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Social Studies Early Exploration: Lesson 9 – Vasco da Gama

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Presentation on theme: "Social Studies Early Exploration: Lesson 9 – Vasco da Gama"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Studies Early Exploration: Lesson 9 – Vasco da Gama
Materials needed: -Vasco da Gama picture cards -blue and red square of paper or unifix cube for each student -TV read part for each student *This show goes with the 25 part TV read. Adjust as needed. -optional: microphone for TV read -Vasco da Game award certificate for each student -set of explorer sort cards and a small baggie for

2 Why did Vasco da Gama explore his world and what were his accomplishments?
A year after Amerigo Vespucci set off on his explorations, another explorer from Portugal set off to try to find an all-water route to Asia. Does anyone know the name of this man? Here is our big question for today…*

3 I have some pictures to help you make some predictions about this explorer and his accomplishments.
Think about your predictions in your own mind first. (give think time) Turn and talk…tell your partner your predictions. Would anyone like to share their predictions?

4 The Life and Times of Vasco da Gama
To learn the story of Vasco da Gama, we are going to do a TV read. Some of you will be historians who are guests on today’s TV show all about da Gama. The rest of you will be Vasco da Gama. Two people will say a fact about themselves, but only one person will be the real Vasco da Gama. The other will be an imposter. As the audience, your job will be to watch the TV show and decide who the real Vasco da Gama is. (pass out parts and practice – give each person a blue and red square of paper or unifix cube)

5 Will the real Vasco da Gama
please stand up? During the show, you’ll see slides like this. When you do, the whole class should read the question aloud. Then the real Vasco should stand up and reread his card.

6 Act 1 The Life and Times of Vasco da Gama
Let’s have our * Act 1 da Gama’s and historians report to their locations. (da Gamas read their cards – kids hold up red or blue square to show who they think is the real da Gama) Act 1

7 WEXP: Explorer Network Welcome to WEXP: Explorer Network.
Today we have a show all about Vasco da Gama. We have many special guests with us to tell us about the life and times of this famous explorer. Let’s begin with a little history lesson from our first three guests, Historians , , and

8 Portugal hoped to be the first to find an all water route to Asia.
1 - During the 1400's, Portugal sent many explorers along the coast of Africa in search of an all water route to Asia.

9 Prince Henry the Navigator
Prince Henry sponsored many of these expeditions, but none of his sailors were ever able to reach the southern tip of Africa.

10 2 – In the year 1460, while Prince Henry's sailors continued to journey along the coast of Africa, a boy was born in Sines, Portugal. That boy was named Vasco da Gama. His father was an explorer, who was also trying to find a sea route to India. Unfortunately, Vasco's father died before he could accomplish his goal.

11 Bartholomew Diaz 3 - In 1487, when Vasco da Gama was in his late 20’s, a man named Bartholomew Diaz set out from Portugal with three ships hoping to reach India. His ships were blown around the southern tip of Africa by a fierce storm. He named this area the Cape of Storms. Diaz had hoped to continue sailing onward to India, but his crew threatened to mutiny, and he had to turn back.

12 King John II The King of Portugal at the time, King John II, decided to rename this area the Cape of Good Hope. He had hopes that someday Portugal would be the first country to find an all water route to Asia.

13 Will the real Vasco da Gama
please stand up? (entire class reads together – then the correct student stands and reads his/her card again)

14 Act 2 The Life and Times of Vasco da Gama
(Act 2 people find their places) Act 2

15 WEXP: Explorer Network
Welcome back to WEXP, where curiosity opens the door to whole new worlds. In today’s show, we are learning about Vasco da Gama. Now let’s hear from historians , , _________, and

16 King Manuel I 4 - Soon King Manual I became King of Portugal. He, too, wanted Portugal to be the first country to find an all water route to Asia. He needed to choose a leader for this expedition.

17 The crew threatened to mutiny!
Bartholomew Diaz was certainly the most experienced man, since he had sailed all the way around the Cape of Good Hope. 5 - Unfortunately, Bartholomew Diaz had barely prevented a mutiny *. Even though he ordered his sick and starving men to sail on to India, they refused to obey him. King Manual decided that he needed a more forceful commander. He selected …

18 Vasco da Gama Vasco da Gama. 6 -
On July 8, 1497, Vasco da Gama set sail from * Lisbon, Portugal, with four ships and 170 men. Vasco da Gama

19 Portugal Cape Verde Bartholomew Diaz sailed along with Vasco da Gama in his own ship, but only as far as the Cape Verde Islands. From there, da Gama and his ships sailed onward * toward the southern tip of Africa. 7 - Diaz warned da Gama that currents along the coast of Africa were very tricky and dangerous. Following the advice of Diaz, da Gama sailed away from the coast and instead took a great looping course through the southern Atlantic Ocean.

20 Will the real Vasco da Gama
please stand up? (entire class reads together – then the correct student stands and reads his/her card again)

21 Act 3 The Life and Times of Vasco da Gama
(Act 3 people find their places) Act 3

22 WEXP: Explorer Network
Welcome back to WEXP, where fortune and fame await. When we left off, we learned that Vasco da Gama used some good advice from Bartholomew Diaz on how to travel near the southern tip of Africa. Now let’s hear from historians , , and to see if he was successful.

23 Cape of Good Hope 8 - After about four months, da Gama and his ships reached the most dangerous part of their voyage. It was time to round the Cape of Good Hope, otherwise known as the Cape of Storms. This meant sailing through the most dangerous waters ever encountered. * Frequent storms, strong winds, swirling currents, and huge waves all made this area a death trap for navigators.

24 9 - After six days of sailing against the winds, they finally rounded the cape. Vasco da Gama and his crew sailed up the eastern coast of Africa - something that the European sailors before them were never able to do!

25 10 - On the way up the coast, da Gama and his ships docked at several ports. Some African rulers were unimpressed with da Gama's goods and refused to trade with him. At one port, men with guns tried to capture da Gama and his crew, and they barely managed to escape!

26 Will the real Vasco da Gama
please stand up? (entire class reads together – then the correct student stands and reads his/her card again)

27 Act 4 The Life and Times of Vasco da Gama
(Act 4 people find their places) Act 4

28 WEXP: Explorer Network
Welcome back to WEXP, where we share stories of national pride to countries across the world. In our last segment, we learned that Vasco da Gama successfully rounded the southern tip of Africa but ran into some big troubles on his way up the western coast. Now let’s hear from historians , , and

29 11 - Finally, Vasco da Gama and his crew reached the African port of Malindi. Luckily, the people there were more helpful.

30 12 – In Malindi, da Gama hired a guide to help lead his ships across the Indian Ocean. Strong winds helped to move the ships across the ocean, and just 23 days later, da Gama and his ships reached Calicut, the most important trading center in India. The entire journey lasted about ten months.

31 Vasco da Gama reaches India!
13 – Da Gama was welcomed by the Indian princes, but they weren't impressed with his goods. His European goods hardly compared with their magnificent wealth. Da Gama could only afford to buy small amounts of spices.

32 After only three months, da Gama and his men left India and headed back to Portugal.

33 Will the real Vasco da Gama
please stand up? (entire class reads together – then the correct student stands and reads his/her card again)

34 Act 5 The Life and Times of Vasco da Gama
(Act 5 people find their places) Act 5

35 WEXP: Explorer Network
Welcome back to WEXP, where our imaginations are never afraid to wander. To conclude today’s story of Vasco da Gama, let’s hear from historians , and

36 Vasco returns to Portugal and is greeted by the King
14 - When da Gama reached Portugal, he received a hero's welcome. Even though he only had a few samples of goods, these items proved to the king that there were good trading opportunities in India. His voyage also opened the route for many later traders from Portugal to travel to India.

37 15 - Vasco da Gama made two more voyages to India
15 - Vasco da Gama made two more voyages to India. On his second voyage, he made a trade treaty with a local ruler. He returned to Portugal with spices, gold, and other precious gifts. Once again, he was treated as a hero.

38 Tomb of Vasco da Gama in Portugal
Shortly after making a third voyage to India, Vasco da Gama died there on December 24, 1524.

39 Host: That concludes today’s show on the life and times of Vasco da Gama. Thank you for joining us today. We hope to see you back next week when we talk about life the New World.

40 Will the real Vasco da Gama
please stand up? (entire class reads together – then the correct student stands and reads his/her card again) Now we can sum up the answer to…

41 Why did Vasco da Gama explore his world and what were his accomplishments?
…our big question.

42 1498 Vasco da Gama The date of exploration was… *
The name of our explorer is… *

43 He wanted to find an all water route from Europe to Asia.
Reason for Exploration He wanted to find an all water route from Europe to Asia. Why did Vasco da Gama explore his world? *

44 Accomplishments He was the first European to find an all water route around Africa to Asia. What did he accomplish? * Because of this great accomplishment, we are going to present Vasco da Gama with an award.

45 being the first person to find an all water
Vasco da Gama Let’s fill in his name…* What are some things we could write? (share ideas) Here is what I wrote…* Go ahead and design your award for Vasco da Gama. At the start of our unit, we said that by the end we would be able to answer this… being the first person to find an all water route from Europe to Asia by sailing around Africa.

46 discoveries of early explorers help people learn about their world?
How did the discoveries of early explorers help people learn about their world? …big question. Let’s see how well you know your facts about our explorers. I have a sort for you to do. (pass out sort cards – have students cut them)

47 Sort your cards! Name of Explorer Reason for Exploring Accomplishments
Here’s how I would like you to sort your cards. Put the * name of the explorer at the top. Then * put his reason for exploring. Then * put his accomplishments. For some, you will also have * other important facts. Put that last. When finished, compare answers with your partner. Other Important Facts

48 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 Leif Ericsson Marco Polo Reason for Exploring:
He was curious about new land another sailor had spotted and wanted to find wood and other resources. 1 2 Reason for Exploring: He went to China in search of goods, such as silk, spices, and jewels. Accomplishment: He wrote a book that inspired other explorers to reach China. 2 Let’s see how you did. Find Leif. What was his reason for exploring? * What was his accomplishment? * What other fact was important? * Turn those over and write * a 1 on the back. Now find * Marco Polo. Reason? * Accomplishment? * Fact? * Flip over and write…* 1 Accomplishment: He was the first European to set foot on the continent of North America. He traveled on a series of trade routes called the Silk Road that stretched from the Mediterranean Sea to China. 2 1 He and his crew spent the winter in North America in a place he called Vinland.

49 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 Prince Henry Bartholomew the Navigator Diaz
Reason for Exploring: He wanted to get gold and other riches from Africa, and he wanted to find an all water route to Asia. 3 Reason for Exploring: He wanted to find an all water route from Europe to Asia. 4 Accomplishment: He was the first European to travel around the southern tip of Africa. 4 3 Accomplishment: He started a school for navigation, ship building, and mapmaking, and he sponsored expeditions of discovery down the west coast of Africa. Now find * Prince Henry the Navigator. Reason? * Accomplishment? * Fact? * Flip over and write…* Now find * Bartholomew Diaz. He wanted to name the southern tip of Africa the Cape of Storms, but King John II renamed it the Cape of Good Hope. 4 3 He did not sail on any voyages of discovery.

50 New World on purpose and explored land there. America was named
Christopher Columbus 5 6 Amerigo Vespucci 5 6 Reason for Exploring: He wanted to find an all water route to the Far East (Asia) by sailing westward. Reason for Exploring: He was curious about the world. 6 Accomplishment: He traveled to the New World on purpose and explored land there. America was named after him. 5 Accomplishment: He discovered land in the Americas. Now find * Christopher Columbus. Reason? * Accomplishment? * Fact? * Flip over and write…* Now find * Amerigo Vespucci. 5 He thought he had reached India, so he called the people there Indians.

51 He wanted to find an all water route from Europe to Asia.
Vasco da Gama 7 Reason for Exploring: He wanted to find an all water route from Europe to Asia. 7 Accomplishment: He was the first European to find an all water route around Africa to Asia. 7 Now find * Vasco da Gama. Reason? * Accomplishment? * Fact? * Flip over and write…* Mix up your cards and put them in your baggie. Use them to study for your test.

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