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Internet Safety at Work Protect company, customer, and your data online.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Safety at Work Protect company, customer, and your data online."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Safety at Work Protect company, customer, and your data online

2 Presenter Guidelines

3 Stay Sharp at Work

4 Not their best days.

5 3 ways to avoid one of those days. 1. Defend your computer 2. Protect data and sensitive information 3. Protect devices and data on the go

6 #1: Defend your computer. Do 3 simple things: 1. Install all updates 2. Log off when you leave your desk 3. Lock up your laptop when you leave work

7 #2: Protect sensitive data. Think before you enter sensitive data Be suspicious of attachments and links Look out for scams and fraud Create strong passwords

8 Think before you type. Look for https (the s is for secure) A closed padlock means secure, too Are there signs the site is trustworthy?

9 Think before you click. Be suspicious and aware of: E-mail and IM attachments and links Messages within social sites

10 The tricks that make you click. Alarming messages Misspellings and grammatical errors Great deals Requests for sensitive info

11 How to avoid the bait. Confirm that the message is real Type the Web address yourself Use a browser with safety features

12 Passwords lock data doors. Keep them secret Change them often Make them strong

13 Which passwords are strong? 1. 555.12.999 2. 06/04/79 3. Exp3d!ti0us 4. Ambl!anc3 5. 135781113 6. MsAw3yOiD

14 And the answers are…

15 #3 Protect devices on the go. Do they have the latest protection? Guard devices like you do your wallet Dont hand-carry sensitive data Use caution if using a thumb drive in another computer

16 On the go: wireless hotspots. Connect securely Know who youre connecting to Save sensitive uses for more trusted connections

17 Sometimes things go wrong. How do you know a PC is infected? Your computer might run slowly Or crash often Or show other unusual behavior Contact our IT department immediately

18 You lost WHAT? Follow corporate IT policy Report it immediately. Or sooner Change all passwords Mobile phones: get help wiping data

19 Have a better day…

20 © 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Internet Explorer, SmartScreen, and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation.

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