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Anthony Wayne Lacrosse

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1 Anthony Wayne Lacrosse

2 Proper Technique There are several steps to make a good lacrosse shot.
Step 1: During your wind-up, you want the lacrosse head to be hidden from the goalie, by your back. This can greatly confuse the goalie. Goalies try to get their eye on the ball as early as they can. Hiding the head of your stick from them can give you the extra milli-second that you need to score. Doing this requires a big wind-up, which puts extra power on your shot. Hiding the head of your stick from the goalie not only confuses him, but it also increases your shot speed. Step 2: The next step to proper lacrosse shooting techniques is to extend your arms and lift your front elbow. Extending your arms, and getting the ball as far away from your body as possible increases your shot speed. It is simple physics. The further the ball is away from your body, the harder you can throw it. Lifting your front elbow helps the accuracy of the ball. It also provides extra velocity on the ball. As the ball is about to be released from the stick, you should bring your elbow down very fast.

3 Proper Technique (Cont)
It's All in the Wrists: This is the hardest part about the lacrosse shooting techniques. Mastering the wrist snap can take your entire life. The harder the wrist snap, the faster the shot. Be careful not to get too careless with your wrist snap. This may result in bad accuracy. Remember, if the ball doesn't find the net, then there is no point to having a fast shot.

4 Hand position: When shooting a lacrosse ball make sure to have your lower hand on the bottom of the stick and your upper hand a little lower on the stick than you normally have it when you throw or catch. This will allow you to have more leverage and shoot the ball with a little faster.

5 Time and Room When shooting with time and room (standing still from outside) the player wants to take a big step with his opposite foot. So, if he is right-handed, then he wants to step with his left foot. As discussed, he wants to extend his hands away from his body and get his left elbow up as high as possible. He then wants to twist his torso as far to the right as possible. A shooter at this point, with the right technique, is like a loaded spring. As he takes that big step with his left foot, his torso uncoils and twists back to his left, and his wrists snap his stick over the top. The players’ hands should be about a foot apart, so his bottom hand is on the butt end of the stick and the top hand is about a quarter of the way up the shaft. This is a general guide. It is important that the shooter finds a comfortable hand position.

6 On the Run The only real changes that occur when shooting on the run is that there is less leg power involved. The shooter must get more of his power from snapping his wrists over and turning his torso. One tip that helps a great deal when learning to shoot on the run is to have their shoulder pointed towards the goal. This makes them really turn their body into their shot and keeps them from fading away and shooting off their back foot. It is also important to have intermediate players concentrate on running down the pipes towards the goal. They will take more accurate and powerful shots with better angels than if they fade away from the goal. Also, when learning to shoot on the run, have players start slow and work on timing their shots in stride instead of trying to shoot at full speed.

7 Over Hand Shooting The most important shot that an intermediate level player really needs to work on is the over-hand shot. This will develop correct shooting technique for later on. It is also the most effective shot in lacrosse because it is accurate and hard for the goalie to read. With an overhand shot, a player can shoot at any part of the goal. He can go high to high, high to hip level, or high to low. The player can also hide his stick behind his head as he winds up for an overhand shot and shoot with time and room, on the run, and in close.

8 Finishing In Close The overhand shot is also great for finishing, which means shooting in close (anywhere within 5 yards close to the goal). Stress to your players when finishing that accuracy, not power, is what scores goals. It is also very effective to shoot overhand when finishing because the player can hide the stick behind his head for a quick and deceptive shot against the goalie. Many young players drop their sticks when they are finishing and get stuffed by the goalie. For all of these reasons, the overhand shot is the best shot for an intermediate level player to work on. Once he has mastered this shot, then he can move on to shooting sidearm and underhand at the advanced level

9 Aiming Look for white corners of the net. Don't look at the goalie - usually you will shoot where you are looking and you don't want to give it to him. Aim for the goalie's weak side - for instance a right-handed goalie will have a weak left side so you will aim for the top or bottom right corners. Corner shots & Bounce shots. Corner shots are self-explanatory. Bounce shots should bounce two to three feet in front of the goalie. A nice hard bounce shot is difficult to block. Lacrosse shooting has never been easier, with a bounce shot you can aim for the sides or right between the goalie's legs.

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