. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

79 U.S. Population Percent Disabled 5-20 years old 6.5% 21-64 years old 13.0% 65+ years old 41.0% Source: U.S. Census Bureau

80 Modern medicine is less able to promote healthy aging. The average 21 st century American will spend more years caring for parents than children. Robbins, John. (2006) Healthy at 100. Random House. p. xvii

81 More Ethnically Diverse Caucasians are becoming less dominant as a consumer target… Caucasian AA/Black Hispanic Asian Source: Born to be Wired; Yahoo & Carat Interactive

82 Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2005 – 14% 2030 – 30% U.S. Population, Hispanic

83 Challenges Technology Globalization Demographics Values / Beliefs

84 Students Technologically literate Find information

85 Be Not Afraid

86 Literacy Skills Prose vs. document and quantitative Hunt vs. graze

87 On-Line Learning Trophy Generation –Technology –Feedback/Awards Customized Time Cost

88 Schools vs. World Customization vs. standardization

89 1587 Route 146 Rexford, NY 12148 Phone (518) 399-2776 Fax (518) 399-7607 E-mail - International Center for Leadership in Education, Inc.

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