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Revision session 4: American West – Conflict on the Plains

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1 Revision session 4: American West – Conflict on the Plains
The American West: inhabitants and early settlers - The Plains Indians: their beliefs and way of life. - Early migration and settlement: trappers and miners in the far West; the reasons for increasing migration; the Oregon Trail; The Mormons at Salt Lake City. - Cattlemen and cowboys: ranching on the Great Plains; the life and work of the cowboy; reality and myth. The settlement of the Great Plains - The reasons for the growth of Western settlement: the role of governments; motives and aspirations of migrants; the role of railroads and railroad companies. - Survival on the Plains: life and work of the homesteaders; the role of women. - Farming: problems and solutions. Conflict on the Plains - Conflicts between settlers and the Native American peoples: the clash of cultures; the reasons for the Plains Wars and their outcomes; the Battle of the Little Big Horn and its impact; Custer and Sitting Bull. - Changing government attitudes and policy towards the Plains Indians. - The impact of the settlement of the West on native peoples to 1895.

2 Conflict on the Plains Conflicts between settlers and the Native American peoples: the clash of cultures; the reasons for the Plains Wars and their outcomes; the Battle of the Little Big Horn and its impact; Custer and Sitting Bull. Changing government attitudes and policy towards the Plains Indians. The impact of the settlement of the West on native peoples to 1895.

3 In simple language:- Whites v Indians – why? What was it like? What were the results? What the government wanted to happen – this changed What happened to the Indians? (reservations etc)

4 Whites v. Indians – massive topic
Little Crow’s War – 1862 – Santee Sioux starving, rebelled, got put somewhere worse Red Cloud’s War – – Bozeman Trail ran through Sioux land (broke FL), Indians attacked whites. Led to second FL Treaty – Sioux to go to reservation in Dakota (didn’t all go) Great Sioux War – – gold in Black Hills, US govt offered to buy them, told all Indians to go to res – they couldn’t/didn’t – Battle of Little Bighorn

5 (2) Government policy Before 1850s – 1 big reservation
After 1851 Fort Laramie Treaty – concentration – Indians would give up freedom to go where they liked, but the land they did have would be protected By 1870s – gradual policy of smaller reservations 1876 – destroy the Indians’ way of life

6 (3) Destruction of Indian way of life
Why? (b) How?

7 (3) Destruction of Indian way of life
How? (in general) The army - 1 weapon per soldier, winter campaigns, total war The railroads – crossed hunting grounds, brought homesteaders, encouraged cowboys etc… The government – supported army, used+reduced reservations, Dawes Act 1887 etc The loss of the buffalo – (railroads, industry)

8 (b) How? (on the reservations)
Reduce chiefs’ power Put their children in boarding schools Ban their religion Employ corrupt government agents

9 2. How important was the Battle of Little Bighorn in the destruction of the way of life of the Plains Indians? Explain your answer. The area of the Great Sioux Reservation was agreed Custer was defeated at Little Bighorn The Dawes Act was passed

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