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Aldehyde and Ketone Reactions

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Presentation on theme: "Aldehyde and Ketone Reactions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aldehyde and Ketone Reactions
Review - Oxidation Reaction: 8. Oxidation primary alcohol --> aldehyde 9. Oxidation secondary alchol --> ketone 10. Oxidation aldehyde --> acid New Reactions: 6. Reduction: aldehyde + hydrogen --> pri. Alcohol. 6. Reduction: ketone + hydrogen --> sec. Alcohol 14. Hemiacetal Synthesis: alcohol + aldehyde or ketone --> hemiacetal 15. Acetal Synthesis: hemiacetal + alcohol --> acetal

2 Aldehyde and Ketone Reactions

3 Aldehyde and Ketone Reactions
Reduction: aldehyde + hydrogen --> pri. Alcohol Form of addition reaction.

4 Reduction: aldehyde + hydrogen
Break hydrogen bond

5 Reduction: aldehyde + hydrogen
Break double bond and use electrons to bond with hydrogen.

6 Reduction: aldehyde + hydrogen
Brief Method

7 Hemiacetal and Acetal Functional Groups
Hemiacetal: alcohol and ether on same carbon Acetal: Two ethers on same carbon

8 Hemiacetal Synthesis: aldehyde + hydrogen
Alcohol + aldehyde --> hemiacetal Ethanal + methanol Alcohol oxygen becomes an ether Carbon double bond oxygen becomes an alcohol

9 Synthesis of Acetal Functional Group
Acetal: alcohol plus hemiacetal (ether synthesis) Acetal: Two ethers on same carbon

10 Aldehyde and Ketone Reactions

11 Aldehyde and Ketone Reactions

12 Hemiacetal and Acetal Reactions
Ques. 13: Complete the following reactions:

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