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As some English words evolved from German, there are many English words which are similar to German. Over the course of time some spellings have changed.

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Presentation on theme: "As some English words evolved from German, there are many English words which are similar to German. Over the course of time some spellings have changed."— Presentation transcript:

1 As some English words evolved from German, there are many English words which are similar to German. Over the course of time some spellings have changed but there remain some patterns to help you use English words to identify German words. Understanding sound shifts between English and German can help you recognize cognates and expand your vocabulary.

2 machen make das Buch book schwach weak sprechen speak Deutsch English

3 trinken drink das Wort word der Tropf drop Deutsch English

4 das Bad bath Deutsch English das that danken thank

5 der Apfel apple Deutsch English der Pfeffer pepper das Pfund pound

6 sieben seven Deutsch English das Grab grave der Dieb thief

7 das Wasser water Deutsch English hassen hate besser better

8 das Herz heart Deutsch English zehn ten die Katze cat

9 die Flucht flight Deutsch English die Nacht night das Licht light

10 gestern yesterday Deutsch English gelb der Tag yellow daydaydayday

11 der Vater father Deutsch English voll das Volk full folk

12 Wetter weather Mutter mother Deutsch English

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