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By them going, pathways are growing. DARE.

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1 By them going, pathways are growing. DARE

2 Results 27 January 2004: Darenet operational.Darenet January 2004: New call for tenders...... October 2003: Participation in OAI-rights Initiative (OAI + RoMEO + DARE). August 2003: DARE Report ‘Specifications for a Networked Repository for Dutch Universities’ July 2003: 8 projects on their way......

3 8 projects CoMa: Copyright Management, Universiteit van Tilburg CoMa: Copyright Management 'DARC: Distributed Africana Repositories Community', Universiteit Leiden 'DARC: Distributed Africana Repositories Community' 'P-Web: een tool voor het online publiceren van proceedings', Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 'P-Web: een tool voor het online publiceren van proceedings' 'Scripties Online', Universiteit Twente; Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam; Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 'Scripties Online' 'Stroomlijning en digitalisering van het review proces', Wageningen Universiteit 'Stroomlijning en digitalisering van het review proces' 'Universitair Wetenschappelijk Archief (UWA)', Universiteit van Amsterdam 'Universitair Wetenschappelijk Archief (UWA)' ORION: Open Researchinformation Infrastructure On-Line, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen; Netherlands Academy of Sciences and Humanities ORION: Open Researchinformation Infrastructure On-Line OA-x, Netherlands Academy of Sciences and Humanities

4 Expectations 2004 New call for tenders, aiming at a.o. Robustification of repositories (enhancing DARE metadata with Digital Author Identifier - DAI, coupling with e-Depot of KB, coupling with research management system METIS, authentication) Use of DARE for Virtual Learning Environments Raise awareness of scientists of benefits of repositories and open access

5 Success factors No central solutions but Central coordination Collective milestones International open standards and Strong Community of Practice (extranet) Libraries (i.e. professionals) are actors Matching funds available. Finally, not waiting for grand declarations: By them going, pathways are growing!

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