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Safety | Sustainability | Accountability Click mouse or press spacebar to start presentation. (Press it again to move on to next slide)

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1 Safety | Sustainability | Accountability Click mouse or press spacebar to start presentation. (Press it again to move on to next slide)

2 Safety | Sustainability | Accountability North east Essex

3 What do you say? We are seeking your views on our plans to be the health care provider of choice for north east Essex by becoming an NHS Foundation Trust

4 Safety | Sustainability | Accountability In this session we’ll explain… Our vision The benefits of NHS Foundation Trusts Our timetable How you can have a direct influence

5 Safety | Sustainability | Accountability Our vision People who use our hospital services will recommend us to their family and friends because: their needs and experiences are reflected in everything we do our patients receive care that is safe, effective and accessible the care we give fulfils the NHS Standards for Better Health.

6 Safety | Sustainability | Accountability Our strategy To place the patient at the centre, based on principles of: Safety Sustainability Accountability within an ever-learning environment.

7 Safety | Sustainability | Accountability So why now? FTs are at the cutting edge of the decentralisation of public services and the creation of a patient-led NHS. FTs are more responsive to the needs of local people.

8 Safety | Sustainability | Accountability With real benefits Local flexibility to tailor new governance arrangements to the individual circumstances of our community Freedom to invest surpluses and access capital to enhance services Support patient choice. Directly accountable to Monitor

9 Safety | Sustainability | Accountability How do FTs do this? FTs have an elected Members Council consisting of public and staff. This works closely with Board of Directors: to influence decision-making to influence strategic planning.

10 Safety | Sustainability | Accountability Members Council Our Members Council will comprise: 13 members of the public living in NE Essex five members of staff representing different professions and occupations within the Trust five representatives from partner organisations. Our Board of Directors will comprise: Chairman Non-Executive Directors Executive Directors.

11 Safety | Sustainability | Accountability Benefits for members Members will have a say on how the Trust develops its services Members will decide who the governors are.

12 Safety | Sustainability | Accountability Change of name As an NHS Foundation Trust, Essex Rivers Healthcare NHS Trust will still be part of the NHS. We want to change our name to reflect where we are and what we do. Colchester Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust

13 Safety | Sustainability | Accountability We have to change the name In the 2004 consultation nearly all respondents agreed with the change ‘Colchester’ gives a far better geographical identity than ‘Essex Rivers’ ‘Hospital’ is a very strong identifier ‘University’ is dependent on gaining Associate University status in the autumn

14 Safety | Sustainability | Accountability Top 10 Google search term 63% of people searching for our website use the term ‘Colchester’ or ‘Hospital’.

15 Safety | Sustainability | Accountability Timetable 6 Sept: Consultation ends Oct: Submission to Dept of Health Dec: Secretary of State decision Jan 2008: Submission to Monitor Commence Governor elections Apr 2008: Monitor approve application?

16 Safety | Sustainability | Accountability Public Consultation A 12-week consultation period to seek views and comments from local people, staff and local organisations Consultation runs until Thursday 6 September 2007.

17 Safety | Sustainability | Accountability How can you get involved? Spread the word, tell us what you think, and until 6 September: Read the summary consultation leaflet Answer our survey – online or on paper Register to become a member.

18 Safety | Sustainability | Accountability Questions? David Hewitt Foundation Project Lead Phone: 01206 742733 Email: Or look on our website:

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