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Is it possible to do it all? ISMTA Conference DeKalb, IL Nov. 12 th, 3:20-4:10 p.m., Room 101 LeAnn Halvorson, IMTF Chairman, ISMTA.

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Presentation on theme: "Is it possible to do it all? ISMTA Conference DeKalb, IL Nov. 12 th, 3:20-4:10 p.m., Room 101 LeAnn Halvorson, IMTF Chairman, ISMTA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is it possible to do it all? ISMTA Conference DeKalb, IL Nov. 12 th, 3:20-4:10 p.m., Room 101 LeAnn Halvorson, IMTF Chairman, ISMTA

2 Not always, but our goal is to always try  Combining activities The “All in One Assignment Technic/Dictionary” helps students learn technique fingering while also learning music theory. Activities requiring thinking about both fingering and theory helps accuracy, saving us time. Example from: “All in One Assignment Technic/Dictionary”

3 I couldn’t do it because……………..  Excuses reduce our teaching time Students lose focus in the goals we set for their practicing. Use clear assignments that are harder for them to lose. Arm them with information that they can access during week. Be available for their questions. Example from: “All in One Assignment Technic/Dictionary”

4 Piano Parents are not our enemy  Always keep piano parents informed. They want their student to succeed, but don’t always know how to help.  Use a Studio Policy, modify, and stick to it.  Show parents how you assign material.  Inform parents when work isn’t done.  Show parents ways to help students.  Send studio information and bills monthly. Be available for their questions. Some are harder to help, have fun Some are harder to help, have fun Youtube: “The Music Teacher and the Parent” Example from: “Peer Performance Evaluations” and one of my student’s report cards.

5 Meet the Students  It is easier to schedule students of the same level together, but can work with mixed levels of ISMTA Achievement in Music students.  Jordan, Senior in High School, doing level 11 AIM.  Marta, Sophomore in High School, doing level 10 AIM.  Gregory, Junior in High School, doing level 7 AIM.  Peter, in 6 th grade, doing level 6 AIM. Both Jordan and Gregory took last year off from lessons and came back this year after listening to motivational speakers, Alex and Brett Harris, authors of: Do Hard Things Three of these students had moved to another state with their family several years ago and came back.

6 Hybrid piano lessons?  Hybrid isn’t only for cars or computer programs, but can also be for lessons. also be for lessons. 60 min. partner lessons (2-4 students) 80 min. partner lessons (2-4 students) 100 min. partner lessons (2-4 students) Why? More flexibility in the lessons  Theory training during lessons.  Learning by osmosis. 2 students can work in the main room while 2 students work in the side music room on: sight reading, theory, and ear training, etc.

7 Hybrid = Easier to teach sight reading & ear training  Students can work on a lot while the other students and I work in the main room. Sight Reading Ear Training Duet Practicing Technique with the computer Solo practicing with computer Composition Theory with the computer etc…………………………………

8 Hybrid = Easier lesson scheduling  Built in ensemble partners, every week. Flexibility in ensemble groupings that are possible. Duet: “Fantasy” by Timothy Brown, FJH Publishing, In Recital Duets, Book 6, Volume One  No down time if a student can’t make it to a lesson. Somebody is always there to teach.  Consolidated schedule More students taught in less time.

9 Hybrid = Easier to teach technique  Students are more likely to practice technique if they know they must keep up with others. S = Scales C = Chord Progressions A = Arpeggios T = Tonic Chord Inversions Points are given students for achievements and they pick from a “goodie box.”

10 Is it possible to do it all? Not always in every lesson, but with careful planning, student and parent participation, in most lessons. Special Thanks to my husband, Marty Halvorson, and daughter, Lauren Halvorson for helping me with the video and power point technology.

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