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A Tale of Two Belief Systems Roots Findings 1& 2 Castleton, July 14, 2010 Susan Hayes, NAEP Coordinator Noel Bryant, School Improvement/Enrichment Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "A Tale of Two Belief Systems Roots Findings 1& 2 Castleton, July 14, 2010 Susan Hayes, NAEP Coordinator Noel Bryant, School Improvement/Enrichment Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Tale of Two Belief Systems Roots Findings 1& 2 Castleton, July 14, 2010 Susan Hayes, NAEP Coordinator Noel Bryant, School Improvement/Enrichment Coordinator

2 AGENDA Welcome Quick Overview of Roots Study Individual Reading Group Work Wrap Up Exit Card 2

3 Learning Intentions: You will understand that strategies and structures alone will not improve student outcomes without a fundamental shift in beliefs and culture. You will have the opportunity to reflect on the guiding beliefs and culture of your school and consider how these might impact your action planning. 3

4 4

5 Task #1: Individual Reading (15 minutes) Individually read through the handout entitled, A Tale of Two Belief Systems considering the similarities and differences between the two schools. If you would like, use the graphic organizer to capture your thoughts about the similarities and differences you identify. 5

6 Task #2: Group Work (20 minutes) Using A Tale of Two Belief Systems (and your graphic organizer if you chose to fill it out) work with your group to fill in the missing boxes on the sheet labeled Differences in King and Smith School: A Continuum. 6

7 Task #3: Individual Assessment (5 minutes) On your own, place a mark where that represents where you believe your school lies on each continuum (e.g. is it closer to King or Smith School?) 7

8 Task #4: Group Discussion (20 minutes) Take a piece of chart paper and draw 9 lines on it to represent each of the 9 continuums. Place a dot on each continuum that corresponds with where you as an individual believe your school would fall. As a group, discuss the 3-4 statements where you notice the dots are furthest apart. 8

9 Group Share (15 minutes) Teams share out the 3-4 statements where dots were furthest apart. Why do you think opinion differed so greatly? 9

10 Wrap Up (10 minutes) As you continue your action planning, consider these questions: How will you include this paradigm shift in your planning? How will you share the importance of this shift in beliefs and attitudes with your staff? Discuss this with your team. 10

11 Exit Card What was the most powerful idea you took away from this presentation? How could this presentation be improved? 11

12 Thank you! Susan Hayes: Noel Bryant:

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