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Species at Risk Two Rivers Wildlife Park invites you to learn more about species at risk in Nova Scotia…

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1 Species at Risk Two Rivers Wildlife Park invites you to learn more about species at risk in Nova Scotia…

2 What are Species at Risk?
Any animal, plant, or other organism that is considered at serious risk of extinction S P E C I E S A T R I S K Usually species are at risk due to human activities Extinction is occurring at a rate never before seen in the history of human existence

3 What are the Species at Risk Categories
1. Endangered - a species facing imminent extirpation or extinction Threatened Special Concern (Vulnerable) Endangered 2. Threatened - a species likely to become endangered if limiting factors are not reversed 3. Special Concern (Vulnerable) - a species sensitive to human activities or natural events. This sensitivity makes it vulnerable to harm. Vocabulary: Extirpation: Loss of a species from a specific area but one or more populations surviving elsewhere on Earth. Extinction: Species no longer in existence

4 Species at Risk Around the World
11,000 species face extinction 800 extinct due to human activities Extinction is occurring at a higher rate than ever before

5 How many Species at Risk ?
431 species at risk in Canada Over 40 species at risk in NS 12 species extinct in Canada 5 species extinct in NS

6 Species at Risk around Nova Scotia
Victoria: 6 Cape Breton Regional: 5 Inverness: 7 Cumberland: 6 Richmond: 4 Antigonish: 4 Colchester: 4 Pictou: 3 Guysborough: 4 East Hants: 4 St. Mary’s: 5 Kings: 5 West Hants: 5 Halifax Regional: 7 Where do you live in Nova Scotia? Annapolis: 8 Chester: 6 Digby: 4 Lunenburg: 11 Clare: 2 Region of Queens: 13 Argyle: 11 How many species are at risk in your area? Locate the number on the map. Yarmouth: 6 Shelburne: 9 Barrington: 6

7 Why Are Species at Risk? Usually species are at risk of extinction due to human activities 4 Main Reasons: Habitat loss Over exploitation (i.e. over-hunting) Pollution Exotic (alien) species

8 Habitat Loss Habitat loss is the main threat to species.
Our need for more and more land for buildings, farming, forestry and roads sometimes leaves wildlife without a place to live. Without a place to live a species becomes extinct.

9 Over-Exploitation Another major cause of extinction is too much hunting, fishing, or trapping, called over-harvesting. The Atlantic cod was over-harvested, or fished to the point of being endangered.

10 Alien Species Alien species are plants or animals that are introduced to an area by humans, either accidentally or on purpose. The alien species may take over and kill native species by out-competing them for food or habitat. Purple loosestrife, a plant originally from Europe and Asia is now found across Canada. It clogs habitats, and is a threat to some species who live in these habitats. This is not only bad news for certain species, but also for the humans who rely on these native species.

11 Pollution Toxic chemicals are finding their way into more and more water habitats. Toxic chemicals do not only affect water. Acids, metals, and other poisonous compounds rain down on land habitats too, often thousands of miles from their source.

12 Why is Wildlife Important
Everything we have or use as human beings has its roots in nature, and most of these in wildlife. In fact, without wildlife, the planet could not support human life.

13 Saving Wildlife Saving a species that is at risk of extinction involves several steps: 1. Getting them put on the species at risk list 2. Passing laws to protect the remaining wildlife and habitat 3. Organize recovery of the species

14 Two Rivers Wildlife Park
During your visit to Two Rivers Wildlife Park you can learn more about some species that are at risk in Nova Scotia. Did you know that Two Rivers helps injured or abandoned animals? The park has a rehabilitation program to help these animals. The next few slides will introduce you to some of the animals at Two Rivers that are considered at risk in NS

15 American Marten The Marten is considered at risk in Nova Scotia. You can see this member of the weasel family at Two Rivers Wildlife Park. Martens almost became extinct in NS because of over-hunting. With loss of suitable habitat, it is likely that there are less than 50 animals on Cape Breton Island.

16 Moose The moose is the largest member of the deer family. Found throughout NS, moose are only considered at risk on the mainland. There is a healthy population on Cape Breton Island. Millie the moose was found injured and abandoned in She was successfully rehabilitated at Two Rivers! Visit Two Rivers Wildlife Park to learn more about moose!

17 Lynx Lynx were once found all over NS, but today they are mainly found in the Cape Breton Highlands. They are a species at risk because of loss of habitat, human pressures, and competition from other animals. You can learn more about this wild cat during your visit to Two Rivers Wildlife Park.

18 To Learn More about Species at Risk:
We hope you enjoyed this presentation about Species at Risk. To better understand why species are at risk and what you can do to help, complete some of the Two Rivers EduKit activities and visit Two Rivers Wildlife Park. Graphics and information courtesy of : Eaton, Samara T and Boates, J. Sherman “ Municipal and community stewardship: new tools in support of recovery of species at risk and their habitats.” Department of Natural Resources, Nova Scotia.

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