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DK update David Simonsen, WAYF (the federation formerly known as DK-AAI) It's a WAYFIt's about consentIt's a project.

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Presentation on theme: "DK update David Simonsen, WAYF (the federation formerly known as DK-AAI) It's a WAYFIt's about consentIt's a project."— Presentation transcript:

1 DK update David Simonsen, WAYF (the federation formerly known as DK-AAI) It's a WAYFIt's about consentIt's a project

2 SAML2 LDAP Host’ed simpleSAMLphp Shibboleth 1.3 + CAS WAYF architecture

3 Supported interfaces SP: SAML2 SP: Shibboleth 1.3 IdP: SAML2 IdP: LDAP (hosted login page) IdP: CAS + LDAP

4 IdM requirements Describe your IdP routines (will not be publicly available) 24 hours after status is changed, status is changed... LoA - not supported Strenth of initial authentication not flagged

5 Attributes MUST ---- Personal information----- SurName GivenName CommonName eduPersonPricipleName Mail eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation ----- Information about the organisation----- schacHomeOrganization MAY ---- Personal information ---- norEduPersonNIN eduPersonScopedAffiliation PreferredLanguage eduPersonEntitelment ----- Information about the organisation----- - Attributtes provided / generated by WAYF eduPersonTargedID (hash (SP-ID + hash (IdP-ID + salt + unique-personID) + salt) OrganizationName

6 Attribute profiles Normal profile eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation schacHomeOrganization Extended profile with persistent ID eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation schacHomeOrganization eduPersonTargedID Extended profil with persistent ID and name eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation schacHomeOrganization eduPersonTargedID SurName GivenName CommonName Extended profil with persistent ID, name and email eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation schacHomeOrganization eduPersonTargedID SurName GivenName CommonName mail

7 WAYF is live as of 28th of March 2008 All central services running WAYF, consent, consent-admin Central federating component (CFC): simpleSAMLphp Contract draft (turned down yesterday) websites open (Danish only so far) Production evironment + QA Press release to come (with ministers)

8 Only a few services still Cross federated to FEIDE (OpenWiki, Foodle) WAYF is live

9 Connected institutions The Royal Library Roskilde University Syddansk University The State Library WAYF Orphanage Århus University Technical University of DK

10 Planned services Connect, Forskningsnettets videotjeneste DSB NetID BBC Motion Gallery Danske reklamefilm eduMedia, Forskningsnettet Studenterportaler

11 NIAS, Nordisk Inst. for Asien Studier (Kalmar) Microsoft's 'Dream Sparks' ElseVier (forlag) OVID (forlag) EBSCO (forlag) WAYF-baseret ID-oprettelse Planned services

12 Users' consent

13 The users' informed consent Obligation to inform Consent Volontarily Informed Specific No personal info is kept

14 Ingen personlige oplysninger gemmes 2km4756k4l3n43j34j3 8ds989g+sdfhkjrwk30 !

15 DEMONSTRATION min.php min.php

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