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By Lucy Floyd Lucy Floyd grew up in South Carolina. Her father was a school principal, and her mother was a first grade teacher. As a child, she went.

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2 By Lucy Floyd

3 Lucy Floyd grew up in South Carolina. Her father was a school principal, and her mother was a first grade teacher. As a child, she went to her grandparent's small farm. She liked to listen to her grandmother tell stories. Lucy Floyd has always liked to write. She writes in a journal every day. Lucy Floyd lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with her husband. She likes to cook, read, and travel. Author: Lucy Floyd

4 Genre - In nonfiction, the pictures and the words work together to give information. Nonfiction At Home Around the World Look for: Information from the words. Information from the pictures.

5 Pop Quiz What does the author do? He or she writes the stories. What does the illustrator do? He or she draws the pictures. Click on speaker!

6 1. Put your reading book on your desk. 2.Open your book to the glossary. (The glossary is on page 256 in the back of our reading book.) 3.When you see the word Glossary, get ready to find the word.

7 Above above The ducks flew above the house. 2 above - in a higher place; farther up Click

8 hold hold - to grasp hold The cook will hold the fish for us to see. 1

9 Warm warm Her new coat is nice and warm. 3 warm - not too hot

10 Different different Can you find the one that is different? 4 different - not the same

11 Old old This is an old train. 5 old - opposite of new click

12 Water water There is a monster in the water. 5 water - something to swim in; liquid

13 years - periods of time, 365 days or 12 months long Yearsyears Angela is now seven years old.

14 Say the words. Read the sentence. Fill in the blank.

15 They will ______ hands as they fall. warm hold above old water years different

16 The bridge is high ______ the lake. different hold warm above water years old

17 Hammerhead sharks swim in deep __________. water warm years hold old different above

18 These are ______ skates. hold water warm years above old different

19 hold above different warm old years water Five ball are the same, and one ball is _________.

20 Sitting around the ______ campfire is fun. old hold above different water years warm

21 On a Chinese animal calendar, it is the ________ of the tiger. old hold above different water year warm

22 Review the Vocabulary Words 1.above - in a higher place; farther up 2.hold - to grasp 3.warm - not too hot 4.different - not the same 5.old - opposite of new 6.water - something to swim in; liquid 7.years - periods of time, 365 days or 12 months long

23 Match the words to its meaning. a higher place; farther up grasp C.not too hot D.not the same E.opposite of new F.something to swim in; liquid G.periods of time, 365 days or 12 months long 1.old ____ 2.water ____ 3.hold ____ 4.years ____ 5.different ____ 6.warm ____ 7.above ____ A B C D E F G

24 Say the Sight Words your different about better shelter years above hold warm why old water

25 New words in the story: At Home Around the World people shelter safety skinny standing Stilts desert breeze frosty apartment branches hunting animal floating tepee family bricks north cloth junk rained

26 Anne Miller

27 Web Links You should be able to click on these sites and go to them by pointing and clicking. Language Skills At Home Around the World - Classify/CategorizeAt Home Around the World - Classify/Categorize Test Tutor Using I and MeUsing I and Me Using He, She, It, and TheyUsing He, She, It, and They Contractions -'s - Contraction Practice -n't - Contraction Practice -'ll - Contraction PracticeContraction Practice Long Vowel Skills Words With "Y" (1) Words With "Y" (2) Make A Word Then Add Silent E/Make A Word Then Add Silent E Long A/ Search Long Vowels 1 Long Vowels 2

28 Map Skills on the Web 1.World Map Match World Map Match 2. Get Lost CompassGame Get Lost CompassGame 3.Geospy (fast paced map game) Geospy (fast paced map game) 4.Grandpa's GlobeGrandpa's Globe 5.Maps of the World Interactive Games Maps of the World Interactive Games 6.Online Interactive Maps Online Interactive Maps

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