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MBA 570 Workshop 1 Sustainable Customer Relationships Joseph Lewis Aguirre.

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Presentation on theme: "MBA 570 Workshop 1 Sustainable Customer Relationships Joseph Lewis Aguirre."— Presentation transcript:

1 MBA 570 Workshop 1 Sustainable Customer Relationships Joseph Lewis Aguirre

2 This Afternoon - The View 6:00 – 7:30 Administrative matters - PPS 7:30-7:45 Break 7:45 - 8:00 New product development and market potential and demand 8:00-8:15 Step 1 - Situational analysis related to scenario 8:15-8:30Competitive landscape and customer purchase behavior 8:30-8:45Step 2 - Frame the right problem 8:45-9:00External trends and long term marketing objectives 9:00-9:30 Step 3 - End state and goals - SMART 9:30-10:00 WS2 Preview

3 MP-WS1

4 How do You Spell Success Being successful in our occupation requires: –Lifelong Learning –Constant Personal and Professional Updating –Always working to improve to stay ahead of the competitors –Integrating Technology into personal and professional plans –Being multidimensional –Love what you do, do what you love! –Do you agree????????

5 What I Must Do YOUR THOUGHTS? If Joseph were to help me with……… in this class, I know I can complete THIS class and the program.

6 Self Introduction Name Background Home location and Place Domain Expertise/Occupation/location One thing about me (something unique about yourself nobody would know you would feel comfortable sharing) Myers Briggs Tendency Indicator (MBTI) Write this information on your name tents, you will use it for choosing teams

7 Personal Positioning Statement Simulating a generalized communication system

8 WS1: New Product Development & Market Potential Demand New Product or Product Improvement? Target new products to existing customers or Target new group of customers?

9 WS1: Markets 1. Forecast market potential and future demand a) Organizational Markets o Industrial o Reseller o Government o Global b) Online Buying o E-marketplace o Online auctions

10 WS1: Customers 2. Identify your current and future customer and their needs a) Consumer Purchase Decision process o Perceiving a need

11 Problem Solving Model

12 WS1- Step 1: Describe the situation Challenges, Opportunities, Probortunities Ready, Fire, Aim Data collection, TOB, Betsy the Cow Tools What? Mind Mapping

13 WS1: Competitive Landscape 3. Analyze competitive landscape and customer purchase behaviors a) Consumer Purchase Decision process o Seeking Value o Assessing Value o Buying Value o Value in consumption or use b) Psychological Influences o Motivation and Personality o Perception

14 STRATEGIC PLANNING InteractivityIndividualization





19 competitive advantage in relation to cost or differentiation advantage STRATEGIC PLANNING

20 Window of Opportunity when Solution remains Valid STRATEGIC PLANNING

21 WS1: Competitive Landscape - cont o Perception o Learning o Values, beliefs, and attitudes c) Sociocultural Influences o Personal influence o Reference groups o Family influence o Social class o Culture and subculture

22 WS1- Step 2: Frame the Right Problem Probortunities Is there a problem? What is the problem? Problem statement - Leads to possibilities, not a single answer - Not a solution statement - Only the strong survive - Open to refinement

23 WS1: External Trends 4. Identify key external trends (technology, economic, political, legal, etc.) a) Environmental Scanning o Social Forces o Economic Forces o Technological Forces o Competitive forces o Regulatory Forces

24 WS1: Long Term Marketing Objectives 5. Establish long-term marketing objectives a) Building your marketing plan

25 WS1- Step 3: Describe End State Goals To create value, includes focus on the future What is the ideal future Specific goals to measure attainment of that future Who are the stakeholders? Engage stakeholders Tools Mind mapping Communications Plan

26 WS2- Product Development Agenda

27 WS3: Facilitating Product Implementation

28 WS4: Customer Value

29 WS5: Alternatives

30 WS6: Implementation

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