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Uregelmæssige verber Joan Neesgaard Continue Tryk på F5-tasten for at starte! og derefter Continue…

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Presentation on theme: "Uregelmæssige verber Joan Neesgaard Continue Tryk på F5-tasten for at starte! og derefter Continue…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Uregelmæssige verber Joan Neesgaard Continue Tryk på F5-tasten for at starte! og derefter Continue…

2 He ______ to his neighbours many times. speakspokespoken Klik på den form af verbet, som passer ind i sætningen!

3 Correct! Continue He spoke to his neighbours many times.

4 They have ______ them about the dog. telltellstold

5 Correct! Continue They have told them about the dog.

6 She ______ me a birthday card. sendsent

7 Correct! Continue She sent me a birthday card.

8 Who has ______ all the food? eatateeaten

9 Correct! Continue Who has eaten all the food?

10 Have you ______ Susan today? meetmet

11 Correct! Continue Have you met Susan today?

12 The parents ______ the children a dog. givesgavegiven

13 Correct! Continue The parents gave the children a dog.

14 The guests ______ all the beer. drinksdrankdrunk

15 Correct! Continue The guests drank all the beer.

16 The train ______ an hour ago. leaveleavesleft

17 Correct! Continue The train left an hour ago.

18 He ______ a lot of vegetables in his garden. growgrewgrown

19 Correct! Continue He grew a lot of vegetables in his garden.

20 He has ______ English for many years. teachteachestaught

21 Correct! Continue He has taught English for many years.

22 She has ______ the coffee. forgetforgotforgotten

23 Correct! Continue She has forgotten the coffee.

24 I have ______ the key in my bag. findfindsfound

25 Correct! Continue I have found the key in my bag.

26 I ______ him in town yesterday. seesawseen

27 Correct! I saw him in town yesterday. Tryk på ESC-tasten for at afslutte… og luk derefter filen!

28 Sorry! Try again!

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