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Published byKaterina Alway Modified over 10 years ago
August 2007 Department of Transportation Bureau of Policy & Planning
August 2007 Bureau of Policy & Planning “The mission of the Bureau of Policy and Planning is to promote the achievement of an integrated, multi-modal network of transportation services in Connecticut by recommending transportation policy, plans and programs through the management of the Department of Transportation’s planning program.” Mission
August 2007 Bureau of Policy & Planning Organizational Chart Environmental PlanningAsset/Performance Mgt. Census / Modeling Statewide Trans. Bureau of Safety Systems InformationPolicy Policy and Planning Intermodal Planning Collection/Verification Analysis/Classification Traffic Data Systems Inventory Accident RecordsTrip Analysis Long Range Plan and GIS/Computer Sys. Legislative Analysis Improvement Program & Quality Partnerships Aviation/Port PlanningAsset Management Water Resources Water Compliance Envir./Historic Doc. Field Coordination Performance Measures Transit Planning Air & Noise Location Planning Office of Policy and Systems Information Office of Intermodal and Environmental Planning Office of Fiscal/Administration State/Federal Programs Transportation Security/
August 2007 Office of Policy & Systems Information Division of Systems Information Division of Policy Office of Policy & Systems Information Division of Systems Information Division of Policy Bureau of Policy & Planning Office of Intermodal and Environmental Planning Division of Intermodal Planning Division of Environmental Planning Division of Asset Management / Performance Measures
August 2007 Office of Policy & Systems Information Division of Systems Information Division of Policy Bureau of Policy & Planning
August 2007 Division of Systems Information Systems Inventory Develop the Department’s Highway Performance Monitoring System(HPMS) Annually field inventory approximately 1500 miles of state roadway and 500 new town roads Prepare the Highway Log, Limited Access and other roadway mileage reports Annually update 169 digital town roadway maps
August 2007 Division of Systems Information Accident Records Compile accident statistics data from police accident reports Maintain the accident file to account for changes Conduct analytical studies and compile accident statistics Prepare and distribute accident data, accident rates and accident cost information Prepare site specific accident histories Manage the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) program
August 2007 Division of Systems Information Trip Analysis Develop and/or review traffic projections Review and approve traffic reports submitted to the State Traffic Commission Develop the congestion management file Participate in specialized traffic studies, surveys, field analyses, and informational meetings and hearings
August 2007 Division of Systems Information Traffic Monitoring Collect, maintain and report Annual Daily Traffic (ADT) for both state and town roads Collect, maintain and report statewide vehicle classification data Develop and distribute the Department’s annual Traffic Log Maintain traffic counting equipment
August 2007 Division of Systems Information Census/Travel Modeling Responsible for the Statewide Travel Model (STM) process Develop population and employment forecasts Prepare Air Quality Conformity submittals Transportation-related Census data Federal Highway Administration’s Functional Classification System Develop the Annual High Occupancy Vehicle Report
August 2007 Division of Systems Information GIS/Computer Systems Maintain the Department’s core enterprise Geographic Information System (GIS) and associated geospatial data Provide leadership and staff support for the Department’s Geospatial Standing Committee Provide Department representation to the State Geographic Information Systems Council, and leadership to the Council’s Data Inventory and Assessment Working Group Provide support associated with Homeland Security and Emergency Management Planning Provide GIS services and support to Bureau staff, Department employees, other state agencies, and regional and municipal governments Prepare a wide variety of high-end cartographic products resulting from GIS such as the Connecticut Tourism Map
August 2007 Division of Policy Transportation Safety Administer the Section 402 Safety Program to help prevent injuries and reduce highway traffic crashes Advance highway safety initiatives Administer the Safe Routes to School Program to encourage school children to walk and bicycle to school Administer the Operation Lifesaver Program
August 2007 Division of Policy Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Develop and maintain the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Provide Regional Planning Organizations with STIP information Develop federal/state 20 year funding projections Provide air quality conformity coordination Develop and update the STP Enhancement Status Report
August 2007 Division of Policy Long-Range Plan & Legislative Analysis Develop the Department’s Master Transportation Plan & State’s Long-Range Transportation Plan Develop reference documents on “The Planning Process” “Trends and Planning Data,” and the “Existing Transportation System” Function as the Bureau’s Legislative Liaison
August 2007 Division of Policy Security Planning/ State/Federal Programs Coordinate with the Emergency Management & Homeland Security Council Coordinate the DOT component of grant applications and data collection elements of emergency management and homeland security projects Review, analyze and summarize State and Federal legislation with respect to policy and funding of transportation capital programs, as well as emergency management and security related activities Maintain financial data pertaining to Federal transportation capital spending programs Develop a range of analyses and presentations related to transportation capital funding Perform specialist work, such as the revision of the Department’s Public Involvement Guidance Manual
August 2007 Division of Policy Regional Planning Coordination Responsible for the management, administration and oversight of the Metropolitan and Rural Transportation Planning Program Provide liaison/coordination between the Regional Planning Organizations and Department units Provide coordination with other federal and state agencies
August 2007 Office of Intermodal and Environmental Planning Division of Intermodal Planning Division of Environmental Planning Division of Asset Management / Performance Measures Bureau of Policy & Planning
August 2007 Division of Intermodal Planning Aviation/Port Planning (Airports and Ports) Focuses primarily on planning studies that address air and maritime transportation Such investigations identify the need for modifications to existing facilities and the viability of proposed new airport or port facilities or maritime services
August 2007 Division of Intermodal Planning Transit Planning (Rail, Bus, Commuter Parking, Bicycle and Pedestrian) Focuses primarily on public transit corridor studies, considering capacity and demand, access, facility and equipment needs Such studies evaluate the need for modifications to existing transit facilities or services and the viability of proposed new transit facilities or services Administer the day-to-day activities associated with the statewide Commuter Parking Program Administer the day-to-day activities associated with the statewide Bicycle Program
August 2007 Division of Intermodal Planning Location Planning (Highways) Focuses primarily on corridor planning studies that address the transportation performance along state roads, including safety and geometry, capacity, and access Such studies also consider the potential to address mobility along the study corridors through transit and non-motorized options
August 2007 Division of Environmental Planning Environmental/Historic Documents Prepare or oversee the preparation of environmental documents pursuant to the Connecticut and National Environmental Policy Acts, for capital projects Prepare project documentation pursuant to federal historic and archaeological statutes and regulations Coordinate with federal and state agencies on environmental policy relative to transportation planning
August 2007 Division of Environmental Planning Water Resources Prepare or oversee the preparation of water resource permit applications for capital projects Coordinate with federal and state resource agencies on threatened and endangered species potentially impacted by capital projects Coordinate with federal and state resource agencies on natural resource policy relative to transportation project development
August 2007 Division of Environmental Planning Water Compliance Review Department design and construction plans for adherence to state and federal water quality parameters Department liaison with ConnDEP on environmental review of construction projects Administer the Department’s National Pollution Discharge Elimination Program (NPDEP) process for storm water protection
August 2007 Division of Environmental Planning Air and Noise Conduct detailed transportation noise analyses for capital projects to determine impact and mitigation Prepare acoustic noise barrier designs for capital projects Conduct detailed air quality modeling for compliance with state and federal air quality requirements Prepare Indirect Source Air Quality Permit applications
August 2007 Division of Asset Management / Performance Measures Asset Management Develop and administer a decision - making process for improvement and maintenance of the state’s transportation infrastructure Set project and program implementation goals Performance Measures Develop performance parameters and criteria for modal infrastructure for use in asset management functions Quality Partnership Coordinate with a broad range of public and private stakeholders and partners to maximize the efficiency of transportation program delivery
August 2007 Office of Fiscal/Administration Plan, coordinate, and develop the Bureau’s annual work program Budgetary preparation and control of the Department’s State Planning and Research (SP&R) and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Programs Federal grant program development Coordinate Core-CT programs and processes Bureau of Policy & Planning
August 2007 Examples of Recent, Current and Anticipated Intermodal Planning Studies I-95 Branford to Rhode Island Needs & Deficiencies Study Feeder Barge Study Connecticut Maritime and Pipeline Study Connecticut Rail Station Governance Study I-84 West of Waterbury Needs and Deficiencies Study New Haven-Hartford-Springfield Commuter Rail Implementation Study Danbury Branch Electrification Feasibility Study New Haven Line, Waterbury/New Canaan Branch lines Study State Rail Plan Update Statewide Airport System Plan Update Waterbury - Oxford Airport Master Plan Update and FAR Part 150 Noise Study I-84 Waterbury to Danbury Environmental Impact Statement Route 11 Salem to Waterford Environmental Impact Statement Route 2/2A/30 Environmental Impact Statement Eastern Connecticut Mobility and New London - Worcester Commuter Rail Study Statewide Rest Area & Service Plaza Study
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