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How do you get data of existing field conditions into GeoPak? (3 ways) 1) The information is given to you (easy way). - If you request data you should.

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Presentation on theme: "How do you get data of existing field conditions into GeoPak? (3 ways) 1) The information is given to you (easy way). - If you request data you should."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do you get data of existing field conditions into GeoPak? (3 ways) 1) The information is given to you (easy way). - If you request data you should get the following: Photogrammetry department (Extended Coverage)Survey Chief (Topog. area)MicroStation DGN file.Tin file (Triangular Network File). 2) Importing Data Photogrammetry departmentSurvey Chief *.LST file (KORK photogrammetric file)*.REC file (data recorder file) 3) Extract Graphics method (will explain in next chapter).

2 GEOPAK - BUILD TRIANGLES Dissolve Option - eliminates triangles that don’t represent the surface. None – no external triangles are dissolved.



5 GEOPAK BUILD TRIANGLES Dissolve Option - eliminates triangles that don’t represent the surface. Sliver – eliminates long thin triangles



8 GEOPAK BUILD TRIANGLES Dissolve Option - eliminates triangles that don’t represent the surface. Side – Will dissolve all triangles that have an external side longer than the user specified length.



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