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BSc Engineering & Business Studies BEng Engineering Business Management Briefing to 2 nd Years Spring 2008.

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1 BSc Engineering & Business Studies BEng Engineering Business Management Briefing to 2 nd Years Spring 2008

2 Topics covered BSc Engineering and Business Studies BEng Engineering Business Management Accredited courses with some business that could lead to chartered engineer status –BEng Engineering, Civil Engineering, Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering or Systems Engineering –MEng Engineering, Civil Engineering, Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering or Systems Engineering with Business Management elective

3 Engineering Business Degrees EBME&BS Year 3 Engineering50% Business & Management 50%100% Overall Engineering50%33% Business & Management 33%50% Other17%

4 BSc Engineering & Business Studies Only available as 3 year degree Warwick Business School (WBS) briefing on Wednesday 7 th May 2008 13:00-14:00 in Room S.011. All books and information will be handed out at that meeting. Need 2ii (>50%) in ES2A6 –Check your coursework marks on the ES2A6 web pages Transfer for your 3rd year to WBS Assigned a new personal tutor in WBS –(keep in contact with Engineering tutor for 2 nd referee)

5 BSc Engineering & Business Studies Only available as 3 year degree A broad course providing an introduction to both engineering and business 3rd year - all taught modules for 120 CATS, no individual project Final degree classification –50% for 2nd year, 50% for 3rd year Career options include –Any non specialist graduate trainee position –Any sector, but more attractive to non engineering industries than EBM –MSc courses in business & management Career options do not include chartered engineer

6 Recommended Core Modules 24 CATS core 96 CATS from non core No more than 60 CATS from year one (IB1xx or EC1xx)

7 Non Core modules (To be finalised by WBS) P has pre-requisites. Classified by Karen Bradbury loosely by subject group. Most of these seem the more ‘hard/numerical’ subjects

8 Non Core modules (To be finalised by WBS) Classified by Karen Bradbury loosely by subject group. Most of these seem the more ‘soft’ subjects.

9 BEng Engineering Business Management Stay in School of Engineering Retain existing personal tutor A broad based course but with more focus on Engineering 3 rd year - all taught modules for 120 CATS, no individual project Final degree classification –30% for 2 nd year, 70% for 3 rd year Career options include –Any non specialist graduate trainee position –Any sector, but more attractive to engineering industries than E&BS –Ideal for a business or management role in an engineering firm; logistics or supply chain management, procurement, marketing, human resource management –MSc courses in business & management Career options do not include chartered engineer

10 BEng Engineering Business Management 50% of modules, 60 CATS, from WBS –Refer to previous lists for E&BS 50% of modules, 60 CATS, from School of Engineering –Refer to next slide Your responsibility to select modules that have no timetable clashes If you want to apply for an MSc look out for potential 2 nd academic referee in addition to personal tutor

11 60 CATS of Engineering Modules (to be finalised for 08/09) ES382 Quality Techniques 15 CATS (Manufacturing) ES3A4 CAD/CAM & Simulation 15 CATS (Manufacturing) ES3A8 Design for Manufacture 15 CATS (Manufacturing) ES3C4 Productionising Designs 15 CATS (Manufacturing) ES3C1 Measurement and Instrumentation 15 CATS (Systems & Mechanical) ES3C8 Systems Modelling & Control 15 CATS (Systems, Electronics) ES372 Automation and Robotics 15 CATS (Manufacturing & all except Civil) ES3A5 Civil Engineering Materials 7.5 CATS and ES3A6 Construction Management & Methods 7.5 CATS (Civil) ES3C7 Structural Design and Analysis 45 CATS (Civil) ES335 Communication Systems 15 CATS (Electronics) ES3B3 Electrical Machines & Power Systems 15 CATS (Mechanical, Systems & Electronics) ES3B4 Energy Studies 15 CATS (Mechanical) ES3C9 Fundamental Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineers 15 CATS (Mechanical) ES3C2 Mechanical Design 15 CATS (Mechanical) ES3B5 Engines and Heat Pumps 15 CATS (Mechanical) ES386 Dynamics of Vibrating Systems 15 CATS (Mechanical) ES353 Heat Transfer Theory and Design 15 CATS (Mechanical) ES3C3 Planar Structures and Mechanisms 15 CATS (Mechanical)

12 BEng Options Accreditation by relevant Institute of Engineering for chartered engineer status, further study required after graduation 30% for 2 nd year, 70% for 3 rd year Project options (except BEng Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering) –15 CATS individual design project (includes some group work) BEng Engineering –Maximum choice on module selection but your responsibility to select modules that have no timetable clashes –Must select certain module combinations to gain accreditation BEng Civil Engineering –7.5 CATS on Construction Management & Methods BEng Manufacturing &Mechanical Engineering –15 CATS on Quality Techniques, 15 CATS on Design & Management of Lean Operations –Only option with 30 CATS individual project as core, might get a business project BEng Systems Engineering –15 CATS on Quality Techniques, 15 CATS Systems Modelling & Control

13 MEng 4 th Year Accreditation by relevant Institute of Engineering for chartered engineer status, no further study required after graduation MEng Civil Engineering with Business Management, MEng Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering with Business Management, MEng Systems Engineering with Business Management MEng Engineering with Business Management –3rd year must follow spine (I.e. Civil, Manufacturing or Systems) –Must select certain module combinations to gain accreditation 3 rd see information on BEng 4th year –45 CATS Business Management elective. Delivered by Warwick Manufacturing Group staff, drawing on material from their MSc taught courses in engineering management. –30 CATS group project, which require project management and business roles –45 CATS of engineering modules

14 Summary BSc EBS, BEng EBM and BEng Engineering require you to schedule your own timetable –Expect timetable clashes, especially on EBM No guarantees that all WBS/Economics modules will be available, refer to their briefing on 7 th May 2008 –Very large 2 nd year in WBS/Economics in 2008/9 On WBS/Economics modules you will be judged against 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd year WBS and Economics students –Ask WBS personal tutor or WBS/Economics lecturers for guidance –Review the WBS marks/feedback for ES2A6 as a possible guide –Expect to have to improve your academic writing style Try to build a network of engineering, science and business studies students to help you with minor timetable clashes & advice on writing style Plan your 2 academic referees for job/MSc applications –EBS students can use 2 personal tutors in WBS & Engineering –EBM students can use personal tutor plus another academic

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