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Follow-up Amazon & Unix Konrad Paszkiewicz. 9am – 10:30am Continue with Unix (and/or Perl tutorial) Open the text file containing your Amazon password.

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Presentation on theme: "Follow-up Amazon & Unix Konrad Paszkiewicz. 9am – 10:30am Continue with Unix (and/or Perl tutorial) Open the text file containing your Amazon password."— Presentation transcript:

1 Follow-up Amazon & Unix Konrad Paszkiewicz

2 9am – 10:30am Continue with Unix (and/or Perl tutorial) Open the text file containing your Amazon password from yesterday Go to Start your instance Remember that your public DNS address for the VM will have changed Short 10 min challenge at 10:15 before coffee

3 After Log-In

4 Start your instance

5 Copy the new Host DNS address

6 Start the NoMachine Program

7 Paste the DNS address

8 Quiz! Use files in: ~/tutorial_materials/Data/Arabidopsis Q1. How many sequences are listed in the file intron_IME_data.fasta ? Q2. How many proteins with names containing the word GTP are in the file At_proteins.fasta ? Q3. Print every entry on Chromosome 5 in At_genes.gff and sort them by column 3 Q4. How many types of feature are there in the At_genes.gff file ? (Hint: this is in Column 3 – how many CDS, exon, mRNA etc entries are there?)

9 Answers Q1. – grep "^>" intron_IME_data.fasta 59260 Q2. – grep –c "^>.*GTP" At_proteins.fasta 246 Q3. – grep Chr5 At_genes.gff | sort –k 3 Q4. - cut -f 3 At_genes.gff | sort | uniq -c

10 When to use Perl GFF file FASTA file

11 After coffee Jose and Dan QIIME You will be using a different AMI so please terminate your current instances

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