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Mozart: “Symphony No. 40 in G minor Area of Study 1

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1 Mozart: “Symphony No. 40 in G minor Area of Study 1

2 Sonata form – a very basic overview
Exposition Development Recapitulation Nice music which includes two contrasting melodies (subjects) Composer gets creative – subjects are played but in lots of different ways Pretty much a repeat performance of the first section – a welcome return to the music at the start.

3 Sonata Form – a basic overview
Exposition Recapitulation 1st subject 2nd Development

4 Sonata form – an overview
Exposition (repeated) Recapitulation 1st Subject Tonic key Bridge passage Where the key change (modulation) happens 2nd In a different key Development Composer develops the two subjects in many different ways. A repeat from before This section happens but no key change this time This time , this subject is also in the tonic key

5 Sonata in more Detail Exposition Development Recapitulation
Two contrasting themes 1st Subject: G minor 2nd Subject: Bb major Bridge Passage Codetta Section is repeated No new ideas Develop ideas mainly from the 1st subject but also 2nd subject Exploration of different keys not heard in exposition Avoidance of tonic/ dominant keys Ideas from exposition repeated Bridge passage extended The coda is a further development of the 3 note from the 1st subject 2nd subject remains in tonic as piece needs to end in tonic key

6 The mood of the whole piece/ each section
1st and 2nd subject have contrasting themes: 1st Subject:

7 The mood of the whole piece/ each section
2nd Subject

8 The mood of the whole piece/ each section
The development of the 1st subject

9 The mood of the whole piece/ each section
Fast tempo Serious and dramatic Exciting Dramatic G minor key 1st subject being dominated by strings section 2nd subject, pathètique mood - dialogue between woodwind and strings

10 The purpose of the exposition
The main purpose of the exposition is to expose the main themes The first theme: First subject Bridge Passage The second theme: Second subject

11 Analysis Section Sub section Detail Exposition Development
1st Subject (bars 1-28) G minor No introduction 1st idea bars 1-9 2nd idea bars 9-14 1st 3 notes repeated motif Sequence Dominated by strings Bridge Passage (bars 28-43) Modulates to the relative major (Bb) More chromatic Woodwind provide harmonic filling in texture Horns enter Descending sequence from strings 2nd Subject (bars 44-72) Bb major Theme shared by strings and woodwind Swap parts from bars & 52-58 Mood – graceful pathetique – chromatic descent: grief & sadness 1 bar sequences Chromatic passages Codetta (72-100) Modulates from Bb major to G minor Based on 3 note motif Homophonic texture (bars ) Imitation (Clarinets and Bassoons) Canon between upper and lower strings (bars 73-88) Development Bars Based on 3 note motif in 1st subject Chromatic harmony Woodwind provide chordal harmonic support – thickens texture Constant exploration of keys!

12 Section Sub section Detail Recapitulation 1st Subject (164-184)
G minor (exactly the same as exposition) Bridge Passage ( ) Still in tonic key Extended to 51 bars Structural balance to form & extended ideas Bass counter-melody against theme (bars ) Modulates to different keys but comes back to the tonic 2nd Subject ( ) Played in tonic key Like the exposition 1 bar sequences Coda ( ) 3 note motif passed between Woodwind Imitation Homophonic texture

13 Possible Questions In what century was this piece of music composed? What style is this piece of music written in? Comment on how Mozart uses the following musical elements in No.40 in G minor: Instruments Melody Dynamics Tonality and Harmony Form and Structure Remember to use correct musical vocabulary where appropriate

14 Mozart: “Symphony No. 40 in G minor Area of Study 1

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