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A Level History at Glengormley High School. A level History will give you the opportunity to study the principal political, social, cultural and economic.

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1 A Level History at Glengormley High School

2 A level History will give you the opportunity to study the principal political, social, cultural and economic developments of different time periods in history. With the introduction of the new specifications at A level, the History department has deliberately taken the opportunity to choose modules that will allow you to build on and expand the skills that you have gained at GCSE.

3 You will continue to investigate interesting and relevant aspects of twentieth century European History. The fact that you – in the first AS module - will be building on knowledge which they already have will be a tremendous boost to both your historical insight and confidence.

4 Syllabus The new specifications offered at A level are those produced by CCEA (NI). The new course offers a gradual and enjoyable progression from the demands of GCSE to the demands of A level. The syllabus does so by offering a modular approach that allows you at the end of the first year of the course to obtain an AS level that bridges the gap between GCSE and A level.

5 The courses that have been chosen make this progression more manageable by building on a knowledge base at AS level that incorporates and develops a topic already developed at GCSE. Furthermore the new syllabus will allow you to develop and address the key skills of communication, Information Technology, working with others, improving own learning and performance, working with others and problem solving.

6 For most of you, Germany c1918 – 1945 is a familiar topic. The remaining topic at AS level will not be as readily familiar. The topics offered at A2 level build upon topics first covered at KS3.

7 AS History AS1 - Option 5: Germany c1918- 1945 1 hr 30 min external examination paper 50% of AS / 25% of A2 January and Summer AS2 – Option 5: Russia c1903 - 1941 1 hr 30 min external examination paper 50% of AS / 25% of A2 January and Summer

8 A2 History A21 - Option 4: Unionism and Nationalism in Ireland 1800-1900 1 hr 15 min external examination paper 1 essay question 20% of A level January and Summer A22 - Option 4: Partition of Ireland 1900-1925 2 hr external examination paper 1 question (2 parts) set in the context of an historical enquiry which includes the use of sources and 1 essay question 30% of A level

9 Germany Q1 either A or B Explain how… (12) 3 sources – 2 primary; 1 secondary Q2A How useful is source… (13) Q2b Using all the sources and your own knowledge… (35)

10 Russia Answer 2 from 4 Answer both parts –(i) 8 marks –(ii) 22 marks

11 Nationalism and Unionism in Ireland c1800 – c1900 This module is known as the synoptic module and requires the students to follow a period of history over a 100 years. The study will centre upon the constitutional changes within this period and will test the students ability to draw together knowledge and interpretations in order to demonstrate overall historical connections between the essential characteristics of the historical study. 2 questions – answer 1 (50)

12 The Partition of Ireland c1900 - 1925 This final paper has 2 sections – Source Evaluation and Analysis and Interpretations. Q1a – Which of the sources would an historian value most… (15) Q1b – How far do the sources support the view that… (20) Q2 – choose between 2 – A statement – use evidence and interpretations (35)

13 A good A level History student must: enjoy reading be able to read with understanding from an extensive variety of books enjoy active participation in discussion enjoy the challenge of forming and developing opinions enjoy interpreting and evaluating source material as historical evidence be aware of the importance of home study be self motivated and determined

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